How To Make Your Periods End Faster: In 2 Days Or Less?

Planned a fun pool party? Or a long weekend with friends? But an unwanted guest joins your plans and dampens the mood! Yes, we are talking about your periods. At times like these, you would want a trick that speeds up your periods. Wish to know how to end your period in 2 days or much faster? Don’t worry, we are here to help you out! Together let’s figure out how to make your periods end faster through some easy methods. But before that, let’s understand whether you can actually speed up periods or not.
Can I Push My Period Out Faster?
As menstruation is a bodily function, you cannot stop it immediately. Especially once it has already begun. When you menstruate, the inner lining of your uterus sheds. Depending on its thickness, you experience heavier or lighter and longer or shorter periods. To shorten the length of your periods you would require to speed up the shedding process. Luckily, there are some ways you can try to end your periods faster.
Ways On How To Make Your Periods End Faster

1. Workout Regularly
Exercising regularly can not only be beneficial for your health but might also lighten your menstrual flow. Muscular movement can stimulate the blood flow down there. This can be a great way to make your periods end faster. However, there isn’t enough evidence to support this claim. You can speak to your doctor and get a workout plan for yourself. It can also help you ease your period pain and reduce period bloating. But make sure to perform moderate exercise. Strenuous workouts can affect your cycle and sometimes can make you miss your periods.
2. Herbal Options
If you are looking for a natural way on how to make your period end faster, then this might be it! Certain herbs can help you ease period cramps and fasten your flow. However, there isn’t enough research to back this claim. You should speak to your doctor and only then consider including any of the following herbs in your diet:- Ginger
- Fennel
- Raspberry leaf
- Myrtle fruit syrup
3. Use sanitary pads over tampons
While tampons are great at soaking menstrual blood, they may also block the flow. This would result in longer periods. So, if you are a tampon lover, you might want to switch your teams to a sanitary pad just for this one time. Try out the ALWAYS Maxi Thick Pads which are designed with anti-leakage barriers to providing maximum coverage. The extra absorbent core keeps the fear of leakage away. Additionally, these pads have high-flex wings which keep the pad in place. Note that there isn’t enough evidence on whether tampons or sanitary pads help you to end your periods faster.
4. Have Intercourse
Another easy way on how to speed up your period is by having an orgasm. When you have an orgasm, it causes your uterine muscles to contract. This biological action nudges the menstrual blood to exit from your uterus quickly. Note that this method to get rid of your period faster isn’t scientifically proven yet.How To Shorten Your Periods In The Longer Run?

If you are searching for how to shorten your period in the long term, then some of the following options might help.
1. Birth Control Options
Many women opt for hormonal birth control options like oral pills, birth control implants, injections, and hormonal IUDs to shorten their menstrual cycle. You can consult your doctor and find an option that would best align with your needs. Note that hormonal birth control might take a few months to make your periods shorter.2. Maintaining A Healthy Weight
Weight fluctuation can make your periods inconsistent. Primarily, being overweight can put you at risk of experiencing heavier, painful, and longer periods. Thus, it becomes imperative to maintain a healthy weight for a healthy period flow. While this won’t make your period end faster right away but in the long run, you will surely reap benefits.Is It Safe To Shorten Your Periods?
Before trying out any method to make your periods end faster, you should consult a doctor. You may think a particular method is safe for you but doing it every month to speed up your periods might pose a health risk.
When To See A Doctor?

Any unusual changes in your period must be notified to your doctor. Here are some instances where medical assistance is a must:
- Heavy periods
- Severe pain
- Pain in the pelvic and abdomen region
- Excessive bleeding
- Period accompanied by Headaches and fever
You might have your own reasons to speed up your periods. Here’s something that you should note. While there are many methods on how to make your periods end faster, there are only a few that might actually work for you. So, before trying any method out, consult your doctor. He will be able to provide you with the right guidance.
Stay well prepared for your next period by tracking it on Always Period Calculator.
1. Can I push my period out faster?
Yes, there are a few ways in which you can push out your periods faster. These include having an orgasm, working out and consuming herbs. However, none of these methods has medical backing to them and hence it’s recommended that you consult with your doctor before attempting it.2. How to end periods in 2 days?
There’s no fool proof method to end your period in 2 days. You can speak to your doctor and find some options to make your flow lighter.3. How to shorten your period naturally?
Chances are you can shorten your periods naturally by consuming certain foods like fennel seeds, ginger, raspberry leaf or myrtle fruit syrup. However, you should consult your doctor first and only then consider consume them. It’s because there isn’t enough medical backing for this method of speeding up your periods.Disclaimer:
Please note the date of the last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.