Vaginal Infections: Your complete guide
Ever noticed something unusual down there and wondered whether it’s a vaginal infection symptom? It’s likely that you have vaginitis which is an umbrella term used to refer various vaginal infections. These infections are characterised by inflammation of the vagina, causing unusual or excessive vaginal discharge, itching and pain.
Typically, any change in the vaginal pH balance triggers unwanted bacterial growth. Apart from this, there are many other causes of vaginal infection such as reduced estrogen levels after menopause, yeast or bacteria, irritants such as chemicals or detergents, or some skin disorder.
Symptoms of vaginitis
So how do you identify whether the signs and symptoms you notice are related to vaginal infection? Below is a list of symptoms of vaginitis:
If you have itching and burning sensation in and around your vagina
Vaginal soreness and discomfort
If the skin around your vagina and vulva appears inflamed, flushed, or swollen
An increase or decrease in the amount of vaginal discharge
The color of your vaginal discharge changes
If you experience pain or burning while urinating
If you experience pain while having intercourse
Any vaginal bleeding or spotting
It’s possible that you may experience only one or several of the above symptoms and that’s normal. It is important that you stay vigilant and keep a track of them. If your symptoms persist, don’t go away or worsen even after a few days, you must seek medical help. A doctor will help understand the type of vaginal infection and prescribe medication depending on its cause.
Types of vaginal infections or vaginitis
Once you’ve identified the symptoms, it will be easier for you to identify which vaginal infection you have. There are several types of vaginal infections that are grouped under the term, vaginitis. The most common ones are:

1. Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
One of the most common vaginal infections, bacterial vaginosis is typically characterised by thin vaginal discharge that has a grayish-white, greenish, or yellow hue. Other signs include itching and a fish-like odour which tends to become stronger after having intercourse.
2. Yeast infections
With yeast infections, it is common to experience severe itching in the vaginal and vulvar area along with soreness and burning. Some women also notice swelling in the vulvar region and labia like the folds of skin on the outside of your vagina. You may see changes in the discharge as well. You may experience white lumpy discharge that has a texture similar to cottage cheese.
3. Trichomoniasis
Usually, one notices both itching as well as fish-like odour in the vagina with this vaginal infection. The discharge is distinctive with a greenish-yellow hue and a frothy consistency. Other symptoms include swelling, irritation, inflammation in your vagina and vulva, pain during intercourse, lower abdominal pain, and burning and pain while urinating.
4. Atrophic vaginitis
Atrophic vaginitis is when the vaginal walls experience thinning, drying and inflammation due to lower levels of estrogen. Referred to as dryness of the vagina, it is more of a condition than an infection and having it makes it more likely for you to develop vaginal infections and UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections). The signs and symptoms associated with atrophic vaginitis are vaginal dryness, itching, burning, and changes in discharge.
5. Chlamydia
Although a common infection, chlamydia most often goes undetected among women. This is because its symptoms don’t necessarily make themselves known. For instance, vaginal discharge is sometimes present with this vaginal infection, but not always. Some of its other prominent signs are light bleeding, especially after intercourse for those who have very soft cervix, or pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis.
6. Herpes vaginitis (HSV)
This type of vaginal infection is primarily characterised by pain due to lesions or sores. Most often, these sores form on the vulva or the vagina. Although rare, it is possible that it may form inside the vagina too. And in such cases, the sores would be visible only during a gynecologic exam.
Causes of vaginal infections or vaginitis
The primary causes of vaginal infections are related to one aspect: anything that thwarts the normal balance of `bacteria and yeast in the vagina. Depending on the type of infections, let’s look at the causes:
- For bacterial infections such as bacterial vaginosis, an overgrowth of certain bacteria that is naturally found in your vagina is the culprit. Douching, not using condoms, having multiple sexual partners can upset the normal balance of bacteria in your vagina, which could lead to bacterial infections.
- For yeast infections, a fungus called Candida albicans is usually the reason. Factors such as antibiotics, hormonal changes, a weak immune system, and stress among others lead to a decrease in the number of antifungal bacteria in your vagina, which can in turn lead to an overgrowth of yeast. Yeast infection is the result of such overgrowth.
- For Trichomoniasis, the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis causes the infection. Usually, trichomoniasis is contracted by having vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse without using a condom. Other possible methods of transmission include damp toilet seats, pools, and shared towels or damp clothing.
- One of the most common causes of vaginal infections is douching. This practice involves flushing your vagina with a mixture of water and vinegar, baking soda, iodine, or other antiseptic ingredients. This tends to kill and reduce the healthy bacteria in your vagina, giving invitation to vaginal infections.
- Using products with irritants such as in soaps, body washes, and perfumes could disrupt the natural pH of the vagina. It is recommended that you wash your vaginal area with just water and avoid using products with fragrance that could kill the healthy bacteria in your vagina, making it more likely to get infected.
- Wearing tight-fitting or synthetic clothing that trap moisture and prevent airflow, causes irritation in your vaginal area. This makes it more likely for one to get infections. Instead, opt for cotton underwear and bottoms that allow your skin to breathe and allow room for air to flow.
- Sometimes, certain detergent and fabric softeners also contribute to vaginal irritation by affecting the pH balance. This can result in yeast infections.

How can I prevent vaginitis?
Following certain basic practices in maintaining intimate hygiene and health will go a long way in preventing vaginal infections. Below is a list of steps you can take that will help you decrease your chance of getting vaginitis.
- Avoid wearing clothes such as those made of synthetic materials that trap heat and moisture. Use loose undergarments made of breathable fabrics like cotton that allow air flow.
- Avoid staying in wet or damp clothing for a long period of time. For instance, a wet bathing suit or sweaty workout clothes are the perfect environment for yeast and bacteria to grow. Which is why you should get out of them as soon as possible.
- You could try including yogurt and probiotics in your diet. Some researchers believe that eating yogurt helps maintain the proper bacterial balance in your gut and vagina by preventing yeast from overgrowing. Always consult your doctor before making any such changes in your diet and get medical guidance.
- Avoid scented products as they can irritate the sensitive skin around your vagina and vulva and disrupt its pH balance.
- Douching is a big ‘No’! When you douche, you disturb the healthy balance of bacteria in your vagina. This could lead to a host of vaginal infections. Furthermore, by douching, you could mask an existing infection and not get the medical help you need.
- It’s important to have regular checkups and gynecologic exams. This will help you detect an infection or condition whose symptoms you may have missed and get the required medical attention.

- Use quality sanitary products such as Always panty liners to maintain intimate hygiene. These are a great way to manage vaginal discharge, especially when you have an infection or if there are days when you have a little extra vaginal discharge. Always panty liners such as the Comfort Protect liners are great. They have an innovatively discreet design that is flexible and reliable so you can go about your activities freely. These come with a unique odour-neutralising technology that keeps you confident and secure all day long. When it comes to managing your period, use Always sanitary pads which are made of supreme quality and are dermatologically tested. Try the Cotton Soft Pads which offer the best protection and comfort. They are flexible and well-fitting and are designed with a soft cover that is gentle on your skin. Securely held in place with wings, they ensure that you don't feel any discomfort when you're on the move.
We understand that some may feel embarrassed to discuss certain symptoms that could be associated with vaginal infections. But remember that it is a very common condition that countless women experience. So, if you notice any symptoms of vaginitis, talk to your doctor and get the treatment you need.
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1. How do you get vaginitis?
Vaginitis is an umbrella term used to refer various vaginal infections. These infections are characterised by inflammation of the vagina, causing excessive or unusual discharge, itching and pain. The causes of vaginal infection can range from bacteria, yeast, viruses, chemicals in creams or sprays, and even clothing.
2. Does vaginitis go away on its own?
Typically, some vaginal infections such as mild yeast infections do go away on their own, however, it doesn’t apply to all cases. Even with bacterial vaginosis, it usually clears up on its own. But, if left untreated for a long time, it can put you at risk for STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections). So, it’s better that you don’t wait and consult with your doctor at the earliest.
3. How to prevent vaginitis?
Practicing proper intimate hygiene will help you keep vaginal infections at bay. These include wearing loose, cotton undergarments, avoiding irritating products such as body washes, soaps and perfumes that could disrupt the pH balance of the vagina, and using quality sanitary products such as Always panty liners to manage vaginal discharge.
Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.