Period Cravings: How to Manage Cravings during your Period

Wondering why you feel like eating an entire pizza or a box of chocolate chip cookies just before your periods are due? That sudden and intense craving for junk or high in carbs food before periods is called period cravings, one of the many PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) symptoms that most women experience.

Why do you get period cravings?
Craving before periods is not just a feeling or something that women merely want to do to feel better. There is a scientific explanation for PMS cravings. The changes in your hormone levels that happen just before you get your periods are responsible for your period food cravings. Moreover, when you eat starchy and carbohydrate-rich foods, your bodies release serotonin, a chemical that accelerates feelings of happiness. And this feeling is even better when you have other PMS symptoms or if you are feeling low.

Having food cravings is a sign that your periods are just around the corner and you need to be prepared.
Having food cravings is a sign that your periods are just around the corner and you need to be prepared. Make sure you have your favourite Always sanitary pads in stock. Be it the Always 2 in 1 Feather Soft Pads or the Always Maxi Thick Pads, get the ultimate protection and comfort with Always pads' super absorbent core that soaks up menstrual discharge effectively, leaving you fresh, clean and lively.

Is it okay to submit to period cravings?

Overindulging in starchy foods will make you feel even more sluggish than your usual PMS-ridden self.
It's a tricky area but the important thing to remember is to listen to your body. Your body may be needing that extra boost of calories, which is why you are craving a sandwich or a burger. And while it is okay to give in at times, there must also be a limit. Overindulging in starchy foods will make you feel even more sluggish than your usual PMS-ridden self.

Ways to manage PMS cravings
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you get period cravings. Even if you do indulge and give in to your cravings during periods, which is fine, it's good to not stray to the extreme end by adhering to the below tips:

Complex carbs are the way to go
When you have an intense carb craving, the idea is to go for foods that are rich in complex carbs such as whole-grain bread and cereals. This will help satisfy your cravings in a rather smaller quantity and prevent you from reaching towards more sinful foods such as pastries or ice cream.

Avoid processed sugar
While this sounds a bit tough, avoiding processed sugar will help you in the long run with your diet and health concerns. If you are a chocolate lover, try eating dark chocolate instead which will not only satisfy your chocolate cravings but also benefit you as it is rich in antioxidants and minerals.

Avoid salt
Yes, you want those potato fries, but try enjoying them without the salt. Excessive salt will only increase bloating and lead to fluid retention. While the above guidelines are more to do with your diet, there are other non-food related ways to manage your PMS cravings too:
- Going for a walk or run is a good way to feel energised and refreshed.
- Watch movies
- Talk to your friend
Period craving is part of the menstrual journey for most women and is a completely normal phenomenon. There may be times when you completely give in and that's okay, what's important is that you realise it's a slip and mend it the next time around. If you, however, feel like your cravings are getting uncontrollable and you're having a rather difficult time trying to manage it, we suggest talking to your doctor about it.
Read more about period symptoms, causes of irregular periods and what causes period pains.
1.What are the most common period cravings?
Foods with high carbs like chips, pizza, or sweets like chocolate are some of the most common period cravings that women tend to have. These provide a short-lived serotonin spike in your body which then can make you moody.2.When do period cravings start?
Period cravings ideally start 7 - 10 days before your periods. It is primarily caused by the shifting levels of oestrogen and progesterone which make you crave sweets, salt, and carbs. However, as every woman's body is different, it isn't necessary that each and every woman would experience cravings during periods.3.How to deal with period cravings?
Here are a few easy ways to deal with period cravings:1. Eat foods that are rich in complex carbs like beans, lentils, oats, or brown rice.
2. Avoid processed sugar, instead consult with your doctor about whether you can consume small amounts of dark chocolate.
3.Boost your happy hormones by indulging in activities like going for a walk/jogging, watching a funny movie, or cuddling with your pet.
Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.