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How To Get Bigger Breasts Naturally?

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How To Get Bigger Breasts Naturally

‘How to get bigger breasts naturally fast at home?’, ‘How to get a bigger breast in a week?’ or ‘How to increase breast size?’ If your recent searches look like these, then we assume that your puberty stage is over but you still wish to have bigger breasts. Given that breast growth is a biological aspect, it tends to differ from person to person. Your breast might be smaller than that of your sister or your friend. So, today we’re here to answer the real question of whether it is possible to increase breast size.

What Is The Breast Development Age In Girls?

What Is The Breast Development Age In Girls?

Typically, the formation of breasts starts when your baby girl is a fetus. However, the actual breast development age in girls, with regards to the size, begins as soon as they hit puberty. It could be as early as eight years old or as late as 13 years old. The reason behind this is the production of estrogen which adds fat to your breast tissues. At this breast development stage, the milk ducts also begin to grow, thereby forming bigger breasts.

Is it possible to change breast size naturally?

Is it possible to change breast size naturally?

Your breast growth is influenced by multiple factors like genetics, hormones, lifestyle, weight.

Your breast growth is influenced by multiple factors like genetics, hormones, lifestyle, weight. However, there are only a few ways besides surgical procedures (breast implants), like strength training, particularly chest exercises that may help you a bit to increase your breast size.

How To Increase Breast Size Naturally?

How To Increase Breast Size Naturally?

Wondering how to get bigger breasts naturally, fast at home? Here are a few effective options that might help you develop bigger breasts:


Chest Exercises

A chest exercise would target your pectoral muscles and strengthen them.

Attempting a chest exercise to increase breast size may be effective for some women. A chest exercise would target your pectoral muscles and strengthen them. This would make your breast appear larger and firmer.

Here are some exercises to increase breast size that you can add to your routine:-

  • Wall press
  • Dumbbell chest press
  • Stability ball chest press
  • Cobra Pose
  • Pullovers
  • Fly’s

Make sure to ask your fitness instructor first whether your body is ready for these particular exercises.

Try out a new bra

Try out a new bra

Thinking about how to get a bigger breast in a week? First, you must resolve the core problem at hand, wearing the right size of bra. Many women to date wear the wrong size and cup of a bra. In case, you tend to wear a smaller bra, it’s about to make your breast look flat and smaller. On the other hand, wearing a bigger bra than your actual size won’t do much for bigger breasts, rather it will make them look saggy. Thus, it’s highly important to pick a bra that is your size. The perfect fit will provide you with the perfect lift and would make your breast bigger.

Correct Your Posture

Correct Your Posture

Hello hunchbacked, it’s time to work on your posture. This won’t lead to breast growth, but it will surely enhance its appearance by giving it a peakier look. On the other hand, having a good posture adds to your overall balance, strength, and personality too! So, try out exercises like planks, cow pose or child’s pose, which enables you to improve your posture.

Strategies That Won’t Increase Your Breast Size

Strategies That Won’t Increase Your Breast Size

While the above-given strategies guide you on how to increase breast size, a quick search on the net would give you a list of ways that promise you bigger breasts but fail miserably. Let’s have a look at them:

Supplements to increase breast size

Supplements to increase breast size

Call it gimmicky, but breast enhancement supplements are a waste of money and some of them might also be unsafe. There is no evidence that states it’s beneficial for your health.

Creams for breast growth

Creams for breast growth

By now, we’ve learned that your breast size is defined by numerous internal factors. A breast enhancement cream doesn’t have the ability to alter these factors and make your breast bigger. They might enhance the texture of your skin but it has nothing to do with the size.

Massage for breast growth

Massage for breast growth

Ideally, breast massages are carried out to stimulate the blood flow and provide lactation comfort to new moms. Just like the creams, massages also don’t have any scientific backing that claims to increase breast size.

Foods that claim to increase breast size

Foods that claim to increase breast size

We’ve discussed earlier that your breast growth is influenced by hormones. Now, milk has estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. Linking the two, many people believe that consuming milk would increase breast size. However, it’s completely false!

The Bottom Line

There are no magical foods or products that can increase your breast size or make your breast bigger. It’s only exercising that may help you tone and strengthen your pectoral muscle. Additionally, you need to keep a note of your weight or any hormonal changes as they can alter the look of your breast.

Hormonal changes majorly take place during your monthly periods. This reminds us, do you have the best period protection? If not, then try out the ALWAYS Ultra Thin Pads which let you say goodbye to the fear of leakage and stains. It has a super absorbent core with InstantDry system which soaks the wetness and keeps you protected. If you are an avid user of tampons, you need to experience the innovative absorbent core of the ALWAYS TAMPAX Cardboard Tampons. It also has a protective skirt that acts as an additional protector which reduces the risk of leakage. Furthermore, these tampons are made available in different variants to provide best absorbency.

In the end, size doesn’t matter! You need to just take care of your body and watch how your confidence struts through the roof!

Stay well prepared for your next period by tracking it on Always Menstrual Cycle Calculator.


How to get a bigger breast in a week?

Surgical procedures like breast implants can help you get a bigger breast in a week. However, do consult your doctor to understand what are the best options for you.

When do breasts stop growing?

Breasts stop growing in girls after their puberty is over. This could be one or two years after the first period. However, in some women the breast development age can be till 18 years.

How to get bigger breasts naturally fast at home?

You can try chest exercises at home like pushups, wall presses or planks to get bigger breasts naturally. But note that exercises take time to show their results. So, you won’t get quick results but a steady one. Likewise, as our bodies are different, the results would also differ from women to women.

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