Add These 5 Foods to Your Daughter's Diet for Her Timely Periods

Are you worried about the irregularity of your pubescent daughter's menstrual cycle? It is only understandable that you are tensed and want to ensure she has a regular and healthy period every month. The first step is to ensure that your daughter is prepared for her periods by stocking up on Always sanitary pads. The Always Ultra Thin Pads are a good option to suit your teen's active lifestyle. In addition, maintaining a nutritious diet is key to having a healthy menstrual cycle.
If your daughter has just begun menstruating, it is highly likely that she will have an irregular menstrual cycle, which is fine. But if you want your daughter to have a healthy period and a regular menstrual cycle, consider adding the below foods into her diet:


Ginger is believed to cause uterine contractions that kick-start the menstrual cycle.
While we all know of ginger's multiple benefits when it comes to providing relief from cold and sore throat, it is also an age-old remedy to regularize your periods. Ginger is believed to cause uterine contractions that kick-start the menstrual cycle.

The fruit is rich in the antioxidant carotene, which regulates the estrogen levels in the body. And well-balanced levels of this hormone mean you can expect your daughter to have her menses more regularly in time.

A rich source of bromelain, pineapples are said to help regulate menses. This is because bromelain is said to affect estrogen levels in the body, along with other hormones. Apart from menstrual cycle regulation, pineapples are also known to stimulate the generation of red and white blood cells, thus improving blood circulation.

Apart from being an excellent garnish, this herb is also known to improve blood flow in the pelvic region. This means better circulation and increased chances of having a regular period.

Carom seeds

It is important to note that consuming these foods won't work overnight and will take some time.
This particular spice helps stimulate uterine contractions. Moreover, it has muscle relaxing properties, which can help in alleviating period cramps too.
It is important to note that consuming these foods won't work overnight and will take some time. Encourage your teen to lead a healthy lifestyle with well-balanced outdoor activities and some time for relaxation.
Teach your daughter to be well prepared for her next period by tracking it on Always Menstrual Cycle Calculator.
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