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Bloating During Pregnancy: Causes, Duration, and Effective Remedies

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Bloating During Pregnancy: Causes, Duration, and Effective Remedies

Do your pants feel a little too snug since the time you have become pregnant? If the answer is yes, it’s not always your growing belly. Chances are that you’ve been feeling a little bloated lately. Worry not, pregnancy can bring in a lot of exciting yet challenging changes in a woman's body. Be it mood swings, increased vaginal discharge or food cravings, the journey feels like a roller coaster ride.

Bloating during pregnancy is just one of them! It is one of the common symptoms found in early pregnancy. If you too are experiencing it and want to know how to relieve bloating during pregnancy, you’ve arrived at the right spot. Today, we will be discussing the causes of bloating in pregnancy, when does bloating starts and stop during pregnancy, along with some remedies to treat it. So, keep on reading!

What Are The Causes Of Bloating In Pregnancy?

If you are wondering why your belly feels a little too big in the early stages of pregnancy, then your hormones are to be blamed for it. Particularly, progesterone! Even though it plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy pregnancy, this hormone also causes bloating. In addition to it, it also leads to burping and gas.

How does it happen, you ask? Well, progesterone relaxes the smooth muscle tissue in your body. This dials down your digestion process. On the brighter side, this action enables your baby to get the nutrients from the foods that you eat via your bloodstream. But on the other hand, slower digestion can make one feel constipated and bloated. Coming to releasing gas, the growing uterus puts pressure on your rectum, which makes you lose muscle control and causes the big act!

It’s also noted that women who had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) prior to pregnancy, may experience their symptoms getting worse.

How Long Does Bloating In Pregnancy Last?

Bloating is one of the early pregnancy symptoms that one develops in week 11 of pregnancy. It’s quite possible that bloating in early pregnancy could last throughout your pregnancy. In some cases, even up until your little one enters the world. It could become a little extreme in the third trimester, as the foetus grows and puts pressure on the surrounding organs.

Pregnancy Vs PMS Bloating

Differentiating between pregnancy bloat and a PMS bloating or pre-period bloat could be a little tricky. It's because the symptoms are a little overlapping. Pregnancy often factors in symptoms like morning sickness, spotting, food aversions and a missed period. If you experience these along with bloating, consider it a sign of pregnancy. Whereas, if you notice cramps, breast changes, acne or headaches, then it’s a period bloat.

Remedies To Ease Bloating In Pregnancy

Wondering “How to relieve bloating during pregnancy?” Chances are you might still feel a little bloated throughout your pregnancy. However, there are a few ways to deal with constipation that comes with bloating and makes you gassy. Here are some of the remedies that can combat the gas:

1. Stay hydrated

Water can get things moving in your digestive system and thereby reducing constipation. So, make sure to sip on at least 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day.

Stay hydrated

2. Fuel on fibre

High fibre foods like leafy green vegetables, legumes and whole grains can help you ease constipation. If your diet doesn’t have high fibre foods, make sure to ask your doctor first and then add them to your plate gradually. Don’t eat too much fibre suddenly.

3. Consume smaller meals

Eating six small meals a day can help keep your digestive system from getting too stuffed, too quickly. You can also opt for three normal meals with two in-between snack time. However, make sure to ask your doctor before making any change in your food consumption pattern or ask him to recommend the right diet plan for you.

4. Eat slowly

If you tend to gorge on your food in a haste, then you must stop it immediately! This act may be causing you to swallow more air with your food, thereby making you feel gassy. Make sure to eat slowly, tasting every flavour present in the food.

5. Consume probiotics

Foods rich in probiotics can help you increase the good bacteria in your gut. This can improve digestion and thereby reduce constipation, gas and bloating during pregnancy. So, try out yoghurt, sourdough bread, pickles, and kimchi which have probiotics in them. Do consult your doctor prior to consuming these foods.

6. Relax!

Stress eating can also make you swallow more air while eating. So, make sure to relax, calm your mind and keep your work away while eating.


Ways To Prevent Bloating During Pregnancy

Bloating and pregnancy can make you a little puffy. No one likes that feeling, right? So, here are a few ways to prevent it from happening:

1. Stay away from high-fat foods

2. Eat fewer foods that cause bloating in pregnancy like beans, broccoli, onions, brussels sprouts, or cabbage

3. Don’t drink water with meals, instead drink it between meals

4. Don’t consume alcohol and limit your caffeine intake

5. Refrain from eating right before going to sleep

Curious about the signs ovulation is over? Our guide offers clear insights to help you understand your cycle better.

Ways To Prevent Bloating During Pregnancy

Even though bloating during pregnancy is a common symptom, you must be cognizant of it. In case you notice any severe pain or constipation that doesn’t clear up within a week, you must consult a doctor immediately.

While you deal with this pregnancy symptom, it's important to take care of the ickiest yet most common symptom of early pregnancy - vaginal discharge. To combat it, panty liners are your safest option! Try out the ALWAYS Multiform Protect Panty Liners that are extra-thin (1mm) which keeps you comfortable and its fresh scent provides you with a long-lasting freshness every day. It is also dermatologically tested and safe for the skin. You can also use it in case you experience spotting during pregnancy.

Now keep a track of your ovulation period with Aways Fertile Days Calculator.

Questions like can I get pregnant before my period are common. Our article explains everything you need to know about fertility timing.


1. When does bloating stop during pregnancy?

Bloating tends to stay throughout your pregnancy. In some cases, it might not stop until the day of delivery.

2. What are the foods that cause bloating in pregnancy?

Beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, artichokes, onions are some of the foods that can cause bloating in pregnancy.

3. How to relieve bloating during pregnancy?

Here are a few ways to relieve bloating during pregnancy:

  • Drink water

  • Consume smaller portions

  • Eat fibre-rich foods

  • Do light exercises

  • Eat stress-free!

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