10 Common Questions About Puberty Answered

When you go through puberty, you’re bound to have a gazillion questions about the phase. And it’s completely okay to have all these questions buzzing because puberty is a confusing and can even be slightly overwhelming. Young girls want to know what happens during puberty to ascertain whether what they’re going through is normal. Read here to understand the changes that girls go through during puberty.
From various puberty symptoms to its stages, here are the most common questions asked about puberty.
- What is puberty?
- What are the stages of puberty?
- When will I get my period?
- Are mood changes normal during puberty?
- Why do my breasts hurt?
- What are the signs of puberty?
- What is vaginal discharge?
- Is it okay to gain weight during puberty?
- How do I choose a menstrual product?
- Does it hurt when you use tampons?
1. What is puberty?
The definition of puberty states that it is a process of physical changes when a child matures into an adult capable of reproduction. It is when a person reaches sexual maturity. Don’t let the textbook definition overwhelm you, it is a process that everyone goes through. You will notice certain physical changes such as development of breasts, growing tall and, overall, you’ll look more like a woman.
2. What are the stages of puberty?
The start of puberty is typically around the ages of 8 to 15 for girls. The general puberty symptoms include development of pubic hair, underarm and leg hair, as well as widening of hips and narrowing of the waist. A teenage girl goes through five stages of puberty –
Development of breasts
Becoming taller
Body hair growth
Getting your periods
Experiencing Vaginal discharge
3. When will I get my period?
Typically, you will get your period around two years or so after going through the first puberty symptoms. Puberty can begin anywhere between the ages of 10 and 16. Also remember that there is no correct time, each person is different and don’t get stressed if your bestie has started getting her periods before you.

4. Are mood changes normal during puberty?
Yes, it is completely okay to have mood swings during puberty. A major reason for such mood swings is the shift in hormones. These chemical changes can make teens irritable quickly, intensely sad, and easily frustrated. Adolescence is also a phase where teens want to find their identity, be able to express themselves and be independent. These changes in attitude are bound to invoke mood changes.
5. Why do my breasts hurt?
You may wonder whether breast pain is a puberty symptom, and the answer is yes. It may seem weird but the reason is quite simple. During puberty, the hormones estrogen and progesterone are released and make the breast tissues grow. This results in the surrounding skin to stretch, and is the reason why your breasts hurt during puberty.
6. What are the signs of puberty?
When you enter puberty, you will experience some very dominant and visible changes. Some of the common puberty symptoms include:
Growth of pubic and other body hair
Growth spurt
Breast development
7. What is vaginal discharge?
Vaginal discharge is one of the many puberty symptoms, and is the fluid that your vagina secretes. It is a completely normal function and is necessary in keeping your vagina clean and moist and most importantly for keeping infections at bay. Vaginal discharge can be different at different times of the month in terms of colour, texture and volume.

8. Is it okay to gain weight during puberty?
Your body is going through some major physical changes, and you’re bound to put on some weight. It is important to eat nutritious food that will support your body’s growing needs. Along with nutrition, it is also imperative to stay fit and engage in physical activities during our pubescent years.
9. How do I choose a menstrual product?
You first need to understand that we’re all different and have different needs. In order to manage periods too, there are many options available in the market today. From the popular and reliable sanitary pads, to tampons, and periods panties – there are a host of period products that you can choose from. Typically, most girls prefer using sanitary pads when they first get their periods as they are easy to use. The ALWAYS Cotton Soft Pads are flexible and well-fitting, and are designed with a soft cover that is gentle on your skin, making it perfect for when you first get your periods.

10. Does it hurt when you use tampons?
Tampons are another period product that are great at managing periods. Wearing tampons will not hurt you and are perfect for you if you prefer water sports. If you want to use tampons and are a little wary about it, try using applicator tampons. They come with an applicator making it easier to insert. Try the ALWAYS Tampax Cardboard tampons which are equipped with quick-absorption channels and a cardboard applicator, they will provide you with leak-free period protection for up to eight hours.
Puberty and periods can bring with a lot of anxiety and unnecessary stress. The first year when you get your periods will be chaotic since your periods will most likely be irregular. However, you can get a head start on tracking your periods by using the Always Period calculator. This will help you stay prepared for your periods and will be useful in the long run.
1. What are the 5 signs of puberty?
Generally, there are 5 signs of puberty for girls, namely development of breasts, becoming taller, body hair growth, getting your periods and vaginal discharge.2. At what age puberty starts?
The start of puberty is typically around the ages of 8 to 15 for girls. And for boys, it usually starts around age 13.3. How long is puberty for a girl?
For girls, puberty usually begins between the ages of 8 and 15. Once it begins, it lasts for about two-to-five years.Disclaimer:
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