Smelly discharge During Pregnancy: What’s Going On Down There?
Mom-to-be, lately noticed something icky or smelly down there? Yes, we’re talking about vaginal smell during pregnancy. Wasn’t it enough that you were dealing with morning sickness, that pregnancy discharge smell is here to overwhelm you as well? At first, it can leave you worrisome but there’s no need to panic. Smelly discharge during pregnancy could possibly be a sign of infection but it can be treated with the right medication.
Before your imagination runs wild, let us help you understand the cause behind smelly discharge during pregnancy. While we are at it, we’ve enlisted ways to get rid of fishy odour during pregnancy and tips on how to prevent pregnancy discharge smell.
Is Vaginal Smell During Pregnancy Normal?
Yes, experiencing mild vaginal smell during pregnancy is normal. Many women have shared this concern. It isn’t necessary that every woman would notice a pregnancy discharge smell. However, it isn't normal if your vaginal discharge during pregnancy has a fishy odour. It possibly could be a sign of yeast infection and would require medical attention.
Does Vaginal Discharge Change During Pregnancy?
Typically, vaginal discharge during pregnancy is thin and clear or white and has a mild odour. As your pregnancy advances, this discharge increases in quantity. However, when there’s any infection or health issue coming your way, this discharge changes colour, smell or consistency. So, it is essential that you keep a tab on any changes in your vaginal discharge.
What Causes Vaginal Smell During Pregnancy?
Be it first, second or third trimester, smelly discharge during pregnancy can occur at any time. It can be caused due to infections or dietary changes. Let’s look at each factor causing smelly discharge during pregnancy in detail.
1. Hormones
Just like your mood swings, you can blame your raging hormones for causing vaginal smell during pregnancy. When you are pregnant, your hormones are all over the place. Typically, there’s a spike in the progesterone and oestrogen levels. This leads to more vaginal discharge which at times may smell funky.
2. Bacterial vaginosis
If you notice fishy vaginal odour during pregnancy, chances are you’ve been infected with bacterial vaginosis. It is an infection caused due to overgrowth of bacteria in the vaginal region. This fishy, smelly discharge during pregnancy is more evident after intercourse. Sometimes, it can be accompanied by other symptoms like vaginal itching or burning. Seeking a doctor’s help is essential. If you leave it untreated, it can cause complications in your otherwise healthy pregnancy.
3. Yeast Infection
Another cause behind fishy odour during pregnancy is a yeast infection. It is caused by a fungus called candida that outgrows in your vaginal region. This condition can lead to itchiness, swelling or redness in your vagina. Consulting a doctor at the earliest is a must. With the right treatment, this infection is likely to clear up quickly.

4. Diet
Your eating habits could also be the reason for smelly discharge during pregnancy. If you eat garlic, onion, coffee or spicy foods, it can possibly lead to pregnancy discharge that smells funky. In such cases, speaking to your doctor is the best option. He will be able to guide you on which foods to eliminate from your diet. This in turn would lower your chances of a vagina that smells a little iffy.
5. Poor hygiene & pH Levels
Habits like douching or not bathing at all can also make your vaginal discharge during pregnancy smell. Likewise, using scented or chemical-based products can hamper the pH levels of your vagina. This ultimately can make your vagina secrete smelly discharge during pregnancy.

How to Get Rid of Smelly Discharge During Pregnancy
If an infection is a reason for your smelly discharge, then medication is the only way to get rid of it. Apart from that, there’s no one sure shot way to get rid of smelly vaginal discharge during pregnancy. However, here are a few easy ways that can help you tackle pregnancy discharge smell.
1. Wear Cotton Underwear
Wearing tight or underwear made from uncomfortable material can make you sweat down there. This might invite infection causing bacteria and lead to smelly discharge. Thus, opting for cotton fabric underwear is the best option. They are soft, breathable and comfortable for the skin.
2. Be Mindful Of Your Diet
Speak to your doctor and understand what kinds of foods are causing vaginal odour. As per his suggestions, make changes to your diet. Make sure to eat fruits which are suitable for your pregnancy and stay hydrated.
3. Use Pantyliners
Be it your early pregnancy discharge that smells or you notice smelly discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester, there’s one hero that helps all! It's none other than - pantyliners. This intimate hygiene partner keeps you fresh and clean down there. Try the ALWAYS Multiform Protect Panty Liners which are thinner than 1mm and provide a comfortable fit. These liners are mildly scented which keeps you fresh for a long time. They are dermatologically tested to be gentle on delicate skin.
Ways To Prevent Smelly Discharge During Pregnancy
If you want to make sure that smelly discharge during pregnancy doesn’t come your way at all, even in the third trimester, here are some ways to prevent it:
1. Avoid Douching -
Douching is a method of washing your vagina with water or any other pre-packaged douche fluids. Women often do it to eliminate vaginal odour. But it can easily irritate your vagina and disrupt its ecosystem. This might lead to infection.
2. Change Your Underwear Frequently -
You need to keep things as dry as possible down there. So, change your underwear when things feel a little too moist down there.
3. Stay Away From Scented Products -
Don’t make use of scented wipes or wash your panties with harmful detergents. These disrupt the pH levels of the vagina and may cause smelly discharge.

When To Visit A Doctor
If your vaginal smell is fishy or accompanied by other symptoms, then you must seek medical help. Contact a doctor in the following scenarios:
Abnormal change in your discharge, colour or consistency
Foul or fishy smelling discharge
Burning or itching sensation around your vagina or in your vulva region
Pain while having intercourse
Getting a strong, pungent smell from your vaginal discharge is normal. However, fishy, smelly discharge is typically a sign of infection. Here, seeking medical help and treating it at the earliest is important. Whether it's early pregnancy or you’ve reached the third trimester, smelly discharge during pregnancy needs to be addressed. So, don’t hesitate to talk about it with your doctor. Voice your concerns and go on to have a healthy pregnancy!
Now keep a track of your ovulation period with Aways Fertile Days Calculator.
1. What does early pregnancy discharge smell like?
Early pregnancy discharge is often odourless or sometimes may have a mild smell to it. This discharge is the by-product of higher levels of oestrogen in a pregnant body.
2. Is smelly discharge normal in the third trimester?
Yes, mildly smelly discharge is normal during the third trimester of your pregnancy. However, if it is accompanied by other symptoms like itchiness, redness or soreness around the vagina or if it smells fishy, medical help should be taken immediately.
3. How do I get rid of fishy odour during pregnancy?
Fishy odour during pregnancy is majorly caused due to infections like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection. The only way to get rid of these infections is by taking antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
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