How to Instantly Boost Your Mood While on Your Period
When you're on your periods, the first 2-3 days are the worst.
The painful cramps, discomfort and body ache take turns to play their part in making you want to curl up in bed all day with a hot cup of tea. Although our bodies need rest during this period, it is also important to not fall into a lull and become lethargic.
If you're wondering what you can do to boost your mood, look no further. We've compiled a list of things that can instantly perk up your mood.
Here's what you can do to pick yourself up and not let the periods bog you down:
A Warm Bath
Nothing feels better than soaking up in a warm bubble bath replete with soothing bath salts and aromas. A quick tip: You can also play your favourite music while taking a warm bath to relax and calm your nerves and senses.

Indulge Yourself
We understand that cravings can hit a new high when you're on your period, but there's no harm in indulging yourself occasionally, right? If chocolate is your kryptonite, you can treat yourself to a bar of good dark chocolate or a slice of chocolate truffle pastry.

Eat Healthy Fats
If you're someone who craves munchies while menstruating, why not indulge in foods that are rich in healthy fats? Foods such as fish, nuts, avocado and eggs are a good alternative to junk food, which can only aggravate the situation.

Foods such as fish, nuts, avocado and eggs are a good alternative to junk food.
Take Long Naps
You must have noticed your mum telling you to take naps more often when you are on your period. That's because it's a tried and tested remedy. Naps give you the much-needed rest throughout the day, and you will notice how your cramps seem to decrease after a sound sleep.

Increase the Intake of Magnesium
It's a lesser-known fact, but magnesium helps relax your fatigued muscles and provides a boost of energy. Include magnesium-rich foods such as bananas, nuts, spinach, etc., in your diet, especially when you know you will get your periods soon.

Drink lots of water
Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. It will help flush out toxins and keep you feeling fresh and hydrated.

Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
Work out a little
This may sound tiresome but working out a little can help you feel better. It need not be an intense workout session, even a simple walk outside can work wonders to uplift your mood.
And while you're at it, let's also ensure that you have the best protection. To comfortably get through your periods, you can use the Always 2 in 1 Feather Soft Pads* - they provide the comfiest feather soft top sheet, are flexible, and allow ease of movement.
* This product does not contain feather and no birds were harmed in the making of this product.

Now with Always Period calculator, calculate your next period and track your ovulation day.
Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.