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Fishy Vaginal Odour: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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Fishy Vaginal Odour: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

It is normal for a healthy vagina to have a small amount of smell. A normal vaginal smell can vary as it is different for each woman. However, aren't there times when you wonder why your vagina smells like fish? If that's true and you notice a foul or fishy vaginal smell, it can be a sign of a possible infection. The reason for smelly vaginal discharge could be due to a bacterial infection, sweating or possibly your genetics too. If it's an infection, then you could have other accompanying symptoms such as itching, redness or unusual discharge.

Symptoms to watch out for along with fishy vaginal smell

Some of the other symptoms to watch out for along with fishy vaginal smell are as follows:

Fishy Vaginal Odour: Causes & How to get rid of it?

Urine that has fishy odour

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is, most likely, the reason for fishy smelling urine. The urine may contain some of the bacteria from the infection, causing it to smell fishy.

Fishy Vaginal Odour: Causes & How to get rid of it?

Unusual discharge

If you notice smelly vaginal discharge that is grayish, greenish, or yellowish, then it could be a sign of an infection. Also, white discharge that is similar to the consistency of cottage cheese is another symptom. Read more about yellow vaginal discharge.

Fishy Vaginal Odour: Causes & How to get rid of it

Itching or burning sensation

If you constantly feel itchy down there or have a burning sensation when you urinate or while having an intercourse, then these are symptoms of infection.

Itching or burning sensation

Causes of fishy vaginal smell

There are many reasons why you could be experiencing a fishy vaginal smell - from a possible bacterial infection to plain genetics. Here are some common ones.

Causes of fishy vaginal smell


It is a condition that causes inflammation of the vagina. Its most likely causes are a bacterial or yeast infection. Although, it can also be caused due to sexually transmited infections (STIs).


Bacterial vaginosis

When the balance of bacteria in the vagina gets disrupted and causes an overgrowth or flushing out of healthy bacteria, the condition is known as bacterial vaginosis. Factors such as douching, having multiple sexual partners, hormonal imbalances or pregnancy among others are some of the causes for this condition.

Bacterial vaginosis


This is common STI that causes a fishy vaginal smell. The condition is a result of a parasitic infection that is spread via sexual contact.


Period blood

Menstrual blood can cause different types of odours, and sometimes it can even be a little fishy, especially towards the end of your period.

Period blood

Forgotten tampon

If you've accidentally forgotten there's a tampon inside your vagina, it could be responsible for fishy odour. Understand the steps about how to use a tampon and remember them every time you use one.

Forgotten tampon image


Any kind of activity that causes you to sweat in your vaginal area will cause some odour. For some women, it can have a fishy vaginal smell. In any case, it's better to check with your doctor.

Sweat image

Urinary Tract Infection

A UTI can cause smelly vaginal discharge as well as fishy urine. It is often accompanied by a burning sensation when you urinate. It can also cause itching and redness.

Urinary Tract Infection image

How to get rid of fishy vaginal smell?

The first step when you notice a fishy smelling discharge, is to get it checked for any infection. Once you know the cause of it, you can get the required treatment from your gynaecologist in the form of antibiotics or antifungal ointments to be applied on the vagina.

How to get rid of fishy vaginal smell?

The treatment may take time depending on how severe the condition is.

Home remedies for fishy odour in vagina

Here are a few home remedies that will help you manage fishy vaginal smell. Do consult your doctor before proceeding with these remedies.

1. A warm bath soak with some vinegar may be useful. In a tub of warm water, just add a cup or two of apple cider vinegar and soak for 20 minutes. The vinegar may help to naturally reduce the bacteria.

2. You can also do a sitz bath with some guava leaves infused water. For this, take a litre of water and let it boil. Turn of the heat and add approximately 30gm guava leaves, let it infuse for three to five minutes. Once cool, sit in this infusion and clean your genitals.

In order to prevent or manage vaginal odour in the long run, following a healthy diet and good intimate hygiene is essential. The below tips will help you keep the fishy vaginal smell at bay.

1. Avoid using products that have a strong fragrance. You may think that the fragrance will help mask the fishy odour, but you are just irritating your already irritated vagina with the chemicals. Instead, simply use warm water and a very mild soap to wash the outer area of your vagina, and dry it gently.

2. If you feel the fishy smell is due to excessive vaginal discharge or end of period blood, you can manage it using panty liners. These are discrete and work well to absorb vaginal discharge. Try the ALWAYS Daily Liners Extra Protect Panty liners that come with extra protection that lasts up to 12 hours. It is formulated with an absorbing zone and odour neutralising technology that keeps odour at bay. These liners are reliable as they offer extra coverage and absorb fast, thereby giving you the perfect protection from vaginal discharge.

3. Certain foods such as asparagus, broccoli, garlic, onions, and certain types of fish are known to cause a smelly odour. You could try avoiding these foods or eating them in moderation.

4. Check your cleaning routine. If sweat is the reason for the fishy vaginal smell, then ensure you are cleaning appropriately after a workout. Talk to your gynaecologist about the best way to clean your vagina.

5. Wear cotton undergarments that are light and breathable. Also avoid wearing tight clothes that restrict breathing space and create opportunity for you to sweat which then accumulates around your vaginal area.

Home remedies for fishy odour in vagina

When to see a doctor?

If you notice any of the below symptoms along with fishy vaginal smell, you must see a doctor immediately.

  • Sensation of itching and/or burning
  • Experience pain while urinating
  • Redness or irritation
  • Experience pain during or after having an intercourse
  • Unusual looking discharge that's grey, white, or yellow-green in color
  • Foul-smelling discharge.

Your vagina will have different smells over the course of your menstrual cycle. If the fishy vaginal smell is due to sweating or just period blood, it isn't a cause for concern. Follow the above-mentioned basic hygiene steps and you're good to go. However, if you notice other accompanying signs then it's always best to see your doctor.
Read more about green vaginal discharge.
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