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Vaginal Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms, and Discharge Explained

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Vaginal Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms, and Discharge Explained

Experiencing vaginal discharge is quite normal or rather a sign of a healthy vagina

Experiencing vaginal discharge is quite normal or rather a sign of a healthy vagina. But sometimes, this vaginal discharge is accompanied by an overgrown amount of yeast. This leads to an infection that can be uncomfortable and irritating to your body. If you're experiencing thick, cottage cheese-like discharge, there are chances, you might be dealing with an episode of yeast infection. However, there's nothing to worry about as it can be cured with the right medical intervention.

Keep reading to know what are the discharge signs and symptoms of yeast infection, what causes yeast infection with cottage cheese-like discharge

What Is Vaginal Discharge With Yeast Infection

What Is Vaginal Discharge With Yeast Infection

What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Vaginal yeast infection is caused when the Candida, a fungus (yeast) that already resides in your vagina, begins to multiply and disrupts your vaginal balance.

Here are a few changes2 that can cause the imbalance of yeast production in your vagina:

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What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infection?
  • 1. Changes in your hormone levels

Your hormones can also trigger the growth of the yeast present in your vagina. Thus, you might notice cottage cheese-like white discharge before or after your menstrual cycle or even during your pregnancy sometimes. It's because, during these times, your hormones are constantly fluctuating.

Changes in your hormone levels

Your hormones can also trigger the growth of the yeast present in your vagina

  • 2. Antibiotics

If you are taking antibiotics to treat a condition like urinary tract infection (UTI), chances are it can kill the healthy bacteria. This bacteria which was responsible to keep your yeast in control is now disrupted - causing infections.

  • 3. Diabetes

In diabetes, your urine has a surplus amount of sugar in it which impacts the balance of your vagina, causing infection.

  • 4. Weak immune system

Women with a weak immune system are more prone to developing a yeast infection.

Weak immune system
  • 5. A reaction to another person's genital chemistry

Sometimes, sexual contact can also lead to yeast infections as you can have a bad reaction to another person's genital yeast or bacteria.

A reaction to another person's genital chemistry

Yeast Infection Symptoms

One of the most common symptoms of yeast infection3 is a thick, white discharge that often looks like cottage cheese. This type of discharge is quite unusual and smells a little different than the normal discharge. In such cases, it's best to keep panty liners handy. Try out Always Comfort Protect Daily Liners which have odour neutralising technology or Always Extra Protect Daily Liners that offer fast absorption and freshness with ease.

Here are some more signs of yeast infection accompanied by vaginal white discharge:

  • Intense itching and irritation in and around the vagina and vulva region
  • A burning sensation, particularly when you pee
  • Experiencing vaginal pain during intercourse
  • Redness and swelling of the vulva
  • Vaginal rash

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Yeast Infection Symptoms

How To Treat Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Yeast infections can be treated easily with antifungal, over-the-counter medications4. But it's essential for you to know what type of yeast infection you are dealing with and consulting your doctor is the best choice. He will prescribe you the right topical creams or oral medications.

How To Treat Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Ways To Prevent Yeast Infection

For some women, it may not be possible to completely prevent yeast infection. But, you surely can make certain changes in your daily life to avoid the odds.

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Here are a few things that can help you reduce the risk of vaginal yeast infection:

Ways To Prevent Yeast Infection
  • Choose the right underwear

Wear cotton underwear which are soft, gentle and most importantly breathable. Avoid anything which is too tight on your skin.

Choose the right underwear
  • Keep scents away

You need to avoid using highly scented feminine hygiene products as they can disrupt your vaginal balance.

Keep scents away
  • Take antibiotics only when needed

Don't keep taking antibiotics unnecessarily, for example to fight cold.

Take antibiotics only when needed
  • Change into dry clothes

Be it after a workout or a swim, make sure to change into dry clothes to avoid any kind of infections.

Change into dry clothes
  • Change your sanitary products frequently

When you are on your periods, make sure to often change your pads, tampons or panty liners. This can help you avoid any kind of irritation or infections in the long run.

Change your sanitary products frequently


Discharge with a yeast infection is a common condition experienced by women. But you shouldn't ignore it. Rather as soon as you notice any symptoms of yeast infections, you should treat it with. antifungal medication as prescribed by your doctor. In case you complete your treatment and the symptoms still continue, then you should visit your doctor for further medical attention.


Interested in knowing more? Learn everything about brown discharge during periods.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.

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