Vaginal Steaming: 5 Reasons why it’s not a good idea
Vaginal steaming is an age-old tradition that is said to have been practiced for years. This practice has recently gained popularity after Hollywood celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Chrissy Teigen shared their experiences about it. However, medical experts strongly suggest that vaginal steaming is not a safe practice as it has multiple side effects. We’re here to help you understand why you shouldn’t practice vaginal steaming.
What is vaginal steaming?
Vaginal steaming, also referred to as ‘V-steaming’ or ‘yoni steaming,’ requires you to squat or sit over a pot of hot, steaming water that is infused with herbs. A blanket is also wrapped around the lower body to prevent the steam from escaping. Think of it more like a facial done to your vagina, or rather vulva.

Some yoni steam herbs that are used, as a single ingredient or in a combination, include mugwort, wormwood, chamomile, calendula, basil, and oregano. It is believed that the herbs can penetrate vaginal tissues and be beneficial. While the service is available at many spas, some people get vaginal steaming done at home as well. You can expect the process to last between 20 to 45 minutes. Remember to always check with your doctor before you experiment with any such procedures that can potentially be harmful.
Origin of vaginal steaming
History suggests that ancient Greeks believed vaginal steaming helped avoid conditions like infertility. A multi-country study conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2012 found such practices being done in South Africa, Indonesia, Mozambique and Thailand as they believed it helped in maintaining wellness, vaginal tightening, for healing purposes, or as an overall beauty treatment. However, these vaginal steaming benefits are all based on hearsay. There is no scientific evidence that claims the benefits of vaginal steaming to be true, which is why doctors and medical experts strongly discourage the practice of vaginal steaming.

Why you should avoid vaginal steaming?
Firstly, we should make it clear that a vagina isn’t supposed to be steam-cleaned. Your vagina is inherently a self-cleansing organ and if you’re looking for a way to manage vaginal discharge, you can use panty liners. Try the Always Comfort Protect panty liners which have an innovatively discreet design that is flexible and reliable so you can go about your activities freely. These panty liners are extremely comfortable to use all day long with its unique odour-neutralising technology that helps in managing vaginal discharge and keeps you confident and secure.
When you introduce steam into your vagina, you risk hampering the delicate pH balance of your vagina thereby inviting vaginal infections. Besides this, here are some other valid reasons why you should not partake in the hype.
1. Increase risk of infections
The skin around your vagina is extremely sensitive. Introducing excessive moist heat to the vaginal area along with additives such as the herbs infused in the steam could increase the risk of yeast or bacterial infections.
2. Doesn’t even reach the vagina
Another very valid point is the fact that the steam, mostly, doesn’t even enter the vagina, thanks to the tightly closed cervix. All it does is maybe hug your vulva and vaginal folds, which encourages the growth of unwanted bacteria and yeasts. Unfortunately, many women mix up the vulva and vagina all the time. Vulva is the exterior area of the female genitilia which is the opening of the vagina.
3. Risk of burns
The skin around your genital area is extremely delicate and sensitive. Steaming would introduce excessive heat to your vulva, more than it can handle, and could potentially scald the skin. There’s also the chance that you may burn very delicate tissues inside your vagina.
4. Safety concerns
If the equipment that is used for vaginal steaming equipment is not kept clean and in sanitised conditions, the person using it could be at risk for infections and other side effects.
5. A big NO if you’re pregnant
In case you’re pregnant, you should probably not even think about vaginal steaming. Firstly, certain herbs could lead to miscarriages and since there’s no scientific evidence of how these herbs work or affect you, it is best to avoid it. Also, vaginal steaming could affect the growing fetus. That is why doctors usually recommend pregnant women to not use hot tubs, saunas, and heating pads around the pelvis.
Side effects of Yoni Steaming
Vaginal steaming brings with it a host of negative side effects such as:
1. Abnormal discharge
Any discharge that is different from the usual discharge that you get is abnormal discharge. Typically, abnormal vaginal discharge could be yellow, green, or gray in colour, similar to cottage cheese or foamy in consistency or have a strong-smelling or foul odour.
2. Burning
Vulvar skin is extremely delicate and letting hot air or steam come in close contact with it could lead to burns which could leave burn marks in return.
3. Itching
Your skin may not agree with some herbs or scents that are part of the whole vaginal steaming ritual. This could lead to itching or irritation of the skin around your vulva. It is also possible that certain herbs could result in severe allergic reactions.
4. Swelling
Irritated skin, especially skin that is as sensitive and delicate as vulvar skin, often ends up with a swelling and feeling inflamed.
5. Infections
With symptoms such as abnormal discharge, swelling and burning, it ought to lead to vaginal infections.
If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it is important to consult your doctor and get immediate medical help.
We strongly urge you to not jump the gun and try out a trend such as vaginal steaming just because everyone’s talking about it. Do your research and always talk to your doctor, who is in a better position and has more experience and knowledge to guide you.
Are there any benefits of vaginal steaming?
Below is a list of the supposed benefits of vaginal steaming:
- It allegedly helps in reducing premenstrual symptoms such as bloating, cramps, exhaustion, and heavy bleeding
- It allegedly boosts fertility
- It is said to aid in healing after childbirth
- It is said to reduce stress
- It is claimed to aid in treating hemorrhoids
- It is said to promote energy and reduces fatigue.
Those who practice vaginal steaming claim that it works by enhancing blood flow to the vaginal tissues, which promotes healing. However, it is important to note that there is no scientific evidence or research studies that warrant vaginal steaming benefits. Members of the medical fraternity strongly discourage from practicing vaginal steaming because of its potential dangers. We strongly suggest that you speak to your doctor if you’re considering vaginal steaming.

Things to consider if you want to try vaginal steaming
When it comes to natural remedies and practices that tout of anecdotal benefits such as vaginal steaming, you will rarely find exact information. The advice that you come across also would be ones with disclaimers. However, all said and done if you still feel that you want to give vaginal steaming a try because it’s a trending practice or because it makes you feel better, then you must consider the below precautions:
- Do not get too close to the steam or hot water. Make sure to sit at a comfortable distance.
- If you feel that the steam it uncomfortably hot, immediately move away from it. You may not realise it but it may end up scalding your skin.
- And, most importantly, as we have mentioned it earlier, before you indulge in vaginal steaming, we strongly suggest you to consult your doctor. Give them exact information about the ingredients and herbs, especially if you’re prone to frequent infections.
If cleansing your vagina is your primary concern, plain warm water will do the job. You could also use a mild soap to maintain intimate hygiene. Your vagina is self-sufficient in that sense and does not need much help. And as for getting carried away with practices simply because they are in vogue, such as vaginal steaming, always consult your gynecologist or doctor for detailed information and study the pros and cons of the procedure before you take any action.
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