Vaginal Itching Before, After & During Period: What’s Causing That Itch?
Having the uncontrollable urge to scratch down there? Seems like vaginal itching has entered the unmarked territory. It can be quite annoying to deal with. Chances are you might experience an itchy vagina before, after or even during the period. What’s annoying is to spot the cause behind the itchy vagina. In most cases, it isn’t a cause of concern. However, occasionally it can also be a sign of yeast infection or sexually transmitted infections. Thus, understanding the cause of vaginal itching before, after or during a period is important.
To help you out, we’ve enlisted the causes of the itchy vagina before, after and during this period. At the same time, home remedies and treatments for itchy vaginas have also been scoured for you! So, read on to know more!
What Causes Itchy Vagina Before Period?
1. Yeast Infection
If you experience an itchy vagina before a period which is swollen or has a thick, cottage-cheese-like discharge - consider it a sign of yeast infection. The overgrowth of fungus in the vaginal region causes this condition. It’s quite common and gets aggravated after intercourse. So, if you experience itching before the period and discharge which is thick, you should head to your doctor’s clinic.
Treatment - Yeast infection can be treated with oral or topical antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
2. Bacterial Vaginosis
Vaginal itching before a period accompanied by thin grey, green or yellow discharge is a symptom of bacterial vaginosis. It is caused by the overgrowth of naturally occurring bacteria present in your vagina. But what leads to the overgrowth is yet to be found.
Treatment - A dose of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor will help you treat bacterial vaginosis. Additionally, stay away from douching as it can multiply the infection.
3. Trichomoniasis
If your vulva is itching before the period, it could signify that you’re infected with trichomoniasis. It is a common sexually transmitted infection. It can cause irritation in the vagina before period or sometimes after too. Other symptoms include a burning sensation while urinating or having intercourse, frothy-looking vaginal discharge which has a foul odour, and spotting.
Treatment - Just like other infections, this too can be treated with antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor.
4, Vaginal Dryness
Itchy vagina before the period is commonly a by-product of vaginal dryness. After ovulation, your oestrogen levels spike and drop drastically. This sometimes can lead to vaginal dryness. In this condition, the tissues present in your vagina become thin and dry. Due to lack of lubrication and low levels of oestrogen, there’s vaginal itching observed before the period.
Treatment - Speak to your doctor and find out which medications would replace or act like oestrogen in your body. Once the hormonal levels are balanced out, you would get relief from vaginal dryness and itching.
What Causes Itchy Vagina During Period?
1. Irritation
If you experience an itchy vagina during periods, it's probably because of your menstrual hygiene products. Some of them are made up of harsh materials which tend to irritate your sensitive skin. It’s seen that using the wrong size of tampons can also dry out your vagina and lead to itching. Apart from this, harsh laundry detergents or soap can also irritate your vagina and invite an itch down there.
Treatment - Use sanitary pads and tampons which are dermatologically tested and gentle on delicate skin. Try out the ALWAYS Cotton Soft Pads which has an innovative soft design that delivers cushiony soft comfort. Its innovative absorbent core locks menstrual discharge and reduces the risk of leakage. Additionally, its flexible wings keep the pad in place. For tampon users, the ALWAYS Tampax Cardboard Tampons are a great pick. Its absorbent core holds the liquid and keeps leakage at bay. It’s also equipped with a protective skirt that keeps you dry and secured for up to 8 hours.
2. Hormonal Changes
It isn’t an unknown fact that your hormones are all over the place during periods. This fluctuation causes an imbalance in the, otherwise balanced bacterial growth present in your vagina. All of which disrupt the vaginal ecosystem and lead to an itchy vagina during periods.
Treatment - Depending on the cause of hormonal changes and their effect, your doctor would provide you with the required treatment.
Apart from these two, yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis can also be the cause of itchy vagina during this period. Speak to your doctor and find out which one of these is causing the itch down there. Once detected, he will be able to help you ditch your itch with appropriate medications.
What Causes Itchy Vagina After Period?
1. Skin Conditions
Dermatitis or psoriasis are some of the skin conditions which may make your vagina itchy after a period. The former is caused due to your skin being exposed to allergens. On the other hand, in the latter condition, infection-fighting cells attack healthy skin cells. Scaly, patchy skin is one of the common symptoms of these conditions. If you notice an itching and burning sensation after a period, consult a doctor immediately.
Treatment: Depending on the condition, your doctor would prescribe you topical steroids to reduce the itch, rash or inflammation.
2. Medication Side Effects
Certain medications can also disrupt the ecosystem of your healthy vagina. This might make you feel itchy inside your vagina after a period. Hence, it's always advised to consult a doctor before taking any medications.
Treatment: Your doctor would remove and replace the medicines that cause an itch in your vagina.
3. Vulvar Cancer
In the rarest case, vulvar cancer can cause itching and burning sensation after a period. It can occur at any point of time in your life. However, this condition is reported mostly in older women.
Treatment: Regular screening helps detect cancer in its early stage. Thus, visiting a doctor and getting a health check-up done is strongly advised.
Home Remedies To Reduce Vaginal Itching
While doctors help you get rid of that itch, here are a few things that you can do at your home.
Wear comfortable, cotton panties
Avoid using scented menstrual products
If needed, use soaps and detergents created for sensitive skin
Use a cold compress to soothe the itch
When To See A Doctor
Dealing with an itchy vagina during, before or after periods can be quite irritating. But it shouldn’t be ignored at all costs. Here are a few instances where you must visit a doctor immediately:
Changes in your vaginal discharge
Burning or itching sensation around vulva
Pain while urinating or having intercourse
Pain in the pelvic region
Itchy vagina before, after or during periods can be caused due to a myriad of reasons.
Amongst which infections, hormones, skin sensitivities and STIs stand out. Seeking medical help for each is highly advised. Don’t hesitate to speak to a doctor. It’s common to develop vaginal itching. With the right medical attention, you would be able to ditch the itch quickly and effectively! So, visit a doctor at the earliest.
Now keep a track of your ovulation period with Aways Fertile Days Calculator.
1. Will I experience vaginal itching during ovulation?
No, there are fewer chances of experiencing vaginal itching during ovulation. However, you would notice an itchy vagina before the period. It is the result of decreased oestrogen levels which cause vaginal dryness and hence the itching.
2. Why does my vulva get itchy before my period?
Your vulva might get itchy before your period due to several reasons such as:
Yeast infection
Bacterial Vaginosis
Vaginal Dryness
All these conditions causing an itchy vagina before your period can be treated with medicines. So, consult a doctor and get relief from the itchy vagina at the earliest.
3. What causes vaginal itching and burning after a period?
There are a host of reasons causing vaginal itching and burning sensation after a period. A few of them include shifting hormonal levels, sexually transmitted infections, skin conditions, and bacterial or yeast infections. Depending on the cause, your doctor would assist you with the required treatment.
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