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Is It Possible To Stop Vaginal Discharge? Here’s Your Answer!

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Is It Possible To Stop Vaginal Discharge? Here’s Your Answer!

Can’t stand the icky, wet feeling down there? We hear you! Dealing with vaginal discharge, whether white, yellow or watery - can be a little difficult. At times it can be frustrating too and all this can leave you with the million-dollar question, “How can I stop white discharge?” But have you thought about whether it is really possible to stop vaginal discharge? Let’s find out!

Why Does Vaginal Discharge Occur?

Understanding the role of vaginal discharge in your vaginal well-being is quite important. So, before looking for solutions on “how to stop vaginal discharge?”, let’s understand this aspect. The vaginal discharge operates as a self-cleaning mechanism. Every day this fluid is secreted by the glands present in your cervix and vagina. Consider it as an automated function of your body. You cannot control it. This fluid flushes out bad bacteria and helps in keeping infections at bay.

Can You Stop Vaginal Discharge?

The short answer is no! As normal vaginal discharge is a natural bodily function, it isn’t possible to stop it entirely. There are a few ways mentioned to stop normal white discharge but none of them are medically approved. It’s only abnormal discharges that demand to be taken care of with a doctor’s assistance.

Can You Stop Vaginal Discharge

Is It Necessary To Stop Vaginal Discharge?

A healthy vaginal discharge is often odourless and white in colour. However, this vaginal discharge can differ in quantity and consistency throughout the month. Searching for ways on how to stop vaginal discharge depends on when it occurs. Here are some examples:


As your ovulation window approaches, your body is likely to produce egg-white-like discharge. As it is a healthy form of discharge, looking for options on how to stop white discharge in females naturally isn’t quite required.

Pregnancy/Birth Control Pills

Watery discharge during pregnancy or while on birth control pills is quite common. Usually, it isn’t a cause for concern. In case you have doubts, you can visit a doctor to understand how to stop watery discharge during pregnancy.


Discharge, which is smelly or looks yellow, is usually a sign of infection. Therefore, you must speak to a doctor. He can guide you on how to stop yellow or smelly discharge with the right set of treatments.

How To Stop White Discharge In Female Naturally?

Some suggest including foods like coriander seeds, fenugreek seeds, pomegranate, and rice starch in your diet to stop white discharge naturally. However, there isn’t enough scientific evidence that claims that these foods work to control vaginal discharge. Therefore, if you are concerned about your white discharge, you should visit a doctor.

How To Stop White Discharge In Female Naturally?

Ways To Manage Vaginal Discharge

We’ve learned that there isn’t a sure-shot way to stop the white discharge problem. Thus, instead of searching for ways “How can I stop white discharge?”, it’s best to find out how to manage it better. Here are some easy ways to keep yourself fresh without having to deal with the icky feeling of vaginal discharge.

1. Wear Cotton Panties

Wearing tight panties can trap moisture and disrupt the pH levels of your vagina. This can cause irritation and itchiness. Using panties of breathable materials like cotton can help you feel fresh down there.

2. Use Pantyliners

Pantyliners are the ultimate saviour from the wetness caused by vaginal discharge. Try out the ALWAYS Multiform Protect Pantyliners which are thinner than 1mm yet provide you with the ultimate protection. These liners have a secure-fit technology which keeps your pad in place. It is also mildly scented to keep you fresh throughout the day.

3. Skip On Scented Intimate Washes

No matter how enticing intimate washes might look, using them can disrupt your vaginal pH levels. Hence, it’s best to wash your vagina with normal water and a mild soap if you prefer.

4. Use Protection While Having Intercourse

Unprotected intercourse can sometimes lead to STIs, causing yellow or greenish discharge. To keep infections at bay, it's best to use protection.

When To See A Doctor

When To See A Doctor

Experiencing white vaginal discharge is quite common and normal. However, here are some instances where you must seek medical help:

  1. When your discharge has a weird smell, colour or texture
  2. Bleeding between periods or after intercourse
  3. Pain while urinating or during intercourse
  4. Sore or itchy vagina
  5. Pain in the pelvic or abdomen region

Normal vaginal discharge is a natural bodily function. You cannot stop it entirely. Only discharge which is unusual in colour or odour needs to be stopped. Thus, remember to keep an eye on the colour, odour and texture. Any unusual changes must be notified to your doctor. He can surely help you navigate how to stop excessive, watery or smelly discharge caused by infections. As for normal discharge, practise our above-given tips for managing discharge. Trust us, there won’t be another day when the wetness in your panties will bring you down!

Stay well prepared for your next period by tracking it on Always Period Calculator.


1. How can a woman stop or get rid of white discharge?

Women can’t stop or get rid of white discharge completely. However, here are some ways in which she can manage this discharge efficiently:
  • Using pantyliners
  • Using high-quality sanitary pads and tampons
  • Avoiding scented intimate hygiene products
  • Wearing soft cotton panties

2. How to stop the white discharge problem?

It’s quite normal to experience white vaginal discharge. Some suggest consuming foods like rice starch, ginger, ladyfinger, coriander seeds, basil etc to stop the white discharge. However, there isn’t any scientific backing to these ways of how to stop white discharge in a female naturally. Therefore, if you are concerned about your white discharge, you should visit a doctor.

3. How to stop yellow discharge?

Yellow discharge is often linked to bacterial or sexually transmitted infections. To stop yellow discharge, it's advised to visit a doctor. He can find the cause behind the discharge and prescribe you medications. While the treatment does its job, here are a few things you can do to prevent yellow discharge:

  • Avoid douching
  • Avoid scented products
  • Use protection while having intercourse
  • Avoid hot tubs

Please note the date of the last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.