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Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy Decoded: What different colours and textures mean?

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Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy Decoded: What different colours and textures mean?

Most of us are aware that you don’t get your periods when you’re pregnant. But what about vaginal discharge during pregnancy? Do you still get it or is early pregnancy discharge different from normal discharge? Let us learn what normal and early pregnancy discharge is.

What is normal discharge?

It is normal and healthy to have vaginal discharge over the course of your menstrual cycle, at different stages. Typically, vaginal discharge is thin and slippery and has mild to no odour. The thickness and consistency of discharge changes as your body serves different functions. The main role of vaginal discharge is to keep the vagina lubricated and to prevent it from infections.

What is normal discharge?

Typically, vaginal discharge is thin and slippery and has mild to no odour

What does early pregnancy discharge look like?

One of the many changes that your body goes through, is that you’ll notice your vaginal discharge during pregnancy is different than your usual discharge. This change could either be in thickness, consistency, frequency or volume. And there is no standard change that you can easily identify, different women experience different changes in vaginal discharge during pregnancy.

Hormones play a huge role in vaginal discharge and during pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations play an even bigger role. Several factors such as changes to the cervix can alter the flow of your discharge., When your cervix and vaginal wall tissues soften, your body produces excess discharge to keep infections at bay. In later stages of your pregnancy, your baby’s head pushing up against the cervix can also lead to excessive pregnancy discharge.

What does early pregnancy discharge look like?

Pregnancy is a confusing but exciting period and is different for each woman.

Different pregnancy discharge colours and what they mean

To help you identify what colours and types of vaginal discharge is fine, and which may be potentially harmful, you can go through the below list. It mentions the different pregnancy discharge colours and textures, and what they indicate.

Different pregnancy discharge colours and what they mean

Clear or white:

This is the typical, healthy colour of vaginal discharge that is slightly slippery and it may have a mild odour. But, if there are any significant changes in the quantity, for instance if you the discharge is enough to constantly leak through or is thick and jelly-like, you must consult your doctor immediately. Read more about white or watery vaginal discharge.

Clear or white

Lumpy discharge that’s white:

If your discharge is white and has a cottage cheese-like consistency, it may be an infection. This guarantees a visit to the doctor. An infection typically includes symptoms such as itching, burning, and painful urination. Read more about white vaginal discharge.

Lumpy discharge that’s white

Green or yellow:

This colour is definitely not a healthy one and it may suggest a sexually transmitted infection (STI). These infections, at times, do not cause any symptoms. An STI can cause complications in pregnancy and must therefore be looked into immediately. Read more about yellow vaginal discharge. Read more about green vaginal discharge.

Green or yellow


It is a common colour, especially when you have your periods, more like towards the end of it. But for cases when you’re expecting, if you see brown vaginal discharge, either thick or slippery, it could be an early-sign-of-pregnancy discharge. It is usually not a reason to worry but always consult your doctor if you notice it.



Depending on when you experience pink discharge, it may or may not be normal. During early pregnancy, it could be a sign of miscarriage. And in the final stages of pregnancy, it could happen when the mucus plug releases, which means that your body is preparing for labour. Sexual intercourse and vaginal infections could also be the cause for pink discharge .



If you notice red discharge, irrespective of the texture, you must urgently and immediately inform your doctor. If the discharge is accompanied by cramps and heavy bleeding, you will need immediate medical attention.

Read more about different colors of vaginal discharge here.


When to call a doctor?

If you notice any abnormal discharge during pregnancy, you must contact your doctor. Below is a brief list of abnormal pregnancy discharge:

  • Discharge that is yellow, green, or gray in colour
  • If discharge is accompanied by a strong and foul odour
  • If you experience any redness, itching, or swelling
When to call a doctor?

Tips to maintain intimate hygiene

One must always maintain proper intimate hygiene, especially during pregnancy. Here are some tips to help you get started.

  1. Use panty liners to manage pregnancy discharge. ALWAYS has a range of liners that you can choose from. The ALWAYS Extra Protect panty liners are formulated with an absorbing zone and odour neutralising technology, and they offer extra coverage. Reliable, fast absorption and freshness make ALWAYS Daily Liners perfect for protection from vaginal discharge.
  2. Wear breathable and loose clothing that allows your skin to breathe and not allow sweat to accumulate, making you more susceptible to infections.
  3. Use cotton underwear as cotton is great for absorbing sweat.
  4. Avoid douching and using scented products
  5. Maintain a healthy diet

Vaginal discharge is a normal and healthy body function and the same goes for when you’re pregnant. Keep in mind the types of pregnancy discharges that you should be wary about and speak to your doctor immediately if you notice anything unusual.

Now keep a track of your ovulation period with Always Period Calculator .

Tips to maintain intimate hygiene


What colour and texture does pregnancy discharge have?

One of the many changes that your body goes through, is that you’ll notice your vaginal discharge during pregnancy is different from your usual discharge. This change could either be in thickness, consistency or colour. For instance, some women notice an increase in the volume of discharge due to an increase in estrogen levels, and the colour ranges from clear to white.

Is clumpy discharge normal during pregnancy?

If your discharge is clumpy, lumpy or has a cottage cheese-like consistency, it may be an infection. Having this sort of pregnancy discharge guarantees a visit to the doctor. An infection typically includes symptoms such as itching, burning, and painful urination.

When should I be worried about discharge during pregnancy?

If you notice any abnormal discharge during pregnancy such as discharge that is yellow, green, or red in colour, if it is accompanied by a strong and foul odour, or if there’s any redness, itching, or swelling, you must contact your doctor.

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