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Why You Get a Headache During Your Period

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Why You Get a Headache During Your Period

Many women experience headaches during their period, and these can range from mild to severe, making it difficult to carry out your daily chores. Period headaches may also be accompanied by other symptoms such irritability, which is a common PMS symptom. In this article, we will try to understand period headaches, its causes and the best ways to combat it.

Why do you get headaches during period?

Why do you get headaches during period?

Headaches during your period are largely due to hormone imbalances.

Headaches during your period are largely due to hormone imbalances. The days before and during your period, the hormones estrogen and progesterone in your body fluctuate, and its varying levels affect the severity of period headaches.

Period headaches stem from either PMS or menstrual migraine

Menstrual migraine

Menstrual migraine

Fluctuating hormones is the root cause of menstrual migraines and is on the more severe end of the spectrum. A woman may experience menstrual migraine before, during or even after her period. You may feel a throbbing pain travelling from one side of your forehead to the other.

Some of the other symptoms of menstrual migraines are:

  • sensitivity to bright lights
  • sensitivity to noise
  • nausea
  • vomiting


Most women experience some or the other PMS symptom before they get their periods.

Most women experience some or the other PMS symptom before they get their periods. And period headaches due to PMS is a common condition. The headache, also known as hormonal headache, is known to be generally mild. Other symptoms of PMS include:

  • fluid retention
  • food cravings
  • clumsiness
  • joint and muscle aches
  • irritability
  • anxiety or tension
  • mood swings
  • depression
  • tender, swollen breasts
Period headaches remedies and treatment

Period headaches remedies and treatment

Depending on how severe the headache is, one may resort to any of the following methods of treatment.

For severe period headaches, one can rely on over-the counter painkillers. They are effective and quick. Consult your doctor before opting for such medications.

1. Increasing intake of caffeine is an effective hormonal or period headache remedy. You can either drink caffeinated tea or coffee or eat chocolates. However, be careful with caffeine consumption as it is addictive. Excessive intake could cause complications.

2. Hormonal birth control pills are said to help stabilise hormone levels, thus minimising chances of getting period headaches.

3. Diuretics are a good option too as they help in increasing the amount of water and salt being flushed out of your body. It's a good idea to consult your doctor before proceeding with this option.

Home remedies for period headache

Home remedies for period headache

Cold compress

Cold compress

Wrap an ice pack around a clan cloth and gently press it to your forehead every 10 minutes. It helps in reducing pain and inflammation.

Yoga and other relaxing exercises

Yoga and other relaxing exercises

Allow yourself and your muscles to relax with meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises. These can help in reducing tension and improve the symptoms of period headache.

Get enough sleep

Get enough sleep

Not getting sufficient rest and sleep can aggravate an existing headache. Try to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep at night.

Adopt lifestyle changes

Adopt lifestyle changes

Following a healthy lifestyle can do you a whale of good, and help alleviate PMS symptoms, including period headache. Eat healthy food, exercise daily and stay positive.

Always be prepared for your periods

Always be prepared for your periods

When you're on your periods, and you have to deal with period headaches, back ache and other such symptoms, the last thing you should be worrying about is protection. Which is why Always is the best and safest way to ensure you have the ultimate and most comfortable protection. Stay prepared for your period days with Always sanitary pads or tampons.

Get feathery softness and ultimate protection with ALWAYS Cotton Soft Pads. The pads are flexible and well-fitted with a comfortable top sheet that offers cushiony soft comfort. An added feature of flexi wings means your pad stays in place while you carry out your daily activities.

You can also choose to go with ALWAYS Tampax Compak tampons. It is designed to have a built-in protective skirt that hold menstrual discharge and helps prevent leakage for up to 8 hours. It also comes with a smooth, compact applicator for utmost discretion.

Wondering why your period stops then starts again next day? Our guide explains common reasons for this cycle pattern and how to manage it.

When to see a doctor

When to see a doctor

You know your body the best and the threshold for how much pain is bearable. If you feel the severity of your period headaches is getting unmanageable or is frequent, it's best to check in with your doctor.

The below symptoms should also be on your radar:

  • difficulty in speaking
  • seizures
  • double vision
  • feeling of numbness
  • mental confusion

Your doctor may prescribe medication or ask you to get hormone therapy, depending on your condition. Many women experience period headaches, and while some are mild and manageable in most cases, some get the wrong end of the stick. Don't be disheartened, you can find relief for your pain with the right treatment. Reach out for help and discuss your options with your doctor.

Read more about period symptoms, causes of irregular periods and what causes period pains.


How can I stop period headaches?

Opting for over-the-counter painkillers is an effective and quick way of stopping period headaches. You can also consult your doctor and try hormonal birth control pills as they help stabilise hormone levels, thus minimising chances of getting period headaches.

What are the symptoms of a period headache?

Some common period headache symptoms include sensitivity to bright lights, nausea, and a throbbing pain from one side of the head to the other, among others.

How do you get rid of menstrual headaches naturally?

Some natural home remedies for period headaches include using a cold compress to reduce inflammation and pain, yoga or other relaxing exercises and getting sufficient sleep.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.