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Bacterial Vaginosis: What’s Causing It and How to Treat It!

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Bacterial Vaginosis: What’s Causing It and How to Treat It!

Are you experiencing discharge that has a fishy odour to it? Chances are you are facing an episode of bacterial vaginosis (BV). It’s a common infection that can be treated easily. It mostly affects women in their reproductive years. However, it's imperative for women of all ages to be aware of the symptoms caused by bacterial vaginosis.

We at ALWAYS believe that no woman should be deprived of the best personal and intimate care. Thus, to help you out, we’ve lined up the bacterial vaginosis causes and symptoms along with a few bacterial vaginosis treatment options. So, keep on reading!

What Is Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection caused by the overgrowth of bacteria in your vagina. Typically, different types of bacteria - good and bad, are naturally found in your vagina. They are responsible for keeping your vagina healthy. But when there’s a bacterial imbalance, you may face an episode of bacterial vaginosis.


What are Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms?

Women experiencing bacterial vaginosis often have no symptoms. However, some women complain about experiencing pain while urinating, itchiness around the vaginal region and an increase in their vaginal discharge. Here are some other characteristics that follow bacterial vaginosis discharge:

1. Thin white vaginal discharge

2. Grey or green vaginal discharge

3. Fishy, foul-smelling discharge which becomes stronger after having intercourse

To combat the icky discharge, using panty liners is your best option. Try out the ALWAYS Multiform Protect Panty Liners which are extra thin giving you comfort all day long. These liners also have a fresh scent and are dermatologically tested, making it safe for your skin

Bacterial Vaginosis Causes

The primary reason behind bacterial vaginosis is the imbalance of bacteria caused in your vagina. Typically, lactobacillus, a type of good bacteria found in the vagina, keeps the vagina slightly acidic. This act safeguards the vagina from an overgrowth of bad bacteria named anaerobes. But when the lactobacillus levels decrease, it makes way for anaerobes to multiply in number and thereby causing bacterial vaginosis.

Here are some of the causes of bacterial imbalance in the vagina:

1. Douching

2. Pregnancy

3. Using antibiotics

4. Not using protection during intercourse

5. Having intercourse with a new partner or multiple partners

Bacterial Vaginosis vs Yeast Infection

There are chances that you might mistake BV with yeast infection. The clear demarcation between BV vs yeast infection is the colour and smell of your vaginal discharge. BV results from bacterial imbalance and causes thin white, sometimes green or grey foul-smelling discharge. On the other hand, yeast infection is led by overgrowth of fungus which causes thick, creamy, odourless discharge.

Risk factors

Any woman can develop a BV infection, but the following factors can make one more prone to it:

1. Douching

Using certain feminine hygiene products to wash your vagina can easily upset your vaginal natural balance. This in turn can make you easily catch a BV infection.

2. Having intercourse with new or multiple partners

Doctors have noted this factor to be a common one among many cases but the reason behind it, is still in finding.

3. Have an intrauterine device (IUD)

This is another factor linked to the causes of bacterial vaginosis. However, doctors are yet to confirm the direct cause.

A point to note here is that one cannot catch a BV infection through toilet seats, shared bedding or swimming pools. Likewise, bacterial vaginosis is not an STI but having intercourse with a new partner or multiple may make you more susceptible to it.

How is Bacterial Vaginosis Diagnosed

How is Bacterial Vaginosis Diagnosed?

In situations like these, heading to your doctor's clinic is the best option. To make the diagnosis, your doctor is likely to do the following:

1. Ask about your medical history

2. Conduct a pelvic exam

3. Test your vaginal pH

4. Collect a sample of your discharge to detect the bacteria

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

The treatment of bacterial vaginosis usually consists of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. It could be an oral antibiotic or a cream that is meant to be applied to the vagina. You need to make sure to complete the course. Typically, it takes up to seven days for the infection to go away. However, it depends upon the intensity of your infection. There are also the chances of the BV infection making a comeback, if not treated completely. There are a few cases where no treatment is required as BV clears up on its own.


Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis

While antibiotics can easily help you to clear up BV, here are a few home remedies for BV that can provide you some relief. Do consult your doctor before trying any of these remedies.

1. Probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria which are beneficial in fighting bacterial vaginosis. These are is found in foods like yogurt, some cottage cheese and kefir. There are also probiotics supplements available in the market that might help to restore the good bacteria in your vagina.

2. Boric Acid

This is one of the home remedies for bacterial vaginosis that contains antifungal and antiviral properties. There are studies that show using intravaginal boric acid in combination with antibiotic medications can treat BV. However, there isn’t enough proof to back this claim. It’s best to consult a doctor before opting for this remedy.

3. Garlic Supplements

Garlic has a number of compounds that contain natural antibacterial properties. These help in treating BV. There is very limited research over this home remedy. Thus, one should consult a doctor before opting for garlic oral supplement. Never use garlic in or around your vagina directly.

4. Tea Tree Oil

There are talks in the market that tea tree oil treats BV. But there isn’t any concrete, scientific proof that backs this claim. Tea tree oil supplements can lead to allergies. Thus, consulting a doctor before using it is a must!

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Just like tea tree oil, this is one of the home remedies of BV which is said to treat BV. But doesn’t have any legitimate backing.

What Are The Different Ways To Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis?

To reduce the risk of BV, here are a few things that you can do:

1. Avoid douching:

Using harsh soaps or washes can easily irritate the vaginal pH levels. So, refrain from douching.

2. Using good quality menstrual products:

Opt for sanitary pads and tampons which provide you with the right comfort and protection. Try out the ALWAYS Cotton Soft Pads which have a comfortable top sheet and an innovative absorbent core that locks the menstrual discharge and keeps you comfortable. Additionally, the Flexi wings keep your pad in place and enable you to have worry-free movement. For tampon users, the ALWAYS Tampax Cardboard Tampons is a great pick. It has an innovative absorbent core and protective skirt that ensures minimum leakage and maximum protection. Likewise, its anti-slip grip enables easy insertion.

3. Using protection while having intercourse:

This will minimise the risk of catching the infection or spreading it further.

4. Wear breathable panties:

Tight or uncomfortable panties can make things moist down there. This moisture then becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and takes no time to turn into an infection. Thus, it's best to use cotton panties.


If left untreated, bacterial vaginosis can lead to a few complications as follows:

1. Sexually transmitted infections:

BV can make you more susceptible to STIs like herpes simplex virus, chlamydia or gonorrhoea. It can also increase the probability of you passing HIV to your partner.

2. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID):

Sometimes, BV can lead to PID wherein your uterus and fallopian tubes get an infection. This increases the risk of infertility.

3. Preterm birth:

Pregnant women with BV may go into premature deliveries and have a low-birth-weight baby.

4. Increased risk of post-surgical infection:

If you have bacterial vaginosis and are going through surgical procedures like hysterectomy, it can dial up the risk of catching post-surgical infections.


Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection led by a bacterial imbalance. Even though it's a mild condition, it can invite further complications. Thus, it’s best to visit a doctor as soon as you notice that something is off with your vagina. It could be itching or expelling foul-smelling discharge, you must get it checked and treated. After the right treatment, your BV will clear up in just a few days and you can go back to being the picture of health!

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1. What is the difference between bacterial vaginosis vs yeast infection?

The key differences between BV vs yeast infection are as follows:

  • The former is caused due to bacterial imbalance while the latter is caused by the overgrowth of Candida fungus.

  • Bacterial vaginosis discharge is thin white or grey and has a fishy odour. On the other hand, discharge caused by a yeast infection is often thick, creamy and odourless.

2. What happens if BV is left untreated?

If BV is left untreated it can increase the risk of you catching sexually transmitted diseases like herpes simplex virus, chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Additionally, you might have a pre-term labour or a low-birth weight baby.

3. Can one get bacterial vaginosis (BV) multiple times?

Yes, there are chances of catching the BV symptoms multiple times. You must consult your doctor and check for modified solutions.

Please note the date of the last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always is committed to ensuring that all of our products meet rigorous safety standards; Always pads prioritize safety, protection and comfort of its consumers.