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Light period: Causes and when to seek help?

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Cause of Light Period

Periods aren’t the same for every girl or woman.

How do you know if you have a light period? Each woman and their menstrual cycle are different, so how does one identify a light period, and moreover whether it’s a cause for concern. Firstly, it’s important to understand what’s a normal period. A period is when the uterus sheds its inner lining every month. A typical menstrual cycle lasts for an average of 21 to 35 days, with periods lasting anywhere between two to seven days. If you range anywhere between this spectrum, it’s considered normal. Periods aren’t the same for every girl or woman. Some women have naturally lighter and shorter periods than others.

Knowing what a normal period for you is, will help you recognise if your periods are getting shorter and lighter. Use Always’ Period Calculator to know your cycle length and next period date. If you have less bleeding during periods than usual or very light period blood, then these are some red flags that should alert you. Besides these, there are some other signs and symptoms that you should watch out for. Those are:

  • If your period lasts fewer than two days
  • If you have light period blood, like spotting
  • If you miss one or more regular-flow periods
  • If you have light periods more frequently than your typical 21- to 35-day cycle.
Causes of light period

Causes of light period

It’s important to note that not all the above symptoms mean you have a problem. There are times when stress or extreme weight fluctuations trigger a light period, and that’s manageable. Here are some of the most common reasons why you could have a light period.



A light period could be an indicator of pregnancy, especially if you’ve not been using birth control pills. Implantation bleeding, which is a light spotting kind of bleeding that occurs when a fertilized egg implants itself in the lining of the uterus and lasts for up to two days, could easily be mistaken for a light period.

Weight fluctuations

Weight fluctuations

If, for any reason, you have gained or lost a lot of weight suddenly, your menstrual cycle is bound to go through changes. Excessive exercising adds a lot of physical stress on your body which affects your periods.



One of the most common reasons for menstrual cycle-related problems is stress. When you go through turbulent situations that lead to emotional stress, it can really affect your menstrual cycle.

Birth Control

Birth Control

If you’re on hormonal birth control, it may cause changes in your menstrual cycle such as light periods. This is because most hormonal birth control obstruct your body from releasing an egg, and this leads to thinner uterus lining and eventually a light period. Birth control devices such as IUDs may also cause you to have periods that are lighter than usual.

Age-related conditions

Age-related conditions

As you get older, your periods get shorter.

Your menstrual cycle gets more stable in your 30s than in your teens. If you have light periods, you could be entering menopause or pre-menopause.

Other conditions

Other conditions

Certain conditions such as Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a result of hormonal imbalance could cause you to have light periods. Eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia too can affect your menstrual cycle.

Risk factors

Risk factors

Any woman of any age can have a light period. It just means that your body is not working the way it typically does. However, there are certain factors that make you more susceptible to having light periods. These include:



This can delay the return of your periods and when they do, may also lead to lighter periods.

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As discussed, if you’re stressed all the time, it will affect your menstrual cycle along with other areas of your health.

Reproductive conditions

Reproductive conditions

If you already have certain reproductive conditions like PCOS, the nature of it that causes an imbalance in your hormone levels may lead to changes in menstrual flow too.

Tips to stay prepared for light periods

Tips to stay prepared for light periods

  • Keep over-the-counter painkiller handy for menstrual cramps. Ask your doctor for the right prescription.

  • Keep a stock of your trusted Always sanitary pads with you at all times. Use the Always Ultra Thin Pads that offer up to 100% comfortable protection. It is designed to have a super absorbent core with the InstantDry System that absorbs menstrual discharge in just a few seconds. Additionally, the Ultra Thin pad is also armed with flexible wings. This means the pads stays in place as you go about completing your tasks and daily routine.

  • Stock up on healthy snacks and juices for those food cravings.

When to see a doctor

When to see a doctor

Consult with your doctor if you have a lighter period than usual but are still having intense cramps. Other coinciding symptoms include:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Irregular periods
  • Light periods for three menstrual cycles consecutively
  • Unusual pain

If you have light periods, it’s usually not something to be worried about. Most reasons for light period such as stress, weight fluctuations and exercising can be managed with healthy lifestyle choices.

Read more about period symptoms, causes of irregular periods and what causes period pains.

Curious about exercise to get periods early? Learn how physical activity can help support your cycle.


Is a light period cause for concern?

If you have light periods, it’s usually not something to be worried about. Consult with your doctor if you have a lighter period than usual but are still having intense cramps, pelvic pain, or irregular cycles.

When should I be concerned about a light period

You should be concerned if you have light period consistently for three menstrual cycles, and if it is accompanied by intense cramps.

What is the reason for less bleeding during periods?

There are many factors that could cause periods that are lighter than usual such as pregnancy, using birth control, extreme weight gain or loss, and stress among others.

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