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How To Stop Period Pain: Home Remedies & Medical Options

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Girl with period pain holding hot water bag for relief

When your uterus sheds its inner lining, you bleed through your vagina, also known as your periods. It is a natural function and is accompanied by cramps or pain in the lower abdomen and back. This pain varies from person to person, and while some women have manageable period pain, some have severely painful periods, also known as dysmenorrhea. Painful periods that result in you having to miss your school or work is not normal.

There are two types of dysmenorrhea:

There are two types of dysmenorrhea

Primary - Women who experience painful periods before and during are known to have primary dysmenorrhea

Secondary - Those who have had normal periods but later develop into painful periods have secondary dysmenorrhea

Painful period treatment

Painful period treatment

We understand period pain can cause extreme discomfort and hamper your daily activities. So, here's a complete guide for painful period treatment.

Home remedies for period pain

Home remedies for period pain

If you want to know how to stop period pain, or at least find some relief from it, here are some home remedies for period pain.

Regular physical exercise helps in alleviating period pain and cramps.

1. Place a heating pad on your pelvic area or back, wherever the pain is the most. It helps find some temporary relief.

2. While some may not prefer it, massaging your abdomen is a great way at relaxing your muscles. But make sure to apply less pressure and stick to strokes that help you unwind and relax.

3. Believe it or not, a warm bath can help you more than you realise. It has a soothing, calming effect and you will feel much better and refreshed.

4. Regular physical exercise helps in alleviating period pain and cramps. If you don't feel like it, even a jog or a walk can help freshen your mood.

Prevent bloating by reducing consumption of salty foods, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.

5. As much as you crave fried foods and salty chips, they will only aggravate the situation. Instead, try eating light, nutritious meals like soups and granola bars.

6. Yoga is a great way to feel relaxed and it is also known to help combat period cramps.

7. Prevent bloating by reducing consumption of salty foods, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.

Along with the above tips to manage period pain, you must also stay prepared for your period. Use Always' Maxi Thick Pads which provide upto 100% comfortable protection. The pads are designed with an innovative extra-absorbent core so that remain protected for hours at a stretch. It also comes with a comfortable flexi pillow and dry top sheet that offer extra comfort so you have a fresh, clean, and lively day. Alternatively, you can also use tampons, like the Always Tampax Compak. It comes with smooth, compact applicator for discretion, and a built-in protective skirt to help prevent leakage for up to 8 hours.

How to treat painful periods medically

How to treat painful periods medically

While home remedies can be super relieving and help us relax and alleviate the pain, sometimes it may not have much effect for some women who experience excruciating pain. In such a case, here are some options you can choose to explore after consulting your doctor:

1. In situations where the pain is unbearable, you can go for over-the-counter painkillers to find some relief. Your doctor will prescribe you the right one.

2. Stay healthy by taking vitamin supplements such as vitamin B-6, vitamin B-1 and vitamin E.

3. Other supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and magnesium are good for overall health too.

When Should You Consult Your Doctor?

When Should You Consult Your Doctor?

If none of the above home remedies for painful periods seem to help you and the pain doesn't seem to subside, you must consult a doctor. This again varies as each person's threshold for pain differs. The below symptoms should help you decide when to see a doctor:

  • If painful periods disrupt your everyday activities every month, and you aren't able to follow routines.
  • If you notice the pain worsening every month.
  • If you had normal menstrual cramps but have just begun having severe period pain after the age of 25.

Your doctor may ask you to conduct some imaging tests such as ultrasounds or MRI. Depending on the results, you doctor may suggest further testing or recommend some medical treatment options for the pain. They include:

  • Stronger pain relievers than your usual over the counter ones
  • Antidepressants to combat mood swings that is symptom of PMS
  • In some cases, doctors also suggest hormonal birth control as hormones prevent ovulation. And this can help control menstrual pain.

It is normal to have menstrual cramps that don't affect your daily activities. However, if the pain is unmanageable, even if you're unsure about whether it's normal or not, you must consult your doctor. Most likely, it could be nothing but if there's a slim chance of it being a problem, it's best to have it detected early on. Read more about period symptoms and causes of irregular periods.

Wondering why your period started then stopped? Our guide explains common reasons for this cycle pattern and how to manage it.


1.How to stop period pains at home?

Dealing with period pain can be quite difficult. Here are some home remedies for period pain that would provide you relief to a certain extent.

1. Place a heating pad on the painful areas of your body
2. Gently massage your abdomen
3. Have a warm bath that would soothe your body
4. Avoid salty or spicy snacks, switch to nutritious foods like granola bars or soups
5. Practise yoga after consulting with your doctor

2. What is the best remedy for period pain?

There's no best remedy for period pain, however, taking over-the-counter medicines after consulting a doctor can help you ease the discomfort. If your period pain isn’t severe, a heating pad or a warm bath can also provide relief.

3.What to drink to stop period pain?

There isn’t any specific drink that stops period pain. However, herbal drinks like ginger, chamomile, or fennel tea might ease period pain. Remember to check with your doctor whether these herbal drinks would ease your period pain or not.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.