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Itchy breasts before periods: Causes, symptoms and treatment

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Itchy breasts before periods: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Here’s an up-close and personal question - do your breasts feel itchy? Well, it can be quite uncomfortable and irritating. Experiencing itchy breasts sometimes is normal. But if it's a pattern where your breast feels itchy just before a period, it could be signalling something more.

Typically, itchy breasts or nipples before a period are linked to hormonal fluctuations. However, there could be other causes of the itchy breast before the period which might require a doctor’s attention. Thus, to help you out we’ve decoded itchy nipple causes along with its symptoms and treatment. Read on to learn more!

What Are The Causes Of Itchy Nipple Or Breasts?

What Are The Causes Of Itchy Nipple Or Breasts?

1. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Before your periods arrive, there’s a shift in your hormonal levels. It causes certain changes in your body. You might feel bloated, nauseous, irritated and in rare cases, even depressed. Breast itching before the menstrual cycle is just one of these PMS symptoms.

In this phase of the menstrual cycle, just before your periods, oestrogen levels drop. It sometimes can swell up your breasts. In this process, the skin around the breast or nipple region begins to stretch. This leads to itchy breasts or nipples before periods.

Treatment - Lifestyle changes and a healthy diet help ease PMS symptoms, However, there isn’t any particular treatment for PMS-related itchy breasts. We recommend consulting a doctor who can help you ease the itching with certain medications

Premenstrual Syndrome

While that’s taken care of, looking after your menstrual hygiene is equally important. Thus, you should use premium-quality sanitary pads and tampons. Try the ALWAYS Soft Pads which provide cushiony soft comfort with its innovative top sheet. Likewise, the flexible wings prevent movement and reduce the risk of leakage.

If you are a tampon user, ALWAYS TAMPAX Cardboard Tampons are a great option. These have an innovative absorbent core and a protective skirt which minimises the risk of leakage. Additionally, the anti-slip applicator provides easy insertion.

2. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is quite similar to PMS but more intense. It often requires medical attention. Women with PMDD often experience itchy nipples before the period along with extreme mood swings.

Treatment: Your doctor will likely prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to soothe the itchiness. Likewise, stress management with a good diet and exercise can help you ease PMDD symptoms.

It isn’t necessary that itchy breasts would be a sign of an upcoming period. Your breast might feel itchy due to the following reasons too:

1. Pregnancy

- As hormonal levels fluctuate and your nipples stretch to nurse your baby, it can cause tender, itchy breasts.

2. Skin Conditions

- Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or eczema can also affect the skin covering your breast and cause redness or itching.

3. Clothing issues

- A tight bra can leave little to no room for air to penetrate. It can easily make you sweat. The moistness and friction can make your breast itch.

4. Cancer

- Itchy breasts can be an early sign of cancer in the rarest case. Known as Paget's disease, this condition is often accompanied by other symptoms like itching, pain, bleeding, discolouration or discharge from the nipple region.

Natural Remedies To Soothe Itchy Breasts

While doctors can prescribe your medications to soothe itchy breasts which are caused before your period, here’s what you can do at your end:

1. Wear Comfortable Bras

- Your breasts need to breathe. So, switch to comfortable bras that aren’t too tight or too loose.

2. Use Moisturiser

- You can use gentle, fragrance-free moisturisers or aloe vera gel over the affected region. Make sure to consult the doctor before using any moisturiser on your breasts.

3. Avoid Scented Soaps

- If you think that certain soaps are triggering itchiness, switch to unscented soaps
When To See A Doctor

When To See A Doctor

Itchy boobs before periods aren’t always a cause for worry. However, if you sight any of the following scenarios, you must consult a doctor immediately:

  1. Itchy nipples before, after or during a period accompanied by discharge from the nipples, bumps around the breasts, or discolouration.
  2. Persistent pain in your nipples
  3. Severely itchy breasts during or after periods that don’t seem to calm down.


Itchy nipples or breasts before a period are typically a result of hormonal fluctuation. However, you must seek medical attention. The doctor can help you understand the real cause behind your itchy nipples and provide you with the required treatment.

Stay well prepared for your next period by tracking it on Always Period Calculator


1. Why do nipples get itchy before your period?

Typically, itchy nipples before a period is a result of a shift in your hormone levels. It could also be a symptom of PMS or PMDD. If the itching persists or becomes severe, consulting a doctor is a must.

2. Can itchy breasts be a sign of PMS?

Yes, itchy breasts can be a sign of PMS. It can be caused due to changing hormonal levels which is usually accompanied with breast tenderness, headache and nausea.

3. Does itchy nipples mean period or pregnancy?

Prior to your periods and during early pregnancy, hormones tend to fluctuate. The drop in oestrogen levels can lead to swollen nipples. It stretches the skin which causes your skin over the breast and nipple to itch. Speaking to a doctor can help you understand whether it's a period or pregnancy.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.