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Understanding Brown Discharge Or Bleeding During Pregnancy

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Having vaginal discharge during pregnancy is completely normal

However, most pregnant women are concerned about the color and type of vaginal discharge. Brown discharge during pregnancy is pretty common and is mostly normal. However, in some situations, depending on which trimester you’re in, and other health conditions that you may have, a brown or dark brown discharge can mean you may have some problems.

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy

Knowing the reasons behind having brown discharge during pregnancy will help you identify if you need medical attentions. Here are some of the possible causes that have been segregated in different stages of pregnancy.

Early pregnancy

Through the entire pregnancy

Later stages of pregnancy

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy

Early pregnancy

We understand that any kind of spotting in the early stages of pregnancy is bound to leave you worried. But you must know that spotting and having brown discharge in early pregnancy is normal. However, irrespective of everything, it is always recommended to report the issue to your doctor. Some causes for brown discharge in early pregnancy are mentioned below.

Early pregnancy

Hormonal changes

During pregnancy, there are a host of changes that your body goes through in a short span of time. This includes hormonal fluctuations that can sometimes cause an increase in blood flow to the reproductive system. This makes the cervix super sensitive and irritant and may cause some bleeding, thereby leading to brown discharge.

Implantation bleeding

A common occurrence, this happens when a fertilised egg attaches or implants itself onto the inner lining of your uterus. Most women confuse this for their period as they are yet not aware that they are pregnant. It may cause discharge that is anywhere between pinkish to brown in colour as it gets rid of all the old blood. This is one of the very first signs indicating pregnancy and not all women go through it.

Ectopic pregnancy

A rare reason but an important one that requires immediate medical attention is ectopic pregnancy. This happens when the fertilised egg attached itself outside the main cavity of the uterus, for instance on the fallopian tube. Vaginal bleeding and pain are some of its symptoms.

Through the entire pregnancy

Through the entire pregnancy

Cervical polyps

Pregnancy also causes an increased blood flow to the cervix, and this can at times cause the growth of polyps. These cervical polyps may bleed due to irritants or other activities such as sexual play or pelvic exams that may irritate the cervix and lead to brown discharge.


In some cases, brown discharge could also be a sign of loss of pregnancy or a miscarriage. It would start as brown discharge, which would then progress to fresh blood accompanied by cramps and pain. If you are experiencing similar symptoms or suspect that you’re having a miscarriage, seek medical help immediately.

Later stages of pregnancy

Mostly brown discharge during third trimester means labour is approaching, or that there’s some issues. Here are some:

Later stages of pregnancy

Labour is approaching

A couple days or some hours before labour, some women experience the ‘bloody show’, which is a term used to describe discharge that ranges from pinkish to brown or red hues.

Preterm labour

If you experience spotting or bleeding before the 37th week, accompanied by any other symptoms such as backache, stomach cramps, regular contractions, pressure in the pelvis or water breaking, it is considered as preterm labour.

Know when to seek help

In most cases, experiencing little brown discharge without any other symptoms, is normal and isn’t a cause for concern. However, if you notice any others signs, such as the ones mentioned below, you need to call your doctor.

  • Uterine spasms or contractions

  • Pain or cramps

  • Fever

Know when to seek help

Quick guide on what to do next

We understand it may be disturbing if you suddenly notice brown discharge during your pregnancy, at any given stage. So, here are some quick guidelines of sorts to help you navigate through the situation.

  1. Don’t panic, know that in most cases a little blood-tinged discharge is completely normal.
  2. Think of any possible reasons why you could have this discharge like a pelvic exam or some sexual play.
  3. Are you nearing the end of your term? It could be the mucus plug in such a case, which means labour is near.
  4. In such cases, using a panty liner to manage the discharge is recommended. ALWAYS has a brilliant range of panty liners and the ALWAYS Extra Protect Panty Liners is ideal to manage vaginal discharge as they are formulated with an absorbing zone and odour neutralising technology. They also offer extra coverage with upto 12 hours of protection.

It is important to keep your doctor informed of any unusual occurrences as they are the best people to guide you and inform you whether it’s something to be concerned about or not. Now keep a track of your ovulation period with Always Safe Days Calculator.


When should brown discharge be a concern?

Brown discharge during pregnancy is pretty common and is mostly normal. However, in some situations, depending on which trimester you’re in, and other health conditions that you may have, brown discharge can also mean you may have some problems.

How long after Brown discharge does labour start?

A couple days or some hours before labour, some women experience the ‘bloody show’, which is a term used to describe discharge that ranges from pinkish to brown or red hues. So, if you experience brown discharge in the third trimester, it means labour is nearing.

Do miscarriages start with brown blood?

In some cases, brown discharge during pregnancy could also be a sign of loss of pregnancy or a miscarriage. It would start as brown discharge, which would then progress to fresh blood accompanied by cramps and pain.

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