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What Causes Green Vaginal Discharge and When to Seek Medical Advice

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Green Vaginal Discharge: Causes, Symptoms, and Medical Advice

Experiencing vaginal discharge during your cycle is quite normal. Rather, it's considered to be healthy for your vagina as it flushes away the dead cells and bacteria. This fluid is secreted from the tiny glands present in the vagina and cervix. It keeps your vaginal tract clear and away from infections.

The amount, consistency and colour of your vaginal discharge may vary throughout your cycle. For instance, the time before and after your period would be dominated by bright-red, pink or brown discharge. But for the remaining cycle, it would appear white, clear or milky. However, it only gets concerning when the normal discharge colour which is white and milky turns green! Let's understand what green vaginal discharge is and what causes it to appear in your body.

Green vaginal discharge is often characterised as an abnormal discharge for your vaginal health. In most cases, it's considered to be a sign of a vaginal infection. At first, you might notice a thin, yellow discharge which progresses to be thicker and green-yellowish in colour. However, it could also be a result of a sexually transmitted disease called trichomoniasis. It's accompanied by a foul odour. In such cases, Always Daily Liners Multiform Protect Panty Liners come handy. They are highly flexible and mildly scented to bat off the foul odour released from the discharge. On the other hand, these dermatologically tested liners are gentle on the skin which provide comfort with protection.

In case you are dealing with a foul-smelling green discharge or light green vaginal discharge without odour, it's a clear sign to evaluate your health. Here are some tips to get rid of smelly vaginal discharge.

What Is Green Vaginal Discharge?

Green vaginal discharge is often characterised as an abnormal discharge for your vaginal health.

Causes Of Green Vaginal Discharge

1. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis, also known as 'trich' is a sexually transmitted infection. It's a treatable condition caused due to a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. Once you are exposed to this parasite, you would start noticing green vaginal discharge in the next five to twenty-eight days. This green discharge can occur before period or after as well, depending on when you got exposed to it. But there are some additional symptoms that accompany this STI, they are as follows:

  • Green or yellow vaginal discharge with a foul odour

  • Itching or burning in the genital area

  • Pain while urinating

  • Painful sex

If you experience greenish discharge with no smell but sight the above-given symptoms, consider it an indication to visit the doctor's clinic and get it diagnosed. In case you get detected with this condition, your doctor would prescribe you an antibiotic to treat it.


2. Bacterial vaginosis

Another cause of experiencing green vaginal discharge is bacterial vaginosis (BV). It's a vaginal infection that stems from a bacterial imbalance in your body. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal Itching

  • Thin, grey, white, greeny-yellow discharge

  • Foul, fishy odour

  • Burning sensation while urinating

Apart from the above-given causes, a foreign object like a tampon that is inserted for too long can also lead to vaginal infection. To avoid this from happening, you should keep changing your tampons regularly. Try out the Always TAMPAX Cardboard Tampons which assure leak-free period protection for upto eight hours with their quick-absorption channels and anti-slip grip.

Bacterial vaginosis
  • Other STIs

Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea or chlamydia can also be a reason behind greeny-yellow discharge. This kind of green vaginal discharge is usually cloudy in appearance. If not treated in time, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Hence, it's advised to consult a doctor as soon as you spot the following associated symptoms with STIs:

  • Pelvic pain

  • Increase in vaginal discharge

  • Yellow or yellow-green discharge

  • Bleeding between periods

  • Pain while urinating

  • Painful intercourse

Other STIs

When To Seek Medical Advice

Green vaginal discharge is an abnormal discharge that should be treated under professional guidance. So, once you start experiencing it, you should note down the consistency, smell and colour. This information will allow your doctor to better diagnose the root cause of the discharge. But make sure to consult your doctor soon to avoid any kind of further infections.

Here are a few scenarios when you should consult with your doctor immediately:

  • High fever (higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit)

  • Extreme abdominal or pelvic pain

  • Severe nausea and vomiting

  • A weak pulse

When To Seek Medical Advice
Green vaginal discharge is an abnormal discharge that should be treated under professional guidance.

It might seem a little worrisome at first but ease up your mind. You should simply contact your doctor and get yourself treated. If it's an STD or an infection, it will clear up in a few weeks. The health of your vagina and your body can be restored with proper care and treatment and you will be back to being the picture of health!

Keep a track of your ovulation period with Always Ovulation Calendar and Period Calculator.


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.

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