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Is it normal to have a heavy period flow? Know when to seek help

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Is it normal to have a heavy period flow? Know when to seek help

During a period, a woman usually loses approximately 30ml to 40ml of blood.

Soaking through more sanitary pads or tampons than usual? Well, this change in flow can be concerning for many. It's because, during normal periods, a women sheds around 30ml to 40ml of blood. When the flow increases, this number can spike upto 80ml.

Apart from rushing to the washroom every now and then and worrying about leakages, heavy period flow could also be a sign of some underlying condition. But the question remains, how can one know if their heavy period is a cause for concern? Worry not, we've got you covered! Right from signs of heavy periods to ways to manage heavy period flow, we've decoded everything for you, even the best heavy pads for periods. So, sit back and relax. Read on to find out more!

Signs That You Need to Seek Medical Intervention

Signs That You Need to Seek Medical Intervention

The clinical term for unusually heavy or long periods is menorrhagia.

If you are experiencing any of the following signs, you need to seek medical help immediately. You may be experiencing irregular heavy bleeding.

  • You have to change your pad every two hours
  • You find blood clots the size of a small coin in your period discharge
  • You change pads in the middle of the night
  • You have to wear two pads to manage the flow

Even if you experience any one of these four signs, you should consult your doctor immediately. None of these is normal during a period.

The clinical term for unusually heavy or long periods is menorrhagia. This condition makes it difficult for women to go about their daily activities. It is important to address this condition and seek medical intervention as it may be a sign of more serious health conditions.
How Can You Manage Heavy Periods?

How Can You Manage Heavy Periods?

While you investigate the cause of the heavy period with your doctor, it may be prudent to improve your menstrual hygiene practices. For example, a good way to tackle heavy periods is to buy and use good quality and highly absorbent sanitary pads like the Always Maxi Thick Pads. These heavy flow pads have an extra absorbent core that soaks the blood faster and efficiently. Likewise, its unique anti-leakage barriers deliver maximum coverage while the top layer remains dry to provide comfort. Additionally, these heavy pads for periods have flexi wings that hold your pad in place and minimises the risk of leakage.

Heavy periods can easily disrupt your sound sleep time. Well, no more! Try out the ALWAYS Night Dreamzzz Pads which provides all round protection with its advanced absorbent core and deep channels. These heavy pads for periods have flexible wings. So, no matter how much you toss or turn in the bed, there’s no fear of leakage.

Additionally, you can also opt for ALWAYS Cotton Soft Maxi Thick Pads. These heavy pads for periods offer cushiony softness with a comfortable topsheet. It has an absorbent core that locks in your discharge to minimise the risk of leakage. This heavy pad for period also has flexible wings that holds your pad in place so your movement in never restricted.

For those who prefer using tampons for heavy flow, the Tampax Compak Super Plus tampons are an ideal pick for you. It comes equipped with innovative absorption channels that quickly lock in the liquid and hold it in for a longer period. It also has a protective skirt at the bottom of the tampon that eliminates the risk of leakage. Moreover, it comes with a smooth and compact applicator, making these tampons a go-to for beginners with heavy flow.

Once you've taken care of the protection aspect, here are some other things that you can do to ease your discomfort. You may also consult with your doctor for advice on specific things that you can do to improve your recuperation.

  1. Take iron supplements as your body loses a lot of blood through heavy periods
  2. Place ice packs on your abdomen for around 10 minutes to help ease the pain

Wondering why your period stops then starts again next day? Our guide explains common reasons for this cycle pattern and how to manage it.


Your menstrual cycle and periods are a monthly window to the overall health of your body. Subtle unusual signs and experiences that you may notice in your period could be indicators of potentially serious health issues. It is crucial to address these at the first sight and bring them to the notice of your doctor. While your doctor helps you out with the right treatment, make sure to manage your increased flow with heavy absorbency pads for periods. Keep a note of the flow and duration and stay well prepared for your next period by tracking it on Always Period Calculator.


1.What causes heavy periods?

Heavy periods are mostly caused due to the thickening of the uterus lining. When the body sheds this thick lining, the periods become heavy. The thickening of the lining is usually caused by hormonal imbalance in the body. Special menstrual products like Always Maxi Thick Pads are a great way to maintain comfort and hygeine during such times.

2.How can I stop heavy menstrual bleeding?

High absorption menstrual products like Always Maxi Thick Pads are indepensable when you are experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding for unusually long duration of time. It is also advisable to visit the doctor to seek the right medical treatment to address the heavy menstrual bleeding.

3.What do you mean by too heavy flow?

A period can be said to have a heavy flow when you are losing more blood than you would normally lose or when the period lasts for longer than seven days. If two or more pads are getting soaked through every hour for more than two hours in a row, it is generally classified as a heavy period.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.