Period Talk: Explaining Menstruation to Your Daughter

Puberty is a sensitive phase, and your daughter is already undergoing a cascade of changes – both emotionally and physically. Having the period talk with your daughter, at this stage, may seem like a tricky subject to broach. And it’s okay if you’re apprehensive about whether your daughter is ready to talk about tampons and mini pads, or if you yourself are unsure of how to initiate the conversation. But having the period talk doesn’t have to be as difficult as setting up a brunch spread on a Sunday afternoon!
What’s important is that you talking to your daughter about menstruation will show her that she has someone to discuss these things with. To help you with this ‘big talk’, here’s a lowdown and some tips on how to talk to your daughter about her period.
But first, let's cover the basics so that you yourself are prepared before you do the period talk.

Explaining Menstruation and the Signs of Period
The best way to explain menstruation is by allowing your daughter to understand the facts and science behind it. It may be a good idea to begin by telling her that the changes she is experiencing in her body are triggered by the production of hormones. These hormonal changes are responsible for puberty, and the host of changes it brings such as growth of pubic hair, breast development, development of ovaries and so on. Once you notice these signs and changes you can prepare your daughter for her first period which could be due any time after these changes.
Following are some of the most common signs your girl will notice:
- Development of breast buds
- Hair growth on the body, public hair
- Acne in the face and neck
- Presence of body odour
- Vaginal discharge
- Mood swings
Many of these signs can appear simultaneously, which will give you enough signals to start the period talk.

Doing the Period Talk: A Caring Mother's Guide
If you have started noticing any of the signs of periods in your daughter, then it's time to explain puberty to her. Here's a 101 to help you get started.
Start Discussing Early
Begin with talking about the changes she's experiencing in her body. This doesn't have to be a 'sit-down' where you specifically take some time out and pick apart the topic. Instead, include it in your daily conversations.
If you have noticed vaginal discharge in her underwear, take it as a cue to immediately talk to your daughter about periods and menstruation.
It is only natural that she will be curious to know more as to why her body is behaving in a certain way. This is your opportunity to talk to her about menstruation.
Don't worry if she isn't receptive the first time around. Many young girls do not feel comfortable having these intimate discussions with their parents or are bound to lose interest when the discussion is formal. Keep the conversation friendly, tell your daughter not to fear these changes but embrace them as a part of growing up.
You can also talk about panty liners and types of menstrual products to give her confidence. Giving examples, sharing your experiences, and telling her that her friends are (or will be) going through the same will help.

When it comes to the period talk, it's important to communicate to your teenage girl that periods are nothing to be ashamed of
Be Specific About the Concepts
- When it comes to the period talk, it's important to communicate to your teenage girl that periods are nothing to be ashamed of. Teach her to address her body parts with the correct terminology and empower her not to hide this natural act from her peers or be shameful of the act itself.
The most critical point is to avoid euphemisms surrounding menstruation. Instead of describing it as 'untouchable week' or 'granny's stuck in traffic'. Use plain terms like periods, menstruation, and vaginal discharge. She is old enough to both understand the weight of the terms, which you can influence by the way you convey your message, and its seriousness.
Mention that everyone goes through puberty - including her siblings (if she has any) and her male schoolmates. In any case, do not tiptoe around the topics that can render her into a state of further confusion. She might then look for information elsewhere, which can be dangerous.

Pro tip: Sharing your own experiences with puberty can help break the ice and can be a great bonding exercise for both of you!
Encourage Open Conversation in the Household
- This is a great way to break the embarrassment that may arise from the period talks.
- Talk to your partner and involve him in these conversations. It can just be a passive involvement where he goes for sanitary pad shopping instead of you and your daughter.This will make her more comfortable about her menstruation and not make her think that it's something to be embarrassed about.
A great way to facilitate this openness is to occasionally talk about your own periods with your partner in the presence of your daughter. This will give her the much-needed confidence that she won't get from anywhere else. If her mama can do it, so can she. Right?
Have the sex talk with your daughter! Tell her about the birds and bees, teach her about good and bad touch. Educate her about STIs and HIV/AIDS and what she needs to be aware of to grow into a confident, young woman.
Pro tip: Sharing your own experiences with puberty can help break the ice and can be a great bonding exercise for both of you!
Prepare for Her First Period
Once you are confident that you have provided her with the essential information and given her sufficient confidence to face her periods head-on, it's time to start preparing for her first period. It doesn't matter if she has already started menstruating. You can still do these essentials that can go a long way in setting the tone of her menstruation for the next few years.
Do a show-and-tell - Talk to her about the products that she can use
Discuss her needs - Let her choose the support products she wants. Introduce her to sanitary pads and tampons,and other things needed to maintain menstrual hygiene. Explain to her the importance of safety and comfort and how to use them properly.
Pack a period kit - This is a great way to introduce reliable products as well as other essentials like hand sanitizer, paper napkins, sanitary pads, panty liners that she can discretely pack in her school bag. The Always Ultra Thin Pads are a great option for period protection. These mini pads are made using supreme quality material and design for maximum safety and upto 100% comfortable protection. The ultra thin pads also have a Super Absorbent Core with InstantDry System that absorbs wetness in seconds. Its Clean and Dry top cover ensures long-lasting dry comfort, even on day when you have a heavy flow. The Ultra Thin Superior Fit of these pads help your daughter perform her daily activities with ultimate ease and control, making it a perfect pad for teenagers.
You may consider ALWAYS sanitary pads and other menstruation products like tampons and panty liners to do this. Recommending a reliable brand and range of products is critical because that will influence her experience in the long run.
Menstruation is a sensitive topic and one that needs compassion, patience, and understanding on your part. We know you mean well, but it's better to go prepared before you do the period talk with your daughter.
In any case, it's better to avoid bringing it up when she's enjoying her favourite Netflix show. Being a mother, you'll know best when to start. So, go on, do that essential mama-baby period talk now-now.
Teach your daughter to be well prepared for her next period by tracking it on Always Menstrual Cycle Calculator.
1. How do I explain periods to my daughter?
To best explain period to your daughter, make the period conversation more casual. To do this, understand the science of menstruation and know how that information will be processed by your daughter's teenage mind.
2. What should you tell your daughter when she starts her period?
You can start by briefly explaining what's going on in her body and that these changes are normal. Let her know that she will get her period every month and explain the signs and symptoms. Lastly, help her choose the right sanitary product like the Ultra Thin Pads by Always as they are one of the best mini pads, making them perfect pads for teenagers.
3. How long after pubic hair does period start?
Once her pubic hair starts growing, you can expect her period to develop in one to two years. It may begin soft and thin but it will become courser and thicker towards the end of puberty.
Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.