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Cryptic pregnancy: What is it, early symptoms, and how to detect one

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Have you ever heard of those extremely rare medical conditions like that of women who don’t realise they’re pregnant till they go into labour? Sounds bizarre, right? You wonder, ‘how can you be pregnant and not know’? However, it’s not something completely out of the question as there is some truth to it. This condition is called cryptic pregnancy, also known as hidden pregnancy or stealth pregnancy.

What is cryptic pregnancy?

When a person is completely unaware that they are pregnant until very late in the pregnancy, it is known as cryptic pregnancy. This could occur as late as the third trimester or, at times, only when a person goes into labour.

What are some Cryptic pregnancy symptoms?

In order to ascertain how a cryptic pregnancy can go unnoticed, it may help to understand what are some of the typical symptoms of a normal pregnancy. Usually, a woman will discover that she is pregnant around 5 to 12 weeks after conception.

Once you’ve missed your period, a pregnancy test taken at home will indicate a positive result. Then an appointment with a gynaecologist and further tests and an ultrasound helps confirm the pregnancy. Below are some symptoms that are associated with the first trimester:

  • tender and swollen breasts
  • mood swings
  • fatigue
  • nausea

However, in a cryptic pregnancy, these typical symptoms are absent which makes it difficult to discover a pregnancy. Even if you take a pregnancy test, it’s likely that it’ll show negative results even though you may have missed a period. As for other symptoms that you may experience such as nausea, one could easily mistake it for indigestion or stomach flu.

Other instances of such symptoms include fetal movements, weight gain and fatigue being mistaken for dietary or lifestyle choices. This is especially true for those who have never been pregnant before. In some cases, you may have been told that you have infertility issues or you have irregular periods. In such cases, you wouldn’t even consider pregnancy as the reason for your symptoms.

What are some Cryptic pregnancy symptoms

How can pregnancy tests be negative?

It’s true that at-home pregnancy tests and even ultrasounds can appear negative if you’re having a cryptic pregnancy. The cause for this will vary depending on each case, but essentially, the following applies:

  • You may have a negative pregnancy test result if you have PCOS, missed periods, are very active or athletic, or have given birth recently. Those who fall under this category are likely to have fluctuating hormones.
  • If you have irregular periods or if your uterus continues to shed, even partially, then there may not be sufficient accumulation of hCG (the pregnancy hormone). And if the hCG levels are not high enough, you won’t get a positive home pregnancy test.

How you can miss a growing belly in such pregnancies?

You’d wonder how can someone miss noticing a growing belly or weight gain which are the most common signs of a pregnancy. However, factors such as the position of the foetus, or how an individual’s body weight is distributed, have a huge impact in such cases. It’s possible that a person might not show a visibly growing belly or a distinct baby bump.

It is also common for the foetus to grow at a slower pace than usual in a cryptic pregnancy. This could also be the reason for underdevelopment in the womb.

Even with an ultrasound, there are chances that the foetus is missed. Usually, a pregnancy can be confirmed in the early stages, somewhere around 10 to 13 weeks. Before the seventh week, it is highly unlikely that a heartbeat would be detected.

If you tend to miss or miscalculate the conception period by a large margin or if you have an irregular ovulation pattern, it could make a huge difference. In the early stages of pregnancy, you may be unable to detect a heartbeat in an ultrasound.

Here are a couple other reasons why an ultrasound image wouldn’t show in a pregnancy:

  • If the embryo didn’t implant where it usually would on the uterus.
  • If the shape or position of the uterus hides the embryo.

Spotting or continued periods in cryptic pregnancy

Experiencing spotting or some amount of bleeding during pregnancy is quite normal. It’s not necessary that every bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage. So, in such situations, it is quite possible that a woman may mistake spotting or bleeding for her regular period in a cryptic pregnancy.

So, to answer the question, “can you be pregnant and not know?” the answer can very likely be yes. There is something known as implantation bleeding that occurs early on in the pregnancy when the embryo attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. It is highly likely for someone to mistake it for a period in a cryptic pregnancy.

Spotting or continued periods in cryptic pregnancy

In order to manage spotting or light bleeding, we suggest you use the best quality sanitary pads or panty liners like the ones Always has to offer. The ALWAYS Cotton Soft Pads are a great option as they have a comfortable top sheet with Innovative soft design for the best cushiony soft comfort. Its flexi channels allow ease of movement and unique flexi wings keep the pad in place so you can go about your day with ease and without any worry of leakage.

