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Watery Period Blood: Is It A Sign of Pregnancy Or Something More

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Watery Period Blood: Is It A Sign of Pregnancy Or Something More

Do you notice a change in your menstrual blood? Is it dark red, pink or brown? The fact is menstrual blood keeps changing its colour, consistency and flow through the days you bleed. There are varied reasons for different period blood colour. However, if you notice a watery period, chances are it could be a sign of pregnancy or some other underlying issue.

It’s essential to understand what a watery period indicates and how one can differentiate it from a sign of pregnancy. Worry not, don’t let your mind overthink. We’ve got your back! First, let’s dive a little deeper to understand what your watery period blood is implying.

What Does Watery Period Blood Indicate

What Does Watery Period Blood Indicate?

If you notice thin period blood which is watery in consistency, here are the possible reasons behind it:

1. Beginning or the end of your periods

You might have seen that your flow is the lightest on days when your period starts and ends. There’s a possibility that the blood could mix up with your vaginal discharge. This results in watery menstrual blood. At such times, using the best sanitary pads is a must! Try out the ALWAYS Maxi Thick Pads which have an extra absorbent core and unique anti-leakage barriers. These pads minimise the risk of leakage and keep you protected with a clean and dry top sheet.

2. Low levels of oestrogen

Having low levels of oestrogen in the body can make your period blood watery. Typically, oestrogen helps in thickening the lining of the uterus. When the levels drop, your uterine lining becomes thin, and you experience thin watery blood. It could occur due to excessive intense workout, a chronic kidney condition, eating disorder or a low-functioning pituitary gland. Low oestrogen levels can be associated with several symptoms such as not enough vaginal lubrication, headaches, fatigue, hot flashes or mood swings.

Effects of hormonal birth control methods

3. Effects of hormonal birth control methods

If you have started taking a birth control pill and wondering, “Why is my period blood watery?” Then the answer is right there! Birth control methods, be it a pill, hormonal IUD or the ring, each makes your uterine lining thinner. As there’s less amount of tissue to shed, it results in light pink, thin watery period blood.

4. Menopause is on its way

Another reason behind experiencing watery period blood could be perimenopause. This is a stage in a woman's life where she starts entering her menopause. It typically occurs in your 40s. During this time, your oestrogen levels keep fluctuating. This results in a lighter flow or sometimes spotting between periods.

Besides the above-mentioned reasons, there’s a possibility that your period blood could be watery due to other underlying conditions. These include a fallopian or an ovarian tumour. Thus, if you experience excessive watery menstruation, instead of wondering, “Why is my period watery?” simply visit a doctor!

Can Watery Period Blood Be A Sign Of Pregnancy

Can Watery Period Blood Be A Sign Of Pregnancy?

There are chances that watery period blood could be a sign of pregnancy. It’s because watery period blood often resembles implantation bleeding. This type of spotting or light vaginal bleeding occurs when a developing embryo attached itself to the uterine wall. Point to note that it might look like period blood but it isn’t. Rather it’s pink or brownish blood mixed with vaginal discharge. To combat this type of light bleeding, using panty liners is the best option. Try out the ALWAYS Comfort Protect Panty Liners which has odour-neutralising technology and a comfortable fit. Likewise, it’s dermatologically tested and safe for the skin.

But how can one be sure whether it's their usual monthly periods or a sign of pregnancy? Well, you would need to wait and watch! If the flow, colour and consistency of the blood increases or changes in the next couple of days, it’s your periods playing their part. You can also use our period calculator to keep track of when Aunt Flo is due to visit you.

In case, the bleeding stops completely, you can count it as a sign of pregnancy. Another way around it is to take home pregnancy tests. However, if you are concerned, visiting your doctor is the best option.


Experiencing a watery period blood isn’t normal. It’s advised to visit a doctor soon. Once your doctor understands the cause, he will be able to suggest you with the right treatment. So, instead of thinking, “Does watery blood mean am I pregnant?” or drawing your own conclusions, make sure to take medical help. In the meantime, maintain your vaginal health by practising intimate hygiene best practises and using superior menstrual products like Always.

Now keep a track of your ovulation period with Always Safe Days Calculator.


1. Why is my period blood watery?

Your period blood could be watery due to the following reasons:

  • You’ve low oestrogen levels

  • You are about to enter menopause

  • You’ve started a birth control pill

  • You are on day 1 or day 5 of your periods

  • You are pregnant

2. Does a watery period mean am I pregnant?

As watery period blood looks a lot like spotting or implantation bleeding, it might be a sign of early pregnancy. It’s best to take a pregnancy test or perhaps visit a doctor to confirm it.

3. Is watery period blood normal?

No, watery period blood isn’t normal. In some cases, it can be a sign of anaemia, pregnancy or a tumour. Thus, consulting a doctor is a must.

Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.