What are the signs of growth spurts in teenagers?

As you enter your teens, you’re at the puberty age, when there are some very noticeable physical changes that your body goes through. These changes are known as growth spurts that a teenager goes through. A growth spurt is basically a period of rapid physical growth in teens, in the form of weight and height gain in a short period of time. There is no exact age when puberty hits, everyone is different and they reach adolescence in their own time. On an average though, girls enter puberty earlier than boys, between 8 and 13 years, whereas for boys the age is between 9.5 and 14 years. Here is all you need to know about early puberty in girls.

10 signs of growth spurt in teenagers
Let’s take a look at 10 Signs that indicate growth spurt in teenagers
Here are the most common signs of growth spurt in teenagers.

Another common indicator is increase in height.
- A growth spurt is known to first begin in your teen’s extremities like their hands and feet. If you notice that your teen’s shoe size has seen a sudden increase, it is an early sign of growth spurt in your teen. Make a note of this change to ascertain this growth.
- Another common indicator is increase in height. This means that any new pair of pants will begin to get short in a matter of a couple of months. If you observe this, then that is another sign of growth spurt.
- A growth in height will be accompanied by an increase in weight in most cases. When you notice that your teen’s clothes are getting tight, especially around the waist, hips, buttocks and thighs, consider these as the signs of growth spurt, especially in girls.
- You’ll notice that some prominent joints in your teen’s body have become bigger. These include knees, elbows, and wrists.
- Some teens also go through changes in their sleep cycle. They are most likely to sleep less than they usually do as the hormonal changes cause them to stay up late.

Another distinct characteristic is a change in voice.
- All these extreme physical and psychological changes happening in your teen’s body will account for an increase in their appetite as their nutritional needs increase. This growth in appetite is more commonly observed in girls and boys when they enter their teens.
- You’ll notice that your teen has now begun having a distinct and strong body odour. This is because when they hit puberty, it causes an increased production of adrenal androgens that result in body odour.
- Another distinct characteristic is a change in voice. It is more evident and prominent in teenage boys than girls.
- Pimple are also the most popular indicators of reaching adolescence. Other changes in the skin such as the appearance of facial hair, oily skin, acne, and pigmentation caused by hormonal changes are also observed during a growth spurt.
- Another characteristic of puberty age is reaching sexual maturity. This triggers typical changes that change the physical appearance such as breast development, enlargement of testicles, and enhanced pubic hair distribution.

Causes of growth spurt in teens
During adolescence, the hormones – testosterone in boys and estrogen in girls – are responsible for the growth spurt in teens. These hormones cause the secretion of human growth hormones that lead to increased mineralisation of bones and eventually the increase in height. For girls, growth spurts usually occur a year or two before they begin menstruation. So, if you notice your daughter experiencing a growth spurt, know that the start of menstruation could be closer.

How long does a growth spurt last for teenager?
After the growth spurt has begun, it generally continues till the age of 15 for girls, whereas in boys, this growth continues till they’re 16 or 17. For some boys, the growth spurt can even last till their late teens. Each child is different, so the occurrence and length of this growth spurt can vary.

Tips to prepare for your periods during puberty
- Talking to your child about puberty and the expected changes will help them be prepared and not as scared about these sudden changes.
- Ensure your child gets proper nutrition as he/she will need it to support the accelerated growth. Since their appetite increases as well, having healthy food options instead of junk food is a good way to prepare.
- Once the growth spurts begin in girls, menstruation could be on its way. Have a healthy conversation with your child about what she should expect. Have her keep a stock of sanitary pads with her at all times in case she needs them. Trust ALWAYS Cotton Soft Pads to provide the ultimate protection along with the comfort of feathery softness. The pads are flexible, well-fitting, and are designed with a soft cover that is gentle on the skin. These also come equipped with wings so that the pad stays in place. Give your child the best protection and comfort with Always sanitary pads.
- If your teen isn’t already used to it, encourage regular exercising. This could be in the form of sports they like to play or just a simple walk or jog. Exercising will help in keeping the growing muscles strong and manage the hormonal outbursts.
Puberty and the growth spurt it brings along with it is a normal and new phase of life. Identifying and understanding these changes will help your child be prepared and adapt to them better.
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