For those who want to manage spotting, you can also opt for the ALWAYS Comfort Protect panty liners which are designed to have a flexible and comfortable fit so you barely feel a thing. The liners have a fresh scent with odour-neutralizing technology that keeps you fresh and confident all day long. Its breathable design offers trusted dryness and long-lasting freshness.

Cryptic pregnancy: Classifications

Those who have cryptic pregnancy don’t realise that they are pregnant till the last few weeks of pregnancy or when they are about to give birth. Most often, someone with a cryptic pregnancy does not experience typical symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea, missed periods, abdominal swelling, etc.

Other than not being aware that they’re pregnant, some people may also deny that they are pregnant. Doctors have identified three classifications of cryptic, or hidden, pregnancies:

1. Affective

Those who fall under the affective denial of pregnancy acknowledge their pregnancy but do not prepare emotionally or physically for neither pregnancy, childbirth, nor parenting.

2. Psychotic

Psychotic denial of pregnancy are those who may have mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. The symptoms that they experience may be attributed to delusional reasons.

3. Pervasive

Those who lack emotional significance to pregnancy and don’t know that they are pregnant fall under pervasive denial of pregnancy. They also become aware of their pregnancy at a later stage and avoid getting medical help

Reasons for cryptic pregnancy

Not many women have regular cycles, most tend to face some or the other irregularities. And when you have fluctuating hormones, it can lead to some bleeding that is similar to a period. With all these elements happening in the background, you are most likely to ignore certain pregnancy symptoms and not think of taking a pregnancy test. And this is how many people with cryptic pregnancies miss the signs.

Those who have cryptic pregnancy typically have the below conditions as well:

1. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

This is a condition that creates hormonal imbalances, causes missed or irregular periods, as well as restricts your fertility.

2. Perimenopause

It is the phase before menopause, when you get your periods less consistently and gradually stop completely. The symptoms of perimenopause such as weight gain and hormone fluctuations are similar to those of a pregnancy.

3. Birth control pills and intrauterine devices (IUDs)

If you use such birth control devices, you may be confident that a pregnancy just isn’t a possibility for you. While these are pretty effective methods, there is a possibility of getting pregnant even with an IUD in place.

4. Pregnancy after becoming a new mom

Getting pregnant again after a pregnancy, before you get your periods again, is a possibility. With breastfeeding and other hormonal factors causing a delay in ovulation and periods, you may think that your symptoms are your body’s way to adjusting to its postpartum state whereas actually you’re pregnant once again.

5. Physical health

Having low body fat and extreme athletic activity can delay your period for months at a time. Additionally, those who are involved in high-impact sports may also have low levels of certain hormones, which makes it harder to detect a pregnancy.

Cryptic Pregnancy: Risk factors

It is observed that even after a cryptic pregnancy, women do deliver healthy babies. However, there is no denying that there are risks involved as well.

  1. One of the most important factors is the fact that you miss out on important prenatal care and vitamins that help in the growth and development of your baby. Other elements such as physical exams, blood tests, and ultrasound scans too are missed that are vital in ensuring you and your baby are healthy.
  2. Not getting regular tests and check-ups means you won’t know whether you or your baby are at risk for any complications such as anemia, gestational diabetes, or birth defects.
  3. Inability to make healthy changes such as getting the right nutrition, avoiding alcohol or stopping certain medications.

Curious about the signs ovulation is over? Our guide offers clear insights to help you understand your cycle better.

A rare condition but not uncommon, cryptic pregnancies do occur. If you notice any irregularities in your menstrual cycle or any other new symptoms that could indicate a cryptic pregnancy, speak with your doctor.

Stay well prepared for your next period by tracking it on Always Period Calculator.


1. How do you know if you have a cryptic pregnancy?

Those who have cryptic pregnancy don’t realise that they are pregnant till the last few weeks of pregnancy or when they are about to give birth. Most often, someone with a cryptic pregnancy does not experience typical symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, missed periods, abdominal swelling, etc.

2. Can you still get your period during a cryptic pregnancy?

Technically, if you’re pregnant you won’t get your period. However, it’s pretty normal to experience spotting or some amount of bleeding during pregnancy so it is possible that a woman may mistake spotting or bleeding for period in a cryptic pregnancy.

3. Can a pregnancy test pick up cryptic pregnancy?

It’s possible to get a false negative result if you have fluctuating hormones. This applies for those who have PCOS, missed or absent periods, are very active or athletic, or have given birth recently. Moreover, if you have irregular periods or if your uterus continues to shed, even partially, then there may not be sufficient hCG (the pregnancy hormone) levels, which are required to get a positive home pregnancy test.

Please note the date of the last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.