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Helping your Daughter with Abnormal Periods

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Helping your Daughter with Abnormal Periods

Parenting a teenage daughter is no easy task. Amidst nurturing her, you may often find yourself stressing out as your little girl goes through the regular functions of puberty. And a very important part of puberty is menstruation. A lot of young girls experience irregular menstrual periods, which makes your role in your child's wellbeing even more crucial.

Irregular periods are often recurrent in the first few months after she gets her first period. However, if this form of irregularity continues for too long, it could be a sign of an underlying issue. Read on to know how you can help your daughter sail through abnormal periods.

  1. Ensure a nutritious diet
  2. Visit a physician
  3. Run a pregnancy test
  4. Prepare a period care kit
What is causing abnormal periods?

What is causing abnormal periods?

A girl's menstrual cycle is heavily influenced by the hormonal fluctuations in the body.

A girl's menstrual cycle is heavily influenced by the hormonal fluctuations in the body. The menstrual flow and the duration of the period are directly affected by the production of hormones. This usually happens during the initial years of menstruation.

Other influencing aspects include medications, health conditions, drug use, stress, weight gain or loss, and heavy alcohol consumption. Keep an eye out to understand if any of these factors are part of your daughter's life.

How can you help your daughter?

How can you help your daughter?

As your daughter gets paranoid about irregular periods, it is understandable that you too may feel anxious. However, it is important to keep calm and take appropriate action. Here are some steps to take while your daughter goes through irregular periods during her teenage years:

Ensure a nutritious diet

Ensure a nutritious diet

Your daughter's diet can have a direct effect on her menstrual cycle.

Your daughter's diet can have a direct effect on her menstrual cycle. Too often, teenagers consume excessive unhealthy foods that can meddle with their natural hormonal and health functions. Ensure that she eats nutritious meals that contain legumes, fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

Visit a physician

Visit a physician

Make an appointment with the physician who can evaluate and help you understand the exact reason for your daughter's irregular periods. The physician will run a check of the hormone levels and overall health of your daughter. This way, you can rule out or diagnose any possible major health conditions.

Run a pregnancy test

Run a pregnancy test

If your teenager is sexually active and experiences irregular periods, consider taking a pregnancy test. A missed period is often a sign of pregnancy.

Prepare a period care kit

Prepare a period care kit

Irregular periods can make your teenage daughter irritable. You can help her feel better by preparing a period kit that includes all the essentials she needs. (You can do it together to make the activity more fun and personal.) You may use the ALWAYS range of sanitary pads that are super comfortable and protective. There's also ALWAYS panty liners that are equipped to conveniently safeguard her against spotting. She can use them during days of light menstrual flow. Add a few packs of chocolates and energy bars and some of her favourite food to regulate her mood and cheer her up.

Stay well prepared for your next period by tracking it on Always Period Calculator.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.

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