Your Ultimate Guide to Managing Period Nausea

Some women feel extremely queasy before they get their periods, and it's normal, albeit extremely annoying and uncomfortable. Having nausea before period is a part of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and is often accompanied by cramps, headache and general fatigue. Most women are believed to experience at least one PMS symptom like nausea before their period. This is generally the period after ovulation and before you begin bleeding.

Although period nausea is common, it is also a symptom of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
While we are all aware of nausea before period, some women are also known to have nausea during menstruation, and even after menstruation. Although period nausea is common, it is also a symptom of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). This is an extreme variant of PMS, and some may also experience vomiting during their period.

What causes period nausea?
The hormonal changes that occur in your body before your period can trigger nausea, which is why it is a common PMS symptom. Additionally, over the course of your menstrual cycle, a chemical called prostaglandins is triggered. This chemical is mainly the reason for your headache and period nausea. There are instances where this feeling of nausea can also last during and after your period. Additionally, it is also possible that the painful cramps you experience can also make you feel nauseous.

Tips to relieve period nausea
There is hardly any condition or feeling that is as disorienting, draining, and torturous as period nausea. Those who have it or have experienced it already will chant Amen to the statement. While there isn't much you can do to stop nausea before or during your period, below is a list of things you can do to minimise and ease period nausea.

Drink plenty of fluids, it could be water or aerated drinks
2. Ginger is historically known for its ability to ease and combat nausea. Foods and drinks with ginger can greatly help in easing nausea.
3. Get some fresh air by going out for a walk or jog.
5. Prefer simple and bland snacks such as crackers and dry toast as it may be easy to digest than any heavy or greasy foods.
6. Having small meals instead of heavier ones will help stabilise blood sugar levels which is key to easing nausea.
We have established that period nausea is inevitable if you are prone to it, and there's nothing much you can do to stop it. And yes, we have listed some of the things that you can do to ease period nausea, however, you can also reduce the chances of its occurrence by maintaining a meal diary. When you list down all the things that you eat over a period of time, you may be able to identify the foods that trigger period nausea and avoid them.
And when you have nausea before you get your periods, you know menstruation is near. Stacking up on your favourite Always sanitary pads is a good way to prepare. The Always Maxi Thick Pads are great for the start of your period when the flow is at its peak. It is designed with an innovative extra-absorbent core to soak up discharge quickly. Additionally, the flexi pillow and dry top sheet means you stay dry, comfortable and fresh at all times.

When to seek medical help
Nausea before your period is a normal thing and it should not be a reason for major discomfort. However, if you feel that your period nausea is too intense and lasts for too long a time that it makes going about your daily routine difficult then we recommend visiting your doctor. Additionally, if your nausea is accompanied by blood-spotted vomiting during period or after it, then you need medical intervention.
Read more about period symptoms, causes of irregular periods and what causes period pains.
Keep a track of your ovulation period with Always Ovulation Calendar and Period Calculator.
1. How many days before your period do you feel nausea?
Many women experience PMS symptoms like nausea before period. You can expect to feel nauseous around 7 to 10 days before your period. If it is accompanied by other symptoms like vomiting, weight loss and dizziness, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
2. Why do I feel nausea during period?
Feeling nauseous during your period is mainly due to postaglandins or as an inflammatory response to pathogens. Feeling nauseous on its own is not usually something to be concerned about but if it is accompanied by other symtoms like diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, etc. you should consult with a doctor.
3. What are some of the common period nausea remedies?
Some of the most common period nausea remedies include consuming ginger tea, peppermint tea or fennel. You can also try acupressure and controlled breathing. Do consult the doctor before trying any home remedy.
Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.