How To Track Ovulation With Irregular Periods?

Experiencing irregularity in your menstrual cycle is quite common. Today's lifestyle and the added stress lead to a great level of hormonal fluctuations. But if you are someone who is trying to conceive, in such cases, knowing the right time (to have intercourse) might be a little tricky. Indefinitely, one of the most common questions - "If my period is irregular when do I ovulate?" would come to your mind. Worry not, we've got some ways that will help you know how to track ovulation with irregular periods. But before that let's understand the relationship between ovulation and periods.

Periods And Ovulation: What's The Link?
Every woman goes through her monthly menstrual cycle which lasts for about 28 days on average. During this cycle, she ovulates on day 14 of the cycle. This day is considered to be the best fertile time as the female egg is perfectly ready to fuse with the sperm. Overall, it indicates a high chance of conceiving.

If you are wondering how long does ovulation last? It's about a 12-24 hour window
If you are wondering how long does ovulation last? It's about a 12-24 hour window. Thus, knowing your ovulation day is essential. But in case, your cycle varies widely from month to month and you start experiencing an irregular menstrual cycle, tracking ovulation becomes difficult. Hence, you need to first treat the underlying cause of your irregular menstrual cycle and thereon monitor your progress of conceiving. Having said that, there are a few ways to track irregular period ovulation.

How To Calculate Ovulation Days For Irregular Periods?

Tracking ovulation with irregular periods can be tricky but it isn't impossible
Tracking ovulation with irregular periods can be tricky but it isn't impossible. There are a few things that can indicate your best fertile time! Here as follows:

Increase In Cervical Mucus
One of the easiest signs of tracking ovulation with irregular periods is by noticing a spike in your cervical mucus. This mucus is the result of increased estrogen in your body. When your period ends this mucus is relatively less and dry. But as days progress and ovulation time approaches, your mucus becomes clearer, stickier and gets secreted in large quantities. It has an egg-white-like consistency. During these particular days when you have excessive cervical mucus discharge, using panty liners like the Always Multiform Protect which are mildly scented is the best option. You can also opt for Always Extra Protect liners with its fast absorption and reliable comfort comes in handy.

Tracking Your Basal Body Temperature
Your basal body temperature tends to change during your menstrual cycle. It's because once the egg is released hormones like estrogen and progesterone keep flowing in your body. The latter causes a spike in your body temperature by half a degree Celsius. So when you ovulate, your body experiences a high temperature. Therefore, keeping a track of your basal body temperature every morning can help determine when you are ovulating with irregular periods.

Chart Your Cycle
Even if you are experiencing an irregular menstrual cycle, it's still advised to chart your cycle. Mainly because it helps you understand the pattern and provides useful insights to your doctor regarding your periods. Today, there are multiple applications available that can help you track your cycle. You can try out the Always Period Calculator which maps your cycle and helps you stay prepared!

Ovulation Predictor Kits
Apart from manual tracking, you can also opt for kits that predict your fertile dates. These kits are fairly easy to use and accurate. It detects the increase in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - one that leads to ovulation, present in your urine. During the onset of your ovulation, this hormone increases 24-48 hours prior to it. If you are wondering when to take an ovulation test with an irregular cycle, it's best to first watch out for the above-given signs of ovulation.
Tracking ovulation with irregular periods may not be easy but treating your irregular menstrual cycle is! Thus, you should visit your doctor first and get yourself checked. Along with the above-given strategies and guidance from your doctor, you will be able to easily monitor your progress.
1.How to calculate ovulation with irregular periods?
Gauging your fertile window with irregular periods might seem a little difficult. However, there are a few ways to know when you ovulate:1.Increase in cervical mucus - Ovulation causes excessive, cervical mucus which has egg-white-like consistency.
2.Keeping a track of your basal body temperature - When you ovulate your basal body temperature increases.
3.Using ovulation predictor kits - Ovulation kits detect the increase in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and notify you whether you are ovulating or not.
2.If my period is irregular when do I ovulate?
If your period is irregular, you are still likely to ovulate 14 days prior to your next period. Factors like change in basal body temperature and increase in cervical mucus can be considered as some of the key indicators of your body ovulating. However, speaking to a doctor is the best option to understand when you might ovulate.3.When to take ovulation test with irregular cycle?
Typically, in a regular cycle, you should take the ovulation test 14 days before your next period. However, knowing when to take an ovulation test with an irregular cycle can be tricky. In such a situation, it’s best to consult a doctor as he or she can determine the approximate day you can take the ovulation test.Disclaimer
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