Ways To Help Your Daughter Through Puberty

There’s no doubt that puberty feels like a roller coaster ride!
There’s no doubt that puberty feels like a roller coaster ride! You, yourself would have experienced the emotional and physical changes in adolescence. Well, now it's your daughter’s turn to hit puberty and embrace her womanhood. Puberty in females arrives anywhere between the age of 9 – 11. For others it could be a little early which is known as precocious puberty. Either way, dealing with puberty can get a little too overwhelming at times.
With the constant new changes, your daughter would need you by her side. Wondering how you can help her during such times? Read on as we lay out some advice for her puberty period that enables her to enjoy this phase rather than struggle with it.

Period cramps

Experiencing period cramps for the first time can be terrifying.
Experiencing period cramps for the first time can be terrifying. But as a parent, here’s how you can help your daughter in this puberty stage. Explain to her what a normal period cramp should feel like. If she experiences mild pain in her lower back, hips, and lower abdomen, then assure her there’s nothing to worry about and it's quite normal. You can also help her by learning ways on how to relieve period pain right here. However, if she complains of extreme cramps that won’t go away even with painkillers (as suggested by her doctor) or hinder her daily activities, then you should seek medical help.

Mood swings
Your daughter is bound to experience emotional outbursts during her puberty. Here, you need to make her aware of what unacceptable behaviour is but gently and patiently. Explain to her what an emotional change is and how she can overcome it. Give her some alone time to deal with her emotions. Another way to deal with puberty mood swings is by channelling her energy into physical activities like playing a sport, jumping rope or attending dance classes.

Weight gain
Weight gain is one of the physical changes during puberty that affects males and females too. This physical change can be too sensitive for her. She might find it difficult coping up with her body image. As a parent, you need to reassure her that it's a natural part of growing up. On the other hand, if her weight gain is too rapid, you can direct her towards a healthy diet. The goal is to focus on healthy living and not worry about the scale.

Hair growth
Physical changes in adolescence are often accompanied by hair growth in the different areas of the body. It includes underarms, hands, legs, and the pubic region. But some girls might find spurts of hair growing under their chin, upper lips or even near the nipples. Removing them or not is her decision to make. What you need to do is make her understand that body hair is a normal part of life. In case she wishes to get rid of that hair, you can guide her to the various hair removal methods like waxing, shaving, or epilating. However, consult with your doctor beforehand since her skin might still be delicate or sensitive.

Difficulty in forming friendships
Many teens find it difficult to deal with social situations and form friendships. The advice for this puberty issue would be to help your daughter to be more confident. Encourage her to take part in group activities, let her plan sleepovers with her friends and praise her for her efforts. Remember the idea is to instil confidence and not force her to be socially active.

Additional Puberty Tips
Apart from the above ways of dealing with your daughter’s emotional and physical changes during puberty, here are some additional puberty tips at your service:
Your daughter would need your help in figuring out how to use sanitary pads, tampons or panty liners. You need to guide her and explain the importance of personal hygiene. Likewise, you must ensure that she gets the best period protection like the ALWAYS Cotton Soft Pads that provide cushiony softness with ultimate protection. Its innovative absorbent core soaks the menstrual discharge for long hours without any leakage.

As mentioned earlier, your daughter is going through different changes in her puberty period . It’s all new to her and she would want someone to hear her out. So, make sure to be open to communication. Listen to her problems and assure her that puberty changes are just a part of life and eventually these changes would settle down. Also, make sure that she has a good, strong social circle that conducts healthy conversations.

2.Listen more!
Rage and irritability can be the top emotions during puberty. Ensuring that these emotions do not get bottled up into something big is your duty. What you can do is help her explore a productive outlets like sports, dance, or music. It can easily distract her from those negative emotions and move on.

3.Channel her emotions in an outlet
Puberty can be a difficult time for your daughter. But this does not mean she shouldn’t enjoy it, right? All you need to keep in mind is to communicate. Talking about puberty can help her get through this phase of life. Watch her grow into a beautiful lady who is ready to take on the world with her charm!
1. What are the emotional changes during puberty?
Here are some of the examples of the emotional changes that can occur during puberty:1. Feeling uncertain
2. Feeling overly sensitive
3. Going through peer pressure
4. Irritability and rage