PCOS Treatment and Home Remedies
PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a complex hormonal condition affecting women. Women who have this disorder develop small cysts in their ovaries. These multiple ovarian cysts lead to excessive hormone production particularly androgen, which leads to hormonal imbalances.
The symptoms tend to vary from person to person. Some might not even suspect that their symptoms could be linked to PCOS. While others have severe symptoms such as cysts and excessive weight gain. Here are some of the most common symptoms of PCOS:
- Irregular periods
- Acne
- Ovarian cysts
- Hair growth on the face, chest, or other parts of the body
- Thinning hair
- Weight gain
- Infertility
PCOS treatment and cure
If you’re looking for treatment for PCOS , certain lifestyle changes and dietary supplements may help in managing these factors and easing your PCOS symptoms. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to the treatment. You should always talk with your doctor before you try any alternative treatment. They can discuss possible dosage, side effects, and interactions.
Treatment for PCOS includes a combination of lifestyle changes and medications. Below are some lifestyle changes and home remedies for PCOS. A major part of lifestyle changes includes dietary changes to treat PCOS.

Dietary changes:
A healthy and nutritious diet can help regulate your hormones and your menstrual cycle. Here are some key changes that can help:
Major contributors to inflammation and insulin resistance are processed, heavily preserved foods. Instead, opt for whole foods that are free from artificial sugars, hormones, and preservatives. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are good starters for your diet.
Creating a healthy balance between your carbohydrate and protein intake is crucial as both affect your energy and hormone levels. Try consuming enough healthy protein instead of lowering the carbs in your diet.
Increasing the iron intake can help as some women with PCOS experience heavy bleeding during their period, often leading to anemia. Consult your doctor, who may recommend adding iron-rich foods such as spinach, eggs, and broccoli to your diet.
Limit your intake of caffeine in any form as it impacts your estrogen levels and hormone behaviour. Instead try other energy-boosting alternatives such as herbal tea.
Try probiotics as they not only aid digestion but also help reduce inflammation. You could try consuming probiotic foods such as kimchi and kombucha.

Other lifestyle changes:
One of the first things that your doctor will ask of you is to maintain a healthy weight. This helps in decreasing insulin resistance, and helps manage other conditions associated with PCOS.
Exercising is key in maintaining a healthy weight. But it is important to strike a balance with it as too much exercise can disrupt your hormone levels. Discuss with your doctor about the right kind of exercise for you. For instance, gentle, low-impact exercises like yoga or Pilates can be practiced for longer durations. You can also opt for swimming and do some light aerobics to help improve symptoms of PCOS.
Get enough sleep. It is important to practice good sleep hygiene as it affects your stress levels and helps regulate your hormones. Try to get around eight to 10 hours of undisturbed sleep and establish a regular bedtime routine.
Keep your body and mind stress-free. Simple practices such as yoga, getting sufficient sleep, and restricting caffeine can help in lowering stress levels. You may consider taking walks out in the open, and creating some space for relaxation and self-care, to reduce stress.
Most women with PCOS experience irregular period and/or heavy bleeding. It is important that you carry your preferred Always sanitary pads with you so that you are ready whenever the need arises. Try the ALWAYS Maxi Thick Pads which offer supreme protection and support. They are designed with an innovative extra-absorbent core, so that you can be rest assured that you will be protected for hours at a stretch. The comfortable flexi pillow and dry top sheet offer extra comfort so that you always stay fresh, clean, and lively. If pads are not your thing, you can also try tampons. Try the ALWAYS Tampax Cardboard tampons which come with an anti-slip applicator for smooth and easy insertion. Its innovative absorbent core keeps the discharge locked in for worry-free movement.

PCOS medication
If you’re open to resorting to medication for treatment for PCOS, talk to your doctor about what kind of medication would suit you the best. A combination of birth control is a common medication that women with PCOS are prescribed. These contain estrogen and progestin that reduce the production of androgen and hence regulate oestrogen. It also helps in treating excess hair growth and acne. Each person and their symptoms vary; hence it is important to chart a treatment plan with your doctor considering all factors.
PCOS fertility treatment
Women with PCOS have difficulty in conceiving. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant naturally and not finding success, you may talk to your doctor about other alternatives. Some procedures that are part of fertility treatment for PCOS include:
1. Surgery:
Ovarian drilling is a procedure that may help your ovaries work better when ovulation medications fail. The process involves the doctor making a small incision in your belly and poking your ovary using a tool called a laparoscope with a needle to wreck a small part of it. This procedure affects your hormone levels and may make it easier for you to ovulate.
2. In vitro fertilization (IVF):
A common and popular procedure, it involves your egg being fertilised outside of your body and then placed back inside your uterus. It is one of the best ways for women with PCOS to get pregnant when all other methods and treatments have failed. However, it can get expensive.
PCOS is a complicated condition. However, there are a number of conventional and alternative treatments for PCOS that can help you manage the symptoms.
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