Why Does My Period Stop & Start Again After A Week Or A Day?

You might think you know your menstrual cycle well by now. But suddenly you experience a period for one day which then stopped and started again? Or a period which occurred again after 1 week? All of which have landed you right here! First things first, if you’re wondering if it is possible to have such an inconsistent period, then the answer is yes.
There are multiple reasons associated with a period that starts and stops the same day or stops and starts the next day. Right from lifestyle factors, and hormonal imbalance to underlying health conditions, it could be anything. Thus, to help you understand why your period starts and stops and starts again, we’ve enlisted the causes of it in detail followed by when you should seek medical help. So, keep on reading to learn more!
Why Does My Period Stop And Start Again?
On average, a woman experiences a period for 2-7 days. During this period, she loses about two to three tablespoons of blood. This menstrual blood is a combination of blood and tissue from the endometrial lining of the uterus. It goes through the cervix and gets expelled through your vagina.
There are times when this menstrual tissue blocks the cervix and hinders your menstrual flow. All of which makes you question, “Why does my period stop and start again?” Apart from this, at times the endometrial lining doesn’t separate from the uterus at a steady pace. This is why you experience light or sometimes heavy periods for 2 days which then stop and start again. In such situations, stocking up on the best menstrual products like sanitary pads or tampons is the best idea. Try the ALWAYS Maxi Thick Pads which have unique anti-leakage barriers on all sides for maximum coverage. It comes with an extra absorbent core which quickly locks your menstrual discharge. Its high flexi wings allow you a worry-free movement by keeping your pad in place.

For tampon users, the ALWAYS TAMPAX Compak Tampons are a great pick. These have innovative absorption channels that quickly lock in the liquid and hold it in for a longer period of time. The protective skirt present at the bottom eliminates the risk of leakage. These tampons are made available in different sizes to suit your menstrual needs.

Causes Behind Why Your Period Starts And Stops Again
If you are wondering why are you getting your period again after 1 week of stopping, here are some potential causes behind it:
1. Hormonal Levels
“My period stopped then started again 4 days later,” if this is your complaint, your hormones are likely causing it all. In the initial days of your periods, your hormones namely estrogen and progesterone are quite low. This drop is an indication for your endometrium lining to shed. As your periods come to an end, estrogen levels start to rise. This surge thickens the menstrual tissue which thereby alerts and affects your menstrual flow. Sometimes, this imbalance between the hormones causes your periods to stop and start again.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is another condition that causes hormonal imbalance. It affects your cycle and makes you experience an inconsistent period. The exact cause behind this condition is yet to be known. However, few doctors suspect high levels of male hormones such as androgens and testosterone to be a reason behind it. In this condition, one might skip a period or experience a period that stops and starts again.
3. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a medical condition wherein the endometrium grows outside of the uterus. It brings irregularity in your cycle and sometimes causes spotting between periods. If you are wondering why my period stopped and then started again 2 days later with a light flow, endometriosis could be the reason. You can look for additional symptoms like pain while urinating or having intercourse, pain in the pelvic region, and painful bowel movements. If that’s the case, make sure to notify your doctor and take the necessary medical assistance to resolve this condition.
Apart from these, factors like stress, sudden weight fluctuations, poor nutrition, illness or excessive exercise can also fluctuate your menstrual cycle - leaving you with a period that starts again after 1 week or after a few days.

When To See A Doctor?
If as a parent you have a concern such as “My daughter started her period and then stopped,” then we understand your worry . The best way to put your mind at ease is to consult a doctor. If you or your daughter experiences any of the following scenarios, you must visit a doctor immediately:
- Heavy bleeding that seems unusual
- A period that lasts for more than 7 days
- Periods that stop and start again after 4 days or after a week
- Periods that stop for more than 3 months while you aren’t pregnant.
- Spotting between periods
- Periods that are less than 21 days apart or more than 35 days apart
- Severe pain, headache or nausea during period
- Lightheaded or dizziness during periods
- Unusual vaginal discharge
Experiencing periods that stop and start again might seem concerning. More than often it is linked to your hormonal levels. However, if you see yourself or your daughter saying, “My period stopped for a few hours and started again,” after every monthly cycle then it's best to visit a doctor. He or she is likely to run a few blood tests to examine your hormone levels. Once the cause is known, they will help you get back your normal menstrual cycle with the right medical assistance.
1. My period started and then stopped, am I pregnant?
It is unlikely for you to experience periods if you are pregnant. However, you could be pregnant and experience light bleeding or spotting around the same time as your periods. This is called implantation bleeding which occurs in early pregnancy. In such situations, seeking doctor’s advice is the best option as he will help you detect whether it's your monthly cycle or a good news!
2. Why was my period heavy for two days and then stopped?
Factors like stress, change in lifestyle or even taking birth control medications can affect your hormonal levels. This in turn causes heavy periods which last for two days and then stop. Bringing modifications to your lifestyle and speaking to your doctor can help you find the right solutions to this problem.
3. Is it normal to get your period again after a week?
No, it isn’t normal to get your period again after a week. It could be a sign of an underlying condition like PCOS, endometriosis or fibroids. Therefore, you must consult a doctor and find the cause immediately
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