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Understanding Brown Discharge Before a Period: Causes, Treatments, and What to Expect

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Understanding Brown Discharge Before a Period: Causes, Treatments, and What to Expect

Imagine spotting brownish discharge in your panties

Seems like a sight to be alarmed about, right? Well, spotting brown watery discharge in and around your vagina is often normal. It is a harmless bodily fluid that is usually produced around the time of menstruation or when you’re about to get your periods. Similarly, brown discharge after a missed period is also a common sight to catch.

Whether it is a new experience, or you have noticed it in the past, it is best to understand how this bodily function called brown discharge works. Read on to get a rundown on brown discharge so the next time you spot it, you can wipe it and sit back and relax.

What is brown discharge

Did you know- Brown discharge gets its colour due to oxidization.

What is Brown Discharge?

Brown discharge is often in the form of a clear white cervical, a mucous substance with a tinge of old or dead blood. This old blood is brownish instead of bright red because of oxidation, giving the discharge its brown colour. This combination of shed cervical mucus (from the uterus) and old blood is flushed out at the end of your menstrual period. It means you are likely to experience brownish discharge after a period. However, in some cases, you may notice this light or dark brown discharge before your periods too. Read more about what do different period blood colors indicate.

Causes of Brown Discharge

Brown discharge can be experienced at any age, and you are likely to notice it at least once in your lifetime. However, there are certain periods in your life when brown discharge can be a common sight.

Here are some brown discharge causes that you should be aware of to be better prepared the next time.

Sign of Early Pregnancy

Noticing brown discharge just before your period can be an indicator of early pregnancy. This symptom is caused by brown implantation bleeding, which happens when the fertilised egg attaches to the inner lining of the uterus. If you do experience implantation bleeding, which is brown, at the onset of your period and if you are trying to conceive, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test.

Common Sight During Ovulation

A common occurrence among young girls, brown discharge can also be a cause of ovulation. When a girl begins to menstruate, she is likely to notice the discharge between periods. It is not a cause for concern but if it continues for more than a few days, you must see a doctor.

Onset of Menopause

Dark brown discharge can be a symptom of perimenopause. This is a more likely reason for women in their forties and fifties. Apart from the discharge, there may be other symptoms like hot flushes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, mood swings, and trouble with sleeping.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Experiencing brown thick or smelly discharge after a period or even before is a sign of sexually transmitted infection such as gonorrhoea or chlamydia. In addition to smelly brown discharge, other symptoms to sight a STIs are as follows:

  • Pain while urinating or having intercourse
  • Rashes or soreness
  • Itchiness around the vaginal region


Lochia refers to the bleeding that occurs after childbirth. It starts with a heavy flow that looks like a brownish-red discharge. Eventually, the flow becomes lighter and at that point, you might start experiencing pinkish brown discharge. In case you develop a brown sticky discharge or one which has an unpleasant odour, visit your doctor soon.

Other possible causes of brownish discharge include hormonal change, birth control, irritation of the cervix, and stress.

When Is Brown Discharge Likely To Occur?

Brown discharge is likely to occur before and sometimes even after periods. In case you experience brown spotting before your period, it would be mostly light brown. However, there are chances that you might spot dark brown period blood at the beginning of your period. Read more about reasons for spotting before periods.

On the other hand, brown spotting after a period is the result of the brown period blood which is leftover in your uterus. It’s been oxidised and therefore would look like dark brown period blood.

Brown discharge After A Missed Period?

Experiencing brown discharge after a missed period could be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and perimenopause. Similarly, there are chances of spotting brown discharge after a missed period due to the effect of new hormonal/birth control pills. Lastly, it could also be a sign of early pregnancy. Read more about vaginal bleeding and spotting between periods.

Is Smelly Brown Discharge Normal?

Typically, most types of vaginal discharge have a distinct smell. It can vary depending on the time of the month and how your body reacts to the hormonal changes. The smell and colour of your vaginal discharge may or may not be linked.

Sometimes, the reason for smelly brown discharge can be a simple tampon that you have left inside for too long. Other times, the odour can indicate something serious. Smelly brown discharge can be a cause of vaginal infection or issues with the reproductive system. In some instances, it could also signal an underlying medical condition in some other part of your body.

It is advised to check for consistency in the smell of your brown discharge. In case you develop brown sticky discharge or any other variation then you should visit your doctor immediately.

Know about brown discharge

How To Deal With Brown Discharge

Experiencing vaginal discharge can be discomforting. It can stain your underwear and your clothes, especially if it occurs out of the blue. Therefore, it is best to always stay prepared even when you are not on your periods. Try out the Always Daily Liners Extra Protect Panty Liners and say goodbye to the fear of leakage. It has odour neutralising technology with upto 100% odour protection that keeps you feeling fresh and confident! Additionally, it’s dermatologically tested and gentle on your skin.

When you know the science behind vaginal discharge, it becomes easier for you to manage it. Even better when you know how to stay prepared, what signs to look for, and what to do in case it worsens. So, go on and depend on Always feminine hygiene products like sanitary pads and tampons, as you focus on the more important things in your life.

When is Brown Discharge a Cause of Worry?

Brown discharge is rarely alarming unless it causes itching or smells strange. Look out for signs like pelvic pain, bleeding during sex, nausea, fever, or other kinds of physical discomfort. As mentioned above, it may be an indication of an underlying medical condition or a hormonal imbalance. If you notice anything unusual, seek professional medical help immediately.

Keep a track of your ovulation period with Always Ovulation Calendar and Period Calculator.

Experiencing vaginal wetness and unsure why? Learn the common causes and solutions in our comprehensive guide.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.


How long do you have brown discharge after abortion?

Brown discharge after abortion is likely to last for one-to-two weeks after the procedure is performed.

What does brown discharge mean when you are pregnant?

Experiencing brown discharge when you are pregnant can be an indication of the following:

  • Implantation bleeding - Brown discharge that might occur at the early stage of pregnancy
  • Ectopic pregnancy - Brown discharge that might occur in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • Preterm labour - Brown discharge that might occur when you are 37 weeks pregnant

Am I pregnant if I have brown discharge instead of my period?

Brown discharge and no period, together in a month is an early sign of pregnancy. To be sure, you must consult your doctor.

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