How To Induce Periods Faster?

Are your special holiday plans coming up? Or is your period running late which is making you worry? Either way, you would want your body clock to sync with your plans, right? Just like these scenarios, there are few more situations where women may try to induce periods through different methods. At first you might wonder, is it even possible to include periods all by yourself? Reality speaks that there isn't a sure short way to make your period come. However, there are a few ways that are said to trigger certain changes in your body, causing you to menstruate. So, let's have a look at how to induce periods and how to know when your period is coming.

How To Make Periods Come Faster?
Here are a few ways that can help you induce periods to a certain extent. Bear in mind that these are not guaranteed methods, which means you cannot be sure that you will get periods immediately after this. However, they are safe home remedies that can be worth a try.

If you are wondering how to get periods easily then practising relaxation techniques to lower your stress level can prove to be beneficial. Heightened stress levels tend to produce hormones like cortisol or adrenaline. These hormones hinder the production of estrogen and progesterone, which play a crucial role in maintaining a regular menstrual cycle. So, try finding the a work-life balance, engage yourself in things that make you happy and lastly, try meditation to relax your mind and body.

Vitamin C
It's believed that vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, increases estrogen levels and decreases progesterone levels. This, in turn, triggers contractions in the uterus, making it shed its lining and thereby inducing periods. If you are going to take vitamin C supplements, make sure you take them in moderation as recommended by your doctor.

Birth Control Pills
Birth control pills contain hormones like estrogen and progesterone which tend to induce your periods faster. If you are planning to try this method which guides you on how to make your periods come, then make sure to consult with a doctor first.


A moderate level of exercise can help you loosen up your muscles and induce your periods.
A moderate level of exercise can help you loosen up your muscles and induce your periods. Though there isn't enough scientific evidence that claims this method to be fully effective, you can give it a shot as it can help you stay physically fit. Practicing yoga can also help you stay mentally relaxed.

Pineapple is a fruit that contains plenty of bromelain, an enzyme that is believed to have an effect on your hormones. It is said to help in reducing inflammation and inducing periods. However, there isn't enough scientific backing to this method yet.

Having intercourse and orgasms is another way to make your periods come faster. During intercourse, your body produces hormones and when your body achieves orgasm, it tends to dilate the cervix. All of which creates a vacuum for the period blood to be pulled down and enables the uterus to shed its lining.
If you are wondering how to know when your period is coming after trying out these methods then symptoms like bloating, constipation or cramps can be your sign. Once you spot these signs, it's an indicator to keep your favourite sanitary pads or tampons handy handy.

What Is A Normal Period Cycle?

Typically, a period cycle varies from woman to woman.
Typically, a period cycle varies from woman to woman. But on average a normal period cycle is considered to be one that lasts for anywhere between 21 to 35 days. The average number is 28 days. In case you get your periods before 21 days of your previous cycle or later than 35 days then it's considered an irregular period.

When To See A Doctor
Keep in mind that irregular or missed menstrual cycles could be a sign of some underlying condition. Thus, it's always best to seek medical attention. Here are a few conditions under which you must consult a doctor immediately:
1. You miss three periods back to back
2. You think you are pregnant
3. You experience spotting between two periods
4. You bleed after intercourse
5. You notice a much heavier flow than usual
Tips To Be Prepared For Your Periods

Gather Your Supplies
Once you have tried methods of inducing periods and start getting cramps, it's your sign to prepare your period care kit. You can try the ALWAYS Platinum Ultra Thin Pads which are designed with a soft non-woven topsheet that delivers comfort and protection. On the other hand, its neutralising technology locks odour and the gel-based extra absorbent core absorbs the menstrual discharge quickly. Likewise, the ALWAYS TAMPAX Cardboard Tampons come quite handy as they have a protective skirt that minimises leakage. Further, its anti-slip applicator allows smooth and easy insertion.

Track Your Cycle
To understand when your next period is due or to know how irregular your periods are, tracking them can be a great option. Try out the ALWAYS period calculator which tracks your cycle and keeps you prepared ahead of time.
The Bottom line
The only reliable path to know how to start your period is by using birth control pills. But make sure to consult with a doctor before you take them to induce periods. Besides this, a good diet, regular moderate exercise and a relaxed mind might make your periods come faster. In the end, consulting with the doctor and discussing ways to start a period is highly recommended.
Read more about period symptoms and what causes period pains.
1. How to induce periods?
Birth control pills are one of the long-term solutions in case you have irregular periods and want to induce period. Make sure to consult your doctor before you opt for this method.
2. How to get periods overnight?
There isn't a sure short way to get periods overnight. But there are a few thing that may help you trigger your hormones such as:
- Vitamin C supplements
- Pineapple
- Cinnamon tea
3. How to make your period come faster?
There isn't a sure-shot way to make your period come faster. However, there are a few ways that might help you induce periods. They are as follows:
- Vitamin C - It increases oestrogen levels in the body which triggers your uterus to shed its lining. You can take supplements or include vitamin C rich-foods like citrus fruits, kiwi, bell peppers, cruciferous vegetables etc.
- Birth Control Pills - These are hormonal pills that balance out the hormones and induce periods. Consult with your doctor for the right prescription.
- Exercise - Working out can loosen up your muscles and can make your periods come faster.
- Pineapple - The enzymes present in this fruit reduces inflammation and induces periods.
- Intercourse - During intercourse, when your body achieves orgasm, it helps in dilating the cervix. This provides a vacuum for your period blood to come out.
The above-given way does not have any scientific backing to them. Thus, it is best to visit a doctor and seek medical advice on how to make your periods come faster.
4. What are some quick ways to induce periods?
From an upcoming trip to the beach or a poolside party, there could be many reasons why you’d want to know what helps your period come faster. Here are a few ways that can make your period come faster:
- Birth control pills
- Practicing yoga
- Having intercourse
- Warm compress or bath
- Some relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing.
Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.