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Home Remedies for Itchy Vagina

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Home Remedies for Itchy Vagina

Every woman, at some point in her life, is likely to have experienced an episode of itchy vagina. And that’s completely normal. There could be many reasons why you have an itchy vagina – from sensitivity to certain chemicals or irritants to an infection.
But the burning question, pun intended, remains – how to soothe and find relief from itchiness down there? For those who are seeking some home remedies for itchy vagina, there are many options available and they are safe and effective.
It is important to detect the cause of the itch before you resort to any home remedies for itching in private parts. You must consult a doctor to figure out the reason and treatment plan. There are several reasons why you may have itching or burning in your vaginal area. Some common ones are:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis – When there is an imbalance of bacteria growing in your vagina, it leads to an infection called bacterial vaginosis. Apart from itching, there are other symptoms too such as inflammation, burning, discharge, and a fishy-smelling odor.

  1. STI – A number of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea among others can cause vaginal or vulvar itching.

  1. Yeast infections – A common condition that women experience, yeast infections occur when the yeast, candida, grow excessively in the vagina and vulva. Along with itching, other symptoms include thick, white, cheesy vaginal discharge.

  1. Chemical irritants – Our skin comes in contact with various chemicals in the form of deodorants or detergents used for clothes. Some chemical substances including those in creams, soaps, scented toilet paper, and fabric softeners can irritate the vagina and vulva.

  1. Menopause – When you enter menopause, there is a drop in estrogen production and this cause the vaginal walls to thin and dry out, leading to itching and irritation.

The best home remedies for vaginal itching

And to soothe yourself in the interim, here are some of the best home remedies for an itchy vagina.

1. Baking soda bath

Using baking soda for vaginal itching is a common practice as it can treat yeast infections as well as certain itchy skin conditions. It promotes a non-conducive environment for the fungus to multiply. This makes it a great remedy to soothe and relieve itching, burning as well as swelling. You can try adding between 1/4 cup and 2 cups of baking soda to your bath. Allow it to dissolve and soak in the bath for 10 to 40 minutes. Remember to always check with your doctor beforehand.

Cool compress

2. Cool compress

Applying a cold treatment like an ice pack or over-the-counter cooling pad can provide relief and soothe irritated skin around your vagina. Ensure that you use a clean towel or some barrier before applying. Direct contact with the skin could further irritate it.

3. Probiotic supplements

Vaginal bacteria and yeast maintain a healthy balance in your vagina. However, there are times when the number of bacteria decline and yeast growth goes out of control. Probiotics are food for bacteria and help increase their numbers and strike the balance again. Probiotic supplements such as tonics or capsules can be taken as a preventative measure. Consult with your doctor for the right prescription.

Greek yogurt

4. Greek yogurt

Yogurt is a probiotic, which helps soothe vaginal itching and burning. You can use a combination of yogurt and honey as the anti-inflammatory properties of honey can help you get rid of irritation. On the other hand, probiotic yogurt boosts the growth of “good” bacteria in the vagina and keep it healthy. The simplest way to use it is by inserting some yogurt into your vagina to soothe the itching. You can use yogurt alone or mix it with some honey. However, it is essential that you consult with your doctor before using any of such home remedies.

5. Apple cider vinegar bath

Adding apple cider vinegar to your bath to soothe yeast infection is a common home remedy for itchy vagina. It has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties that may help in relieving itching and burning in your private areas. Try adding half a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath and soaking in it for 10 to 40 minutes.

6. Cotton underwear

Cotton is breathable and may help reduce irritation. Wearing cotton underwear is helpful if you have any vaginal or vulvar discomfort or itching.

7. Probiotic food

You can also increase consumption of probiotic foods to increase the levels of healthy or good bacteria in your vagina and gut. Probiotic foods such as yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut and miso can help in fighting yeast infections.

8. Avoiding irritants

Most times, the sensitive skin around your vagina and vulvar area may get irritated due to chemicals that it comes in contact with on a daily basis such as the ones in your detergent or cleaning products. Try to identify and avoid such triggers and irritants for dermatitis and inflammation. Some potential triggers include fragrances, cleaning products, synthetic lubricant, tight or constrictive clothing and even shaving pubic area. Wearing light, cotton underwear will help prevent any skin irritations.

9. Maintaining intimate hygiene

It is important to practice good vaginal hygiene to not just stay clean but also to prevent an itchy vagina. And when it comes to washing your vagina or vulva, it is best to opt for warm water and maybe a mild soap. Avoid using any scented products such as gels, or cleansers. Vaginal douching is a big no and should be done only if your doctor prescribes it. Try to keep your vaginal area dry and ventilated.

Maintaining intimate hygiene

If you experience excessive vaginal discharge or if it makes you uncomfortable, consider using panty liners. One of the reasons to wear panty liners is that they are great at maintaining intimate hygiene. ALWAYS Multiform Protect panty liners are a great daily wear option. They are designed for high flexibility and come with 1mm thinness and breathable design that ensures you feel dry and great at all times.

10. Keep the outer area moisturised

Vaginal itching could also be due to dry skin. Consider using a mild, hypoallergenic moisturiser of your choice. You can ask your doctor to recommend one that best suits your skin. Keep a track of your ovulation period with Always Ovulation Calendar and Period Calculator.


1. How to stop itching down there immediately?

For immediate relief, you can use baking soda for vaginal itching. It promotes a non-conducive environment for the fungus to multiply. This makes it a great remedy to soothe and relieve itching, burning as well as swelling. However, check with your doctor before you opt for this remedy.

2. Home remedies for itching in private parts?

Some effective home remedies for itchy vagina are soaking in a baking soda bath or apple cider vinegar bath, using cool compress or applying yogurt. Always check with your doctor before opting for any home remedies.

3. Which medicine is best for itching in female private parts?

For the most effective medicine for an itchy vagina, it’s best to consult your doctor who will know the best treatment for you.

Please note the date of the last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.