Yellow discharge: All you need to know
Vaginal discharge is a normal bodily function that every woman has over the course of her monthly cycle. It is the body's way of flushing out unwanted bacteria and keeping your vagina clean. But there are times when you may have noticed some yellow discharge down there and wondered, 'is that normal yellow discharge?'
Usually, a healthy discharge is always watery, white or pale yellow in colour and does not have a strong odour. It is also normal to have a slightly yellow discharge with no odour. The moment you notice a bad or foul odour or even unusual consistency, then it's time to get alert. Additionally, when it comes to managing vaginal discharge, you know you can always rely on Always panty liners. The Always Multiform Protect is designed to offer high flexibility and comes with a 1mm thinness to keep you dry and comfortable all day long.
Why do you get a yellow discharge?
Yellow discharge can range anywhere from pale yellow to a darker greenish-yellow shade. And there are times when it is normal yellow discharge and times when it's an indication for an underlying infection. A brief breakdown of the yellow discharge causes will help you better understand the dynamics.

When you are nearing your period, it is common to have yellow discharge as your vagina produces more mucus and a little blood may lend a yellow hint.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy is normal as it is one of the early signs.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy is normal as it is one of the early signs.
if you notice any foul-smelling or fishy odour accompanied by yellow discharge, then it could be a sign of infection as a healthy discharge is usually odourless.

It is a condition characterised by an inflammation of the cervix caused due to an STI, overgrowth of bacteria or an allergy. You will typically have a pus-like, yellow discharge with an unpleasant odour. Learn how to get rid of smelly discharge. The discharge can also be green or brown. Keep a track of your ovulation period with Always Ovulation Calendar and Period Calculator.

Dietary changes
Any significant changes to your diet such as intake of a new vitamin supplement or certain foods can also, at times, cause yellow discharge. Although, it is highly unlikely as mostly a yellow discharge is the result of infections.

When to see the doctor
If a yellow discharge can also be normal, how do you know when medical intervention is needed? Here are some signs that you can watch out for, so that you know you have to visit your doctor if any of the below are accompanied with yellow discharge:
- If the yellow discharge has a foul smell
- If you feel itchy or it hurts when you pass urine
- If the yellow discharge is frothy or chunky or has an unusual consistency
We're sure no one wants to have an infection and here are some tips on how you can keep an infection at bay.
- Use a gentle, mild soap to wash your vagina daily to keep it clean.
- Avoid using any feminine sprays or products that can irritate your intimate area.
- Use cotton underpants or undergarments to allow breathability.
- Always wipe your vagina from the front to back to avoid the risk of bacteria entering it.
It is important to know the difference between a healthy and normal yellow discharge and the one that's not. Seek help the moment you notice any irregularities or anything unusual. And if you do have an infection, stay positive, it is a common thing and nothing to be afraid of. Remember to maintain cleanliness and hygiene always.

Always wipe your vagina from the front to back to avoid the risk of bacteria entering it
Interested in knowing more? Learn everything about brown discharge during periods.
If you're wondering how to reduce vaginal wetness, our guide provides practical tips to help you manage it effectively.
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