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Implantation Bleeding: Symptoms, Timing, and What You Can Expect

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Implantation Bleeding Symptoms, Timing, and What You Can Expect

Implantation bleeding, as the name suggests, is bleeding that occurs when a fertilised egg attaches or implants itself to the lining of your uterus. This typically happens about 10 to 14 days after conception and is often characterised by light spotting or a small amount of bleeding. Because implantation occurs when a fertilised egg is released, it means it happens around the time you are expecting your period. Hence, many mistake implantation bleeding for their normal menstrual bleeding.

The difference between implantation bleeding and normal period depends on how long does implantation bleeding lasts, which is around 24 to 48 hours and the bleeding is much lighter in comparison. In some cases, women don't experience implantation bleeding at all and in others, they don't notice it because the symptoms for implantation bleeding are quite similar to your normal menstrual cycle.

If this happens, and you mistake implantation bleeding for your menstrual cycle, then you won't have the correct date of your last period, which will lead to an incorrect calculation of your baby's due date.

When does implantation bleeding happen?

An embryo is formed after a sperm fertilises an egg. This embryo then travels to your uterus where it attaches itself to the lining. There are times when this attaching or implantation causes a little bleeding, known as implantation bleeding. This happens around the same time when you would expect your period, and is a completely natural occurrence, and nothing to be alarmed about.

When does implantation bleeding happen?

Implantation bleeding symptoms

Implantation bleeding is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, and here are a few symptoms to watch out for when you have it:

  • A lighter flow that doesn't last as long as your normal period
  • Pinkish or brownish hued blood
  • Cramps that are mild to non-existent
  • No blood clots or tissues in the blood as you'd see in a normal period.
Implantation bleeding symptoms

Implantation bleeding is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy

Treatment for implantation bleeding

There is no requirement of any special treatment for implantation bleeding. You may experience mild cramps, but none as severe as your usual menstrual cramps. The bleeding will stop on its own, in a couple of days at the most, and one must treat it as you would for a normal period by wearing a good quality sanitary pad. Try the Always Cotton Soft Pads to prevent leakage and stay comfortable. Its flexi channels ensure there is no discomfort of any sort when you go about your daily activities. It is flexible, it fits well and is designed with a soft cover to provide the best comfort and softness.

Treatment for implantation bleeding

There is no requirement of any special treatment for implantation bleeding

When to see a doctor?

While in most cases, implantation bleeding requires no medical attention whatsoever, you must be attentive. The first thing is to be able to recognise implantation bleeding, because that means you are pregnant. Here are certain signs that should alert you.

  1. Any kind of bleeding during pregnancy warrants a doctor's attention, so if you know you're pregnant and notice any bleeding or spotting, you must see a doctor, who will then run some tests to check if everything is fine.
  2. If the bleeding is accompanied by dizziness or tiredness, you should consult a doctor.
  3. Any vaginal bleeding that you experience outside of your menstrual cycle must be communicated to your doctor, especially if the bleeding is heavy or accompanied by cramping.
When to see a doctor?

Implantation bleeding is a natural occurrence and nothing to be worried about. In any case, it's always better to let your doctor or health care provider know about it, especially if you're pregnant. And meanwhile, you can rely on Always' range of sanitary pads for the best comfort and protection for your intimate hygiene needs.

Curious about the signs ovulation is over? Our guide offers clear insights to help you understand your cycle better.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.

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