Can you get vaginal dryness? Causes and treatments
This condition is commonly experienced by older women.
‘Why do I have irritation around my vaginal area?’ ‘Why do I experience pain down there during intercourse?’ - If your internet search history looks like this, chances are that you are dealing with an episode of vaginal dryness. This condition is commonly experienced by older women. However, there are instances when this type of vaginal discomfort can occur at any stage in your life. We believe that no woman should bear this discomfort. Thus, today we will be discussing the various causes of vaginal dryness, its symptoms and highlighting the best female dryness cure.
What is vaginal dryness?
Vaginal dryness is a result of a dip in the oestrogen levels that make your vaginal walls drier and less elastic. Typically speaking, oestrogen maintains vaginal tissue elasticity and keeps your vagina moist and thick. This moisture in your vaginal wall is essential as it causes less friction during intercourse and creates an alkaline environment for the sperm to travel through. But as you grow old, hormones tend to fluctuate, and one develops a dry vaginal area. Nonetheless, based on today’s daily lifestyle and eating habits, your hormones can change at any stage.

When Does Vaginal Dryness Occur?
Experiencing vaginal dryness during menopause is quite common. However, as it's related to your hormones, there are chances that you may develop vaginal dryness symptoms at any point in your life. This means vaginal dryness can occur as early as in your 20s or 30s as well. Sometimes, you can also experience vaginal dryness during intercourse. It could be caused due to stress, lower libido or not enough foreplay.

What Are The Symptoms Of Vagina Dryness?
Here are some of the common symptoms of vagina dryness:
- You would feel a burning sensation in the vaginal region
- You might notice light bleeding after intercourse.
- You might experience pain or discomfort during intercourse
- Sometimes, you might develop a mild vaginal discharge. This discharge from the dry vagina would require you to wear panty liners like the ALWAYS Comfort Protect Panty Liners which offers comfort and reliable protection from vaginal discharge. Its breathable design delivers trusted dryness, and the odour neutralising technology offers long-lasting freshness.

What are the causes of vaginal dryness?
Apart from old age, there are a few other additional causes of vaginal dryness that are linked to low oestrogen levels. They are as follows:

As you may know, during pregnancy your hormone levels keep shifting every now and then. Sometimes, your oestrogen levels might dip causing a dry vagina during pregnancy.

New moms who breastfeed their babies often have low oestrogen levels and develop a dry vaginal area. Likewise, it’s also noted that many women don’t experience periods while breastfeeding.

Birth control pills
By now we’ve learned that disrupting oestrogen levels can easily cause dryness in the vagina. This point is no different in the case of birth control pills. They can easily lower your oestrogen levels to stop you from ovulating which is the ultimate goal of a birth control pill.

This point is no different in the case of birth control pills.
Highly scented products like soaps, lotions, or even sanitary pads can cause an imbalance in your vaginal pH levels. This can lead to vaginal dryness and itching.

Start or end of your periods
Oestrogen levels keep changing throughout your menstrual cycle. At the beginning of the cycle, they rise to back up the fertilisation process. But if the egg isn't fertilised, your body suppresses the oestrogen release and leads to vaginal dryness. It’s noted that prolonged use of tampons during periods can also soak up the moisture and cause dry vagina. Thus, you should keep changing your tampons every four to eight hours.

Smoking or Drinking
Women who smoke tend to experience vaginal dryness more often than those who don’t. It’s because smoking has a negative effect on the blood flow in your body. This in turn affects the vaginal tissue and results in a dry vaginal area. When it comes to drinking alcohol, it dehydrates your body and leaves little to no fluid for lubrication in your vagina.

Sjögren’s syndrome
This is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation of the tear and salivary glands and may lead to dryness in your mouth, eyes and vagina.

What Are Some Of The Best Feminine Dryness Remedies?
Vaginal moisturisers
If you are looking for one of the easiest feminine dryness remedies, then vaginal moisturisers are your safest bet. They keep your vagina supple and help in relieving vaginal dryness symptoms. However, it is essential that you consult with your doctor before opting for this remedy.

Topical oestrogen creams
Applying topical oestrogen creams is the vaginal dryness treatment used by many. It reverses the symptoms of vaginal dryness and allows your vaginal walls to secrete moisture as usual. Consult with your doctor for the right prescription.

Eating oestrogen boosting foods
One of the natural remedies for vaginal dryness is adding foods that contain plant estrogens in your diet. This includes soybeans, flaxseeds, and soy products. This may boost the oestrogen production in your body overtime and cure female vaginal dryness.

How To Prevent Vaginal Dryness
When reasons for your vaginal dryness are not natural, there are a few ways to prevent it such as:
- Avoid douching or using highly scented products down there
- Having regular intercourse can stimulate moisture in your vaginal region thereby keeping it from becoming dry.

When To See The Doctor
Vaginal dryness often gets cured overtime if it isn’t related to your age. However, if you experience the following factors, you should consult your doctor immediately:
Extreme vaginal itching
Vaginal swelling
Painful intercourse
Bleeding after intercourse

Vaginal dryness can cause a little discomfort down there. Having said that, consulting a doctor and finding the right treatment can easily help you cure this feminine dryness. So, don’t be hesitant to talk about your vaginal health. It’s important for you and your body.
Now keep a track of your ovulation period with Always Safe Days Calculator.
What to use for vaginal dryness?
You can use vaginal moisturisers, water-based lubricants, or topical oestrogen creams to treat vaginal dryness. However, you must make to consult your doctor before opting for any creams or oral medicines.
What causes vaginal dryness during pregnancy?
Fluctuating or rather low oestrogen levels are responsible for vaginal dryness during pregnancy.
What causes vaginal dryness during intercourse?
Stress, lower libido or insufficient foreplay can cause vaginal dryness during intercourse.