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Tampons: 10 Most Common and Popular Myths

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Tampons: 10 Most Common and Popular Myths

If you are skeptical about using a tampon, the following questions would have surely popped in your mind - Are tampons safe? Can you sleep with a tampon in? Does a tampon break hymen? Did we guess them right? Well, worry not. Since the emergence of tampons, the market has also been crowded with a number of questions. But today, we are here debunking 10 common myths about tampons. So, let's have a look at each in detail.

Myth #1: You shouldn’t wear a tampon overnight

Myth #1: You shouldn't wear a tampon overnight

The usage of a tampon isn't related to you being awake or asleep at all.

The usage of a tampon isn't related to you being awake or asleep at all. Typically, one tampon can be used for up to eight hours. So, if you are wondering can you sleep with a tampon in. The answer is yes! Wear it before you go to bed and get a good seven-to-eight hours sleep and change it first thing in the morning. For safer usage, follow the instructions given on your tampon box. To debunk this myth, you just need to know how to use a tampon.

Myth #2: Tampons aren’t meant for your first period

Myth #2: Tampons aren't meant for your first period

Keep in mind that a tampon can be used at any age and for any of your periods. This myth is largely related to your personal choice. Some women are often sceptical about using a tampon for their first period. It's because they find it complicated to insert and remove it. Try out the ALWAYS TAMPAX Cardboard Tampons which has an innovative absorbent core that locks the liquid quickly. Likewise, its anti-slip grip enables easy insertion and the protective skirt minimises the leakage factor.

Myth #3: Tampons increase your risk for endometriosis

Myth #3: Tampons increase your risk for endometriosis

This myth is drawn from the cause of endometriosis which states that the menstrual blood flows backwards and into the fallopian tubes. Now some believe that a tampon can restrict the cervix and redirect the period blood backwards, causing endometriosis. Well, this is certainly not possible because tampons are created to hold your menstrual flow.

Myth #4: Tampons stretch your vagina

Myth #4: Tampons stretch your vagina

No, a tampon cannot stretch your vagina. It's quite stretchy itself! A baby comes out of it, so a small tampon can't change much down there.

Myth #5: You must change tampons every time you pee

Myth #5: You must change tampons every time you pee

Women are often concerned about can you pee with a tampon in or not? Note that a tampon is inserted in your vagina and you pee from your urethra. So, there's no way of wetting your tampon when you pee. But make sure that the tampon string doesn't get wet as it can be irritating. Whenever you feel that your tampon is full or you've used it for a longer period (do not wear it for more than eight hours) then you must change it. All in all, a change of menstrual products, be it tampons or pads, should be done at regular intervals to maintain intimate hygiene. Here you can learn more about how often you should change pad in detail.

Myth #6: You can lose tampon in your vagina

Myth #6: You can lose tampon in your vagina

No, it's impossible to lose a tampon in your vagina.

No, it's impossible to lose a tampon in your vagina. It might go higher in your vagina but there's a cervix that acts as a gate between your vagina and uterus. It's just a small opening that allows blood flow to pass through. So, if you are wondering, "Where does a tampon go?" It's just in your vagina and it cannot be lost.

Myth #7: Tampons causes TSS

Myth #7: Tampons causes TSS

The fact is toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare condition, caused due to a strain of bacteria called staphylococcus aureus and not by tampons. This myth came to light due to its relation with highly absorbent tampons. However, the reality is TSS can be caused by pads, menstrual cups or even without any period protection. But it is treatable, especially when sighted at an early stage. Read more about tampons vs sanitary pads and which one to pick.

Myth #8: Organic tampons are better and safer than regular tampons

Myth #8: Organic tampons are better and safer than regular tampons

There's no scientific backing on whether organic tampons are better than regular ones. If you wish to opt for an organic tampon, go for it. Either way, you will be assured with the required amount of period protection. Experience the ALWAYS Tampax Compak Tampons which provide full-size Tampax tampons protection in a compact size. Additionally, it's equipped with innovative absorption channels that quickly locks the liquid and holds it in for longer.

Myth #9: Tampons shouldn’t be worn while swimming

Myth #9: Tampons shouldn't be worn while swimming

Tampons can be worn while swimming or even while sitting in water. It might soak a little amount of water, which is normal and safe. However, make sure to change your used tampon once you are out of the water.

Myth #10: Tampon takes away your virginity

Myth #10: Tampon takes away your virginity

No, it doesn't! Note that virginity is related to having intercourse. There's no way a tampon can take it. The main question here is does a tampon break the hymen? Firstly, the hymen doesn't break but it stretches. When you put on a tampon correctly, it seamlessly enters the already existing space of the hymen due to it being small.

The Bottom Line

Now that we have debunked these myths, we hope all your queries were answered. Remember that tampons are safe to use, you just need to keep changing your used tampon every eight hours. Give it a try and be rest assured! Tampons will provide you with the period protection and comfort you are looking for.

Stay well prepared for your next period by tracking it on Always Period Calculator .


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.

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