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Two Periods In One Month: Is It Normal & Why It Happens?

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Most women dread their monthly periods since it has its trustworthy companions such as cramps, leakage worries, headache, backache and other PMS symptoms. Imagine getting your period not once but twice a month? We might simply think of it as a harrowing thought, but it is the sad reality for some.

You may wonder, ‘is it normal to menstruate twice a month?’. But the answer to it is not something that’s a simple yes or no. There are many related factors that could be the reason why you get your period twice a month. First, let’s understand the basic math of a menstrual cycle.

Most women have menstrual cycles that are between 24 and 38 days

Most women have menstrual cycles that are between 24 and 38 days. But every cycle and each woman's anatomy is different and hence, one may sometimes have cycles that are shorter one month and longer the other. For younger girls, it's normal to have shorter cycles, which means it can sometimes cause menstruation twice a month, which is completely okay. However, if you are experiencing bleeding that is unusual or not within your normal menstrual time frame, you must stop and observe your body and its symptoms, and consult your gynaecologist.

Before that, additionally, it is important to distinguish whether you have a period or was it just spotting. Spotting is usually when there's little bleeding, not enough to soak a tampon or sanitary pad. Nevertheless, is always better to be prepared for it.

The Always Ultra Thin Pads are great to use when you notice spotting. These come with Ultra Thin Superior Fit so you can perform your daily activities with ultimate ease and control. With a Clean and Dry top cover, these ultra thin pads ensure you have long-lasting dry comfort. These mini pads are made using Supreme Quality material and are designed for maximum safety and upto 100% comfortable protection. Its super absorbent core absorbs discharge effectively, leaving you comfortable and protected all day.

Once you're sure whether it was bleeding or spotting, you can try to decipher the reason for having period twice a month.

Why do you get period twice a month?

Why do you get period twice a month?

What causes menstruation twice a month can range from something normal like short menstrual cycles to some distressing ones such as thyroid. Below is a list of some of the possible and common reasons why you could have got your periods twice a month.

Short menstrual cycles

Short menstrual cycles

For those who ask, 'is it normal to menstruate twice a month?' the answer is yes if you are someone who has short menstrual cycles. This means if your cycle lasts for an average of 24 to 26 days, you are bound to have periods twice a month. However, one must be careful and ensure that this isn't a sudden short cycle or due to irregularities. If this is the case, you may have to visit your doctor.

Occasional occurrence

Occasional occurrence

It is normal to menstruate twice a month as a one-time occurrence

It is normal to menstruate twice a month as a one-time occurrence. This means you can have shorter cycles occasionally, following which your cycles will gain consistency.

Irregularity in young girls

Irregularity in young girls

It is completely fine for young girls to have irregular periods, especially when they've just begun menstruating. This irregularity can cause them to have periods twice a month.In such situations, it is best to always carry a pack of mini pads with you as a backup in case you need it.



It is a condition wherein there is a growth of uterine-like tissue in other areas of the body. This causes bleeding, sometimes heavy enough that it seems like menstrual bleeding, accompanied by painful cramps and abdominal pain. Women having heavy periods due to endometriosis can opt for Always Maxi Thick Pads pads as they are designed to have Unique Anti-Leakage barriers in the front, centre, and back for maximum coverage. The Extra Absorbent Core is designed to absorb liquid, so you can carry on your daily activities. Its Clean and Dry Topsheet helps you stay dry and protected all day.



One of the most common conditions among women, thyroid is a gland that regulates hormones in one's body. Any issues with it can cause irregularities in your cycle, and which could result in unusual and outside-your-menstrual-cycle bleeding.

Additionally, what causes menstruation twice a month, can also depend on other risk factors such as having a family history of fibroids, cysts or early onset menopause.

When to see a doctor?

When to see a doctor?

At times, getting your period twice a month may be a symptom of an underlying condition. Menstruating twice a month also means excessive blood loss which could lead to anaemia or low blood counts. If you notice you've been getting your period twice a month for two to three months you must visit your doctor. While getting your periods twice a month is mostly harmless and a one-time occurrence for most women, don't let it go unchecked. Read your body signs and symptoms and watch out for anything you suspect to be abnormal.

Read more about period symptoms, causes of irregular periods and what causes period pains


1.What causes a woman to menstruate twice in a month?

There are many reasons behind getting your period twice a month. Some of the most common ones are:
- Problems with thyroid
- Menopause
- Stress
- Uterine fibroids or cysts
- Birth control pills
- Underlying illness

2.I got my period twice this month, am I pregnant?

Some women do experience bleeding throughout their pregnancy, and it can be mistaken for a period. If you have had intercourse and, had your period twice in a month, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test to be sure.

3.Why am I bleeding 15 days after my period?

It is common to experience light spotting around two weeks after your period, especially if you are a young woman. You may experience light period twice a month when you are ovulating and experiencing a drop in the level of the oestrogen hormone.


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