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What is Period Poverty?

UNESCO estimates that one in ten girls in Sub-Saharan Africa is absent from schoolduring their menstrual cycle. For many girls, menstruation is associated with negativity, shame and isolation – and in several societies, it can come with prohibitions from normal daily activities. For vulnerable girls living in poverty, period onset can lead to increased school absenteeism or dropping out altogether. Stigmas and taboos surrounding period often mean they are only spoken off hurriedly, in hushed tones, denying many girls access to information about puberty and leaving them unprepared when they have their first period.
Help school girls fight period poverty

How can you get involved and join the Bloodsisters? Always donates 1 pad every time you buy 1 pack

We will be donating a pad for every pack of Always purchased over this period*, so just by using your Always as usual, you are helping a girl in need.

Here are the ways you can help out:

1. Donate in-store:

Visit your local Clicks between 18 May-6 June 2023 and donate a pack of Always in their bins- for every pack you donate, we will match with the same pack! Alternatively, visit Dis-Chem between 20 June-20 August 2023 and put your pack of Always in a bin and we will be sure to match this too!

2. Buy your usual Always:

Visit your favorite retailer and add your usual Always to your basket. We'll do the rest!

3. Donate cash:

Donate any amount, big or small, and we will ensure that it goes towards sanitary products.

donate now


In South Africa, 1 out of 3 girls suffers from period poverty.

And no access to pads means no access to school, making pads the obstacle and distance between them and their education. They fall miles behind where they want to be…But their sisters will never let this happen. We decided to create a movement, a nationwide call on solidarity to encourage women, along with Always, to join forces and help out their South African sisters go to school everyday of the month, even on their period.

Watch our anthem & join the Bloodsisters

Always Bloodsisters - Donations

Always Africa’s #EndPeriodPOverty #BloodSisters

The ‘Always Keeping Girls in School’ programme was launched to empower girls with essential puberty education to reduce stigma and build up confidence in young girls. Started in 2006, the program has so far distributed over 50 million Always pads to over 400,000 girls in Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. By providing Always products like sanitary pad donations and samples, Always allows girls to commit to their education and future, without interruptions – period! For more vulnerable girls, we provide an annual supply of pads, supported with a tailored 12 module programme to suit their needs. The programme has now evolved to include young boys in the education sessions, empowering them to become part of the change in normalizing the conversation around periods and become supportive of the Menstrual Hygiene Management needs of women and girls within households, communities, and schools. We all have a role to play to #EndPeriodPoverty and end the stigma attached to menstruation. Both government and private sector interventions are critical in positively impacting menstrual health management by providing platform for dialogues to happen, which can reduce the stigma and suffering that come with menstruation. As a feminine care company, we believe it is our role to highlight the challenges girls face, offer safe sanitary pads and support initiatives that ensure a continuous drum beat of activities around Menstrual Health Hygiene education. Read more about the Always Promise towards bettering menstrual hygiene and What’s in an Always pad that makes them absolutely safe.

Wondering how to induce period? Discover simple and effective tips to help regulate your cycle.

*May/June/July 2023