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Ovulation Pain: Here's Everything You Should Know!

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Ovulation Pain: Here’s Everything You Should Know!

Are you experiencing cramps in the middle of your cycle, while you are ovulating? Chances are your body is dealing with ovulation pain also known as 'mittelschmerz'. It is derived from the German words 'middle' and 'pain', which occurs 14 days before your next period. As ovulation is a crucial part of the reproductive system, the pain goes hand-in-hand, but only a few women experience the cramps.

It's only understandable that you might be a little tense with the discomfort caused. But there's no need to worry as cramping during ovulation in most cases is harmless. It's only the severe ovulation pain that needs to be examined closely. To help you further understand, here's a complete rundown on the signs of ovulation cramping, causes coupled with the right treatment for ovulation cramps.

What Is Ovulation Pain?

Ovulation pain occurs halfway through your menstrual cycle, which is 14-day before your next period. During ovulation pain, follicular cysts present in the ovary swell and rupture, thereby releasing the egg. This leads to ovulation cramps, causing discomfort which either feels like a pinch or sharp twinge. The pain usually lasts for a minute or so. Only in severe ovulation pain, this discomfort can last for hours. These cramps are usually accompanied by spotting or vaginal discharge. Always has got a range of panty liners devised with fast-absorption technology to keep you comfortable. Choose from mildly scented, breathable designs like the Always Multiform Panty Liners to Always Extra Protect which come with odour neutralising properties.

What Is Ovulation Pain?

Only in severe ovulation pain, this discomfort can last for hours

Where Does Ovulation Pain Occur?

Typically, you might experience ovulation cramps in the lower abdomen and pelvis region. Depending on which ovary releases the egg, you will experience pain on that particular side. For most women, their ovaries take turns ovulating which means each ovary alternately releases an egg every month. This means during ovulation, pain can occur in the middle or on either side of your lower abdomen. There are even some women who do not experience ovulation cramps at all.

Where Does Ovulation Pain Occur?

Typically, you might experience ovulation cramps in the lower abdomen and pelvis region

Causes Of Ovulation Pain

To date, there isn't a verified cause of ovulation pain. But there are certain factors noted that can trigger cramping during ovulation.

  • As the egg grows it stretches the ovary which thereby ruptures the follicle during the release
  • After rupturing, the egg travels to the uterus which contracts the fallopian tube
  • The fluid present in the follicle irritates the abdominal cavity
Causes Of Ovulation Pain

Signs Of Ovulation Pain

You might be wondering how one can tell the signs of ovulation cramping, right? Well, firstly ovulation cramps are quite different from menstrual cramps, which occur before and during the cycle.

Signs Of Ovulation Pain

Signs That Sets Ovulation Cramps Apart

  • Ovulation cramps are usually one-sided
  • Cramping during ovulation occurs suddenly
  • It's a sharp pain, twinge, or cramping rather than a dull ache.
  • Typically lasts for only a few minutes, but in serious cases may last a few hours or even up to 24 hours.
  • The pain appears in the middle of a cycle
  • The pain may switch sides in every cycle
Signs That Sets Ovulation Cramps Apart

How To Treat Ovulation Pain?

Usually, ovulation pain during your menstrual cycle doesn't last long. But if you wish to ease the discomfort, here's what you can do:

  • Take over-the-counter painkillers. Make sure to consult your doctor first before you take any medicines.
  • Place a heating pad on the affected area
  • Opt for a hot water bath to calm your body

In case you are dealing with severe ovulation pain, then you should consult with your doctor about taking birth control pills. These will help you prevent ovulation.

How To Treat Ovulation Pain?

Ovulation pain is quite normal. But on the other hand, mid-cycle cramping can be caused due to other reasons as well. The pain can be a sign of ovarian cysts, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease or appendicitis. Hence, it becomes prudent to keep a track of your cycle - where you feel the pain along with symptoms associated with it. This can help your doctor to diagnose any underlying condition better.


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