What Pink Discharge During Pregnancy Means and When to Be Concerned
Caught sight of light pink discharge during pregnancy? Before you start worrying, here’s what you need to know. Along with copious amounts of joy, pregnancy brings in a lot of changes in your body. This includes your vagina too! You are likely to experience increased vaginal discharge which sometimes might change its colour to light pink or appear to be pinkish brown.
Pink or pinkish-brown discharge can occur in early pregnancy or later too. Understanding what causes you to experience pink discharge while being pregnant is essential. So, to help you out, we’ve found out the reasons behind pink discharge in pregnancy and when you need to visit a doctor. Read on to know more!
Causes Of Pink Discharge During Pregnancy

1. Implantation bleeding
You might notice light pink or pink-brown discharge in the early stages of your pregnancy. This is usually light bleeding or spotting which is known as implantation bleeding. It is a result of a fertilised egg attaching itself to the lining of the uterus. This type of bleeding occurs six to twelve days post-conception. Chances are that you would experience pinkish-brown discharge during pregnancy around the same time when your usual periods used to arrive before pregnancy. So, it can be easily mistaken for periods.
2. Cervical irritation
If you experience light pink discharge while being pregnant, particularly after a gynaecological exam or having intercourse, it is caused due to cervical irritation. Your cervix has an increased blood flow during pregnancy. Upon irritation, it bleeds and makes you experience light pink discharge during pregnancy. Remember that this type of pink discharge can occur at any stage of your pregnancy.
3. Ectopic Pregnancy
If you notice pinkish-brown discharge during pregnancy, there are few chances that it could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. In this condition, the fertilised egg implants and grows outside the uterus. Along with vaginal bleeding, one might experience sharp cramps or pain in the abdomen region, and low levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Ectopic pregnancy happens in rare cases; however, it can be life-threatening. Therefore, consulting a doctor and seeking medical help immediately is a must.
4. Infection
Another reason behind experiencing pink discharge in pregnancy is infection. It could be a sexually transmitted infection like chlamydia or gonorrhoea. At the same time, bacterial vaginosis, or yeast infection can also lead to pink discharge during pregnancy. The latter can be treated with antifungal medications whereas STIs can be cleared up with a set of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. And when it comes to taking care of your vaginal discharge, pantyliners are your best option. Try out the ALWAYS Multiform Protect Pantyliners which are designed with breathable materials that provide you with a comfortable fit. These liners are thinner than 1mm and have a secure-fit technology that ensures your liner stays in place. Lastly, they are mildly scented which keeps you fresh and makes you feel confident!

5. Miscarriage
A light pink discharge while being 6 weeks pregnant can be a sign of miscarriage. It is likely to be accompanied by other symptoms such as cramping, excessive bright red bleeding, watery discharge, and abdominal and lower back pain. If you suspect that you are going through a miscarriage, seek medical attention immediately.
6. Preterm labour
Noticing light pink spotting at 32 weeks pregnant is possibly an indication of preterm labour. One might experience dull aches, regular or frequent contractions, pressure on the pelvic region or your water breaking. In such a scenario, make sure to consult your doctor immediately.
7. Mucus plug
When your body prepares itself to get into labour, your cervix starts secreting mucus plug. This fluid sometimes when dislodged looks pinkish brown in colour. This makes you experience pinkish-brown discharge in pregnancy, particularly in the last trimester.
Apart from these causes, one might also notice pink discharge in pregnancy due to light vaginal tears caused during intercourse or after slightly strenuous exercising.
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When To See A Doctor?

Experiencing pink vaginal discharge during pregnancy isn’t very uncommon, especially in the first trimester. However, you should always seek medical attention as soon as there’s any bleeding, spotting or changes in your vaginal discharge. Make sure to note down any other symptoms that you might be experiencing at the moment. Keep a track of how much you’re bleeding and if there is any pain or discomfort that accompanies the bleeding. This information would help your doctor while evaluating your case
Pink discharge in early pregnancy or even later should be dealt with the right medical assistance. It’s the best way to avoid any kind of further complications in your pregnancy. While the doctors help you diagnose the reason behind your pink discharge, you can keep yourself protected by using pantyliners. Try the ALWAYS Extra Protect Pantyliners which are equipped with an added length to offer extra protection from vaginal discharge. Its odour-neutralising technology keeps you feeling fresh! Likewise, it's dermatologically tested and safe for the skin.
So, instead of worrying, get your supplies and keep following your doctor's advice. Soon, all of it is going to be worth it as your world will be lit up with lots of giggles and cuddles!
Questions like can I get pregnant before my period are common. Our article explains everything you need to know about fertility timing.
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