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Helping Your Daughter Manage PMS

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Helping Your Daughter Manage PMS

Puberty is indeed a life-altering phase in your daughter’s life. It can also be tormenting owing to the constant physical and emotional changes that happen in a short duration. In this regard, the most significant accomplice of puberty is the beginning of menstruation. Although menstruation grows your little girl into a woman, it does come with a set of challenges. One of those is the dreaded PMS or premenstrual syndrome.

PMS can be debilitating to handle, especially in the beginning. It is a combination of symptoms that most women experience 10 to 7 days before their period. The symptoms typically peak just a day or two before the period but begin to fade away once the period starts. The degree of PMS can also vary; some women go through extreme pain while some feel nothing. Nevertheless, you can help your teenage daughter better manage the condition regardless of how much she is affected by PMS. Read on to know more.

Changes with PMS

Changes with PMS

You daughter may experience symptoms in the form of:

  • Bloating
  • Breast tenderness
  • Cramps
  • Mood swings
  • Pimples and acne
  • Change in hair texture

In rare instances, she may suffer from

  • Depression
  • Sadness
  • Irritability
  • Severe mood swings
  • Lack of energy

Quick Ways to Help Your Daughter Manage Her Periods

As a parent, you can do your bit to help your daughter better manage her periods and make the days more comforting. Here are some tips:

Allow her some time alone

Allow her some time alone

You should let her stay in her comfort zone until she feels better to communicate.

While you are concerned and worried about your teenager being weighed down by PMS and cramps, allow her some alone time. Sometimes, hormonal fluctuation can cause a further negative tweak in her emotional health. It makes her more irritable and she may often lash out at her closed ones, including yourself.

You should let her stay in her comfort zone until she feels better to communicate. Spending time alone will help her adjust her attitude.

Encourage your daughter to keep track of her period

Encourage your daughter to keep track of her period

Nothing helps better than a period diary/calendar. A period diary will help her keep track of her periods, expected arrival date, the types of occurring cramps, and the possible emotional changes.

Being aware of acne, emotional turmoil, and cramps that are likely to occur during the periods will help her prepare ahead of time. She will precisely know how and when to tame the ongoing changes. And you can help her on her way.

Encourage her to find an interest

Encourage her to find an interest

Exercise can help too in releasing endorphins for a better mood.

Her perceived problems can make her feel sad and irritable. This is a good time to build her interest and help her stay distracted. Encourage her to find interest in hobbies like drawing, cooking, playing a musical instrument, knitting, and writing.

Exercise can help too in releasing endorphins for a better mood. It is a natural remedy for managing teenage PMS.

To Conclude…

Give your daughter some time and you will see that she becomes better accustomed to handling PMS and periods. Equip her with all the essential quality products like ALWAYS sanitary pads and tampons that will ease the discomfort. If she still struggles to cope, you must always be ready to extend help and connect her with professional medical advice. Getting a medical evaluation will help rule out any possible abnormalities should the need arise.

Teach your daughter to be well prepared for her next period by tracking it on Always Menstrual Cycle Calculator.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.

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