Why Is My Period Not Stopping? Top 10 Reasons!

Dealing with periods is one thing but experiencing a period that won't stop is a whole other story! On average, a woman bleeds for 2 to 7 days on her periods. Given that everyone’s body is different, the length, flow and frequency of periods are likely to differ from person to person.
This brings us to a scenario where sometimes your period won’t stop! You might notice a sudden change in your cycle wherein your periods stay much longer than your usual menstrual cycle or in some cases, they won’t stop at all. These changes typically occur after taking morning after pill or after an abortion or miscarriage.
However, there are many more reasons associated with it. One can easily confuse this situation with prolonged or heavy period. These types of periods could occur due to several underlying conditions like PCOS, PCOD or endometriosis. But the point to note is these periods are quite different than the one that just won’t stop.
Such situations can be quite concerning, leaving you with one question, “Why is my period not stopping?” Well, we’ve got just the right answers for you. Today we will be unfolding the reasons behind your period not stopping. Keep on reading!
10 Reasons Why Your Period Is Not Stopping

1. Hormonal Birth Control Pills
Typically, hormonal birth control pills are taken to shorten or regulate periods. But as they tend to fluctuate the hormones in the body, it sometimes can lead to prolonged periods. One might notice such periods in the initial months of taking the pills. In such cases, doctors tend to recommend a different dosage or hormone, one that suits your body and needs.
The end verdict is that if you are on birth control pills and wondering “Why is my period not stopping?” then must visit your doctor now. Your body is sending signals for a change in the medication.
2. Ovulation
“My period won’t stop but it's light” - if this is your complaint at the end of your normal periods, then chances are you are ovulating. This is one of the phases of the menstrual cycle which causes light bleeding or spotting. At times like these, using panty liners can help you stay protected. Try out the ALWAYS Multiform Protect Panty Liners which are extra-thin (1mm) and are mildly scented. These also have a secure-fit technology that ensures that they stay in place.
Usually, spotting during ovulation isn’t a cause for any concern. However, in case you notice any pain or discomfort, consulting a doctor is a viable choice.
3. Intrauterine devices (IUD)
Another reason why your period won't stop is intrauterine devices. It’s a type of birth control device, hormonal or non-hormonal, which is placed inside your cervix. Both tend to cause prolonged periods or vaginal bleeding that won't stop.
Ideally, this happens in the first few cycles after the IUD is placed. But if your period is not stopping as it normally would, in the next three months, it’s important to visit a doctor.
4. Thyroid Issues
Your thyroid glands have the power to regulate different hormones in your body. This includes the ones that cause normal periods. If a woman suffers from an underactive or overactive thyroid, it results in a longer period that won't stop as a normal period does.

To combat such vaginal bleeding, it’s imperative to use the best sanitary pads. Try out the ALWAYS Cotton Soft Pads which provide cushiony softness with ultimate protection. These come with an innovative absorbent core and unique Flexi wings that lock the menstrual discharge and keeps the pad in place.
You can also opt for tampons like the ALWAYS Tampax Cardboard Tampons which has an innovative absorbent core. Its protective skirt reduces the risk of leakage and the anti-slip grip ensures an easy insertion. These tampons are made available in different sizes for providing the best-absorbency.
Coming to the treatment, the doctor would run a few blood tests to diagnose the problem. Next, he would recommend a few medications that bring your hormones back to normal.
5. Uterine abnormalities
Uterine fibroids or polyps are some of the abnormalities that can cause a period longer than 7 days. As these conditions hamper the endometrial cavity, it increases the blood flow. If you are facing such a problem, speaking to a doctor and finding the right treatment is the only way around it.
6. Loss of pregnancy
Early miscarriages is another reason on the list that leads to longer periods. It’s accompanied by light bleeding or spotting. It’s quite possible that the miscarriage has taken place and the mother isn’t aware of it. In such a scenario, noticing periods that are not stopping is an indication. To avoid any further complications, it’s advised to visit a doctor.
Just like thyroid issues, PCOS short for polycystic ovary syndrome tends to hamper your hormone levels. It’s characterised by symptoms like weight gain, excess facial hair and ultimately longer periods. If you have any of these symptoms and are wondering, “Why is my period not stopping?”, then PCOS could be a possible factor. Women with PCOS tend to experience prolonged periods. However, there are times where their periods just won’t stop. In such cases, consulting a doctor and getting the required tests done is quite necessary.
8. Perimenopause
“My period won’t stop but it's light” - if you are a woman in her mid-30s to early 50s and have this particular concern, chances are your menopause is on its way! This phase is called perimenopause in which your body on its own reduces hormonal production. This in turn causes a period that won’t stop or even the one that stops earlier than expected.
9. Cervical cancer
There’s a possibility that cervical cancer can lead to abnormal vaginal bleeding. This type of bleeding can occur after intercourse or between periods. The symptoms of this condition tend to overlap with other health issues like endometriosis and PCOS. Thus, consulting a doctor and getting Pap and HIV tests done is quite necessary.
10. Blood disorder
Blood disorders like Von Willebrand’s disease or haemophilia are responsible for causing long periods. Nosebleeds that flow for more than 10 minutes, a cut that bleeds for more than five minutes and getting frequent bruises are some of the tell-a-tale signs of a blood disorder.
What’s The Solution?

Heading to a doctor’s clinic and finding the cause behind long periods should be your first step. Based on that, the doctor can help you with the necessary treatment.
Here are a few scenarios that would require medical assistance:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Irregular periods
- Severe discomfort or nausea during periods
- Periods that last longer than seven days
- Random weight loss
Noticing a longer than normal period once isn’t a cause of concern. But this doesn’t mean you should deal with it in silence. You can’t stop your periods on your own. Finding the cause through medical help and getting the required treatment is a must!
Read more about period symptoms and what causes period pains.
Stay well prepared for your next period by tracking it on Always Period Calculator.
1. Why won't my period stop but it's light?
Light and longer periods are associated with perimenopause. It’s a menopause transition phase where your body lowers hormonal production. This either makes you bleed more and longer or less and shorter than your usual periods.
2. Why is my period blood brown and not stopping?
Your period blood colour is brown due to oxidation. It occurs when the blood comes in contact with air. Coming to brown period blood that won’t stop, it can be due to the following reasons:
- Perimenopause
- Birth control implant
3. What to do if the period won't go away?
If a period won’t go away as it normally should, it’s best to contact a doctor. In rare cases, a longer period could be a sign of
- Blood disorders
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids
